Sagittarius man – Capricorn woman: horoscope compatibility

Sagittarius and Capricorn are antipodes, but this does not mean that they are incompatible. It is often said that opposites attract. Their union promises to be explosive, passionate and full of surprises. It is often said that in such a couple, relationships do not live for a long time due to different aspirations and goals in life. But everything is exclusively in your hands. One has only to get acquainted with the characteristics of the partner and the nuances of the upcoming relationship, and the union of the Capricorn woman and the Sagittarius man will sparkle with new colors.

The Sagittarius man is a storehouse of positive energy and the soul of the company. It seems that he can cheer up the most dull gathering of people and ignite the flame of bright emotions even in the most constrained person. Such a guy is a holiday person, which is both a plus and a minus. After all, eternal fun and carelessness can sometimes annoy and piss you off. Such a man is able to immediately grab the attention of a girl and charm her. Still: excellent humor, a constant smile, the nature of an adventurer. Isn’t this the perfect set to conquer any girl?

Sagittarians cannot imagine life without adventures and surprises. They really need a constant change of scenery for the thrill. Such people are very fickle. It is difficult for them to do something for a long time, they quickly get bored with a lot. They constantly crave the new and the unknown, so family life can weigh them down.

The Capricorn woman is an example of a purposeful careerist who goes to her goal, no matter what it costs her. She is endowed not only with an incredible capacity for work and diligence, but also with stunning charm and a craving for flirtatiousness, which helps her resort to little tricks when competing. Such a girl knows how to control her emotions and show only what is beneficial to her. She always keeps herself within the bounds of decency and does not allow herself anything that could ruin their reputation. Believe me, Capricorns are very prudent. They know what they want and will do anything to get it. A sober mind and expediency are their faithful assistants in this matter.

Sometimes a Capricorn girl can seem very closed and gloomy. But do not think that she is always like that, this is just a business image, a shell behind which true emotions and feelings are hidden. Such women are afraid to be frank and spiritually open to few people. Capricorns will only do this if they are completely confident in a person, and it is very, very difficult to earn their recognition. Such girls do not like spontaneity and unpredictability. Their faithful companions in life are constancy and stability. For such people, everything is always planned for several months in advance, they are very organized and assiduous. Sudden and unexpected changes in life bring them discomfort and make them feel uncomfortable.

Love compatibility

Usually, relationships in such a pair are twisted very rapidly. At first, such a union even resembles a romance for a couple of days – explosive and spontaneous. But this is not at all what the Capricorn woman strives for, but what the Sagittarius man likes. In such a union, despite the calm and reasonable nature of the woman, there will be many quarrels, scandals and showdowns. This is not done to the liking of Capricorns, so a girl in such a relationship will often feel uncomfortable. A man, on the contrary, will even like this because of the influx of emotions and drive, which certainly will not let you get bored.

Such a couple is united by perseverance in everything and the desire to achieve their goals. They are ready to move mountains so that what the representatives of these signs have planned will come true. For them, rivalry is just as important, and most importantly, that their aspirations are different. Otherwise, it can even turn into hatred towards each other due to unrelenting competition and the desire to be the best. Having their own goals, these signs smooth out their own relationships. They are fascinated by the idea that their partner is just as eager for something. However, the Sagittarius man, even taking into account this trait of his character, is distinguished by his frivolity, which can incredibly irritate his companion, who loves seriousness and order in everything.

These signs, being in love and mutual understanding, are ready to change for each other and seek compromises. From the outside it seems that they are absolutely incompatible, but, having hopes and plans for a happy future, they, on the contrary, become like one whole. From the destructive influence and irritation in the relationship, they gradually, by common efforts, move to a positive impact on each other and harmony.

The Capricorn man is able to make his companion more open, teach her to relax and, at least for a while, take a break from work and her business image. Such a guy knows how important it is sometimes to break away and not think about anything, and wants to show this to his eternally serious couple. A woman, in turn, in such a relationship makes her partner more thrifty and prudent. She conveys how important it is to have at least a minimal order in your life and control it.

Marriage compatibility

The Capricorn woman, striving to do everything in her life according to the rules and canons, of course, is a supporter of relationships that ultimately lead to marriage. Yes, she needs a stamp in her passport, a solemn ceremony, and the observance of all traditions. She needs it just for her peace of mind, so that she always has the realization that she once again did everything right. The Capricorn man, on the contrary, is a great connoisseur of life without responsibility and obligations. The wedding seems to him an unnecessary farce, and the prospect of tying himself for life with one person is stupid and meaningless. However, if love and mutual understanding between partners flourishes in a relationship, a man gradually changes his principles and worldview to the opposite. But still, there is a huge risk that Sagittarius does not like family life and will induce him to have only one desire – to finish it as soon as possible.

The routine of marriage may not suit a man much, and a Capricorn woman in everyday life is the exact opposite of her partner in this case. And this, alas, will not increase their attraction, but, on the contrary, will push the spouses away from each other. A simple example: a girl who has been striving all her life for order in all its aspects will find it difficult to get along with a careless Sagittarius, for whom the mess is not a problem, but a “creative mess”. Also, life in marriage will be difficult due to different goals in life and landmarks. It is customary for a Capricorn woman to relax surrounded by her favorite literature, being at home, in coziness and comfort. The Strelna man, in turn, needs clubs, bars, new acquaintances and entertainment. Such a difference in interests can be a cause for contention, given that a man loves to spend his leisure time with alcohol, and a woman in such a relationship, in turn, cannot stand a drunken and cheeky spouse.

But, despite all these flaws, support and faith in each other will always flourish in a pair of Capricorn and Sagittarius. Spouses will cheer each other up in case of failures, preventing the partner from wasting away and going into a depressed state, which is quite likely with their natures of winners.

Raising children will be a huge difficulty for this couple. They look at it very differently. This will be especially noticeable when the child grows up and becomes a teenager. Alas, here it will be difficult for spouses to find a middle ground. It will always seem to Sagittarius that his partner demands too much from the child and keeps him in excessive severity. Capricorn will be outraged that her husband believes that permissiveness in education is the absolute norm.

Pros and cons of the union Sagittarius man – Capricorn woman

Yet, whatever the compatibility of the couple, each union has both its advantages and disadvantages. You just need to learn to live with them and accept it, or else look for compromises that would suit both partners. First, consider the obvious advantages of this union:

  • Antipodes attract, which will be the basis for the relationship of this couple.
  • Sagittarius and Capricorn act as a motivation for each other to strive for more and do everything better and harder. This will contribute to their success, both in their careers and in everyday life.
  • Partners in an alliance based on love and mutual desire for a happy relationship easily find compromises and thereby smooth out troubles.
  • A man will bring more colors and emotions into the life of his companion, making her life brighter and more interesting.
  • The constant development of both partners will contribute to personal growth and constant progress in various areas of life.
  • The Capricorn woman will be able to teach her partner to make her life more organized.
  • The girl in such a pair will serve as an incentive for the guy to be more responsible both in the case of work and living together.

Of course, there are fewer cons, because in most cases representatives of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn can find mutually beneficial ways out of difficult situations. However, it is still worth noting the negative aspects in this pair in order to warn partners against possible mistakes in the future:

  • Long-term relationships and marriage can bring discomfort to Sagittarius due to routine and lack of variety.
  • The life of such a couple will be difficult, since Capricorn, due to his sloppiness and carelessness, will greatly annoy his companion. This can lead to constant fights.
  • The interests of a partner may not coincide at all, which makes it seem to them that they are absolutely strangers to each other.
  • Capricorn and Sagittarius have completely different goals and guidelines in life. Therefore, being together can bring them discomfort.
  • A girl can be unnecessarily demanding of a guy, sometimes literally demanding “an asterisk from heaven.”
  • During a long relationship, partners may even hate each other because of the large number of quarrels and skirmishes.

Thus, representatives of these Constellations can create a completely worthy union. And now, knowing about all the nuances and advantages of such a couple as a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man, the reader will be able to improve their relationship, or prepare for the upcoming ones. Good luck and love! Sagittarius

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