The child of the Moon, the young girl Cancer and the energetic, quirky man Sagittarius, the true son of Jupiter, born in fire. What less compatible pair can we imagine? However, everything is not so simple. As experts say, opposites actually attract each other. The representative of the sign Cancer is a mysterious person, from the very childhood she surprises her parents with the fact that she feels existence very subtly, finds lost things and is sincerely interested in mysticism and history. And the cheerful Sagittarius in his youth is completely irrepressible, he loves hiking in the forest with friends, noisy holidays. The process of growing up does not change these two people at all, they remain the same. Where can Cancer Woman and Sagittarius Man meet?
The Cancer girl loves to spend most of her time at home, alone, doing self-development and studying various disciplines. Cancer is a very economic, excellent hostess, she knows how to cook a great variety of dishes. Sagittarius, on the other hand, likes to spend more time outside the home, looking for adventure and new experiences. These characters will be able to get acquainted only by the will of fate, by great chance. The meeting will be magnificent, like everything that happens completely by chance. A couple can be united by the tenderness of Cancer and the perkyness of Sagittarius. These two signs will begin to change each other for the better, learn from a partner. Lady Cancer will be able to become more sociable thanks to her fiery man, she will be able to get rid of her tightness and bloom in a riotous color. Sagittarius will become more patient and, in response to the tenderness of his beloved, will surround her with love and care. A man will learn to restrain his energy and direct it only in the right direction, which will help him get rich and, possibly, become famous.
The existence of this couple will bring complete benefits to both partners if they equally try and work on the relationship. Also, an indispensable component for creating overall happiness in these signs is trust. Only by listening to each other, they can be together.
It is extremely important for partners to see a like-minded person in each other. This position will help the couple a lot. Otherwise, the couple may eventually disperse. Sagittarius is the complete opposite of Cancer – Cancer is a romantic person, if he falls in love, then he loves for a very long time, without deceit and betrayal. And the girl will expect the same from the flirtatious Sagittarius, for whom it seems very interesting to flirt with some nice lady. Partners can be united by a common cause, hobby, for example, collecting. Or lovers can work in the same team side by side. There are different options, the main one is that it is communication and friendship that will become the connecting thread for these two.
Love compatibility
For a Sagittarius man and a Cancer woman, compatibility in love relationships is extremely small, but there are happy exceptions to this sad statistic. In some situations, true love actually brings these dissimilar people together. The mysterious girl really ignites Sagittarius, but as soon as she gets closer, his interest begins to fade. The reason for this is that they have different outlooks on life. For a fiery man, love is the same as a dance, a game. For a calm Cancer girl, love is something that lasts forever. If there is love between these characters, there is no longer logic, only solid emotions. This can interfere with relationships a little, especially in everyday life, when the candy-bouquet period is slowly coming to an end.
However, in this union there is a high degree of mutual understanding in the pair. It arises largely thanks to a patient girl who, for the sake of great love, forgives a lot to her lover. Such a woman will never leave the relationship herself, she can only try to change her man a little. But Sagittarius does not give in to such manipulations, but, on the contrary, begins to treat the person who is trying to manipulate him worse.
The Cancer girl is advised to trust her partner and not try to change him the way you want, otherwise this can lead to a showdown, and Sagittarius loves a positive relationship between a man and a woman. Dissatisfied with the behavior of his beloved, he may become interested in another woman. To keep a fiery man next to her, the girl will have to show a small amount of cunning and give more freedom to her partner. In the sexual sphere, the needs of partners are equal, even if they approach this process from different angles. Lady Cancer needs romance and perceives sex as an opportunity to retire with a partner, to give a little tenderness and affection. And for the Sagittarius man, this is an exciting adventure, an experiment and a way to have fun, rather than a love process. But the difference in views does not at all become an obstacle for partners in this area, passions boil, since the sexual temperaments of partners are equal.
Marriage compatibility
In marriage, a man remains the same carefree youth, which may surprise a serious Cancer woman a little, because she takes the issue of creating a family very responsibly. Even the legal formalization of relations will not make an exemplary family man out of a fiery man, but he will become a great friend to his children, which will greatly help in their upbringing. Even grown children will remember for a long time the cheerful energetic father who created the wonderful world of childhood for them. Over time, a matured man will become a more exemplary family man. At the beginning of the formation of the family, he will forget household trifles, so that many household duties will fall on the shoulders of his beloved. Such a woman will patiently do even what she does not quite like, except that she will spend a little more time alone than usual.
Over time, the fiery Sagittarius will suppress some frivolity in himself, which will make the woman trust her spouse more. A man will be captivated by the subtle spiritual organization of his beloved, her patient and gentle character, and surround her with love to the fullest. To unlock the potential of this union, Sagittarius needs to appreciate his woman, and she needs to get used to his energy and high sociality.
As soon as the representative of the zodiac sign Cancer realizes that she has met a reliable man on her life path, harmony will reign in the family. The Cancer Woman will begin to shed the veil of detachment, and Sagittarius will see in her a completely different person, close in spirit, free inside.
The attitude towards finances among the representatives of the signs of fire and water is also slightly different. Sagittarius can not count money, spend large amounts, while earning very well. This man has a money flair, money starts to flow like water when he starts doing what he really loves. The Cancer Woman treats money very carefully, she always saves something for a “rainy day”. If the marriage was concluded by calculation, there are high chances that this union will last a very long time. A common business will become very profitable if the spouse takes on the settlement part, and the spouse deals with contracts and communication. Common activity will reliably strengthen the union. A marriage concluded for love has a low probability of becoming successful, if the difference in temperaments is too great, it will not be possible to get around sharp corners. The Sagittarius man does not know how to quietly resolve issues and loves to argue. But the character of the Cancer woman leaves much to be desired, for all her patience, the fieryness of Sagittarius can awaken in her not the best qualities.
Pros and cons of the union Sagittarius man – Cancer woman
There are only a couple of positive aspects in the union of this couple. All of them are connected with the fact that both partners initially see mutual benefit in cooperation.
- In work, this couple together can achieve great results due to the activity of Sagittarius and the perseverance, hard work of the Cancer woman. These two personalities will actively promote each other up the career ladder.
- Marriage relations can only be strong if they are based on mutual benefit, and if the marriage is based on feelings of strong emotional attachment, the marriage can quickly fall apart.
This union has more minuses than pluses, but still the union has a place to be.
- Sexual needs of partners practically do not coincide – a couple can be equally interested in sex only at the beginning of a relationship, when they play the rule of attraction of opposites. In the future, the couple will have a lot of struggle for this relationship, provided that both are interested in continuing it.
- Differences in characters and temperament will greatly affect all areas of life. An active Sagittarius will not want to stay at home for a long time, will not be able to devote all his time to his beloved alone, which she will really expect from a man. Such characteristic behavior of Sagittarius will entail jealousy on the part of a woman who will try to control a man.
- The Cancer woman wants family evenings, she is focused on creating comfort in the family nest. All this is completely unnecessary for Sagittarius, he cares little about the everyday side of life, he is rather passionate about life itself, which cannot be said about the representative of the zodiac sign Cancer.
- A frequent company of friends, noisy gatherings of a lover, sooner or later, can begin to disturb a woman, which will lead to a variety of consequences.
The union of a Sagittarius man and a Cancer woman can only be built on the basis of mutual respect, when each of the partners will provide enough personal space to the other partner. Long-term communication between these signs is possible if there is any urgent need for this. Sagittarius and Cancer can be old acquaintances, friends, work colleagues, they are always ready to help each other in a difficult situation, but this may not become a link between them both in everyday life and in love.