Sagittarius man – Aries woman: horoscope compatibility

The desire to understand and support each other is the main key to the happiness of partners. As in any relationship, the path to understanding in this union will be thorny. The fiery Sagittarius and the wise Aries woman will have to get to know each other better before starting a relationship. They will be united by mutual interest in outdoor activities and career growth. Inclined to quickly climb the career ladder, with a common love of work and natural cunning, lovers will achieve success together. Mutual ability to win will help understanding each other. Having many mutual friends, the couple will spend most of their time in their circles. But love of freedom can lead to misunderstanding and the emergence of new questions on the basis of jealousy. But such minor conflicts are resolved without problems in this pair.

A man sincerely admires a wise beloved, who is capable of achieving all her goals with her perseverance and work. This perseverance of the Aries woman makes Sagittarius strive for new achievements.

Every day, love flares up more strongly if the lovers invest in this union and try to spend as much time as possible together, while not taking away each other’s personal space. After all, for a woman, love is only a part of life, and not all of life. Lady Aries will be very responsible for a partner after she chooses the “best of the best.” Since she will not tolerate any man in the house, especially not suitable for her, or whose life goals are contrary to her own views. In the initial period of a relationship with a Sagittarius man, she will slightly critically observe his behavior as a partner, not forgetting to enjoy his charming company. Ultimately, she will realize that they are very similar in their views, and this will only strengthen their union.

Love compatibility

Compatibility in love of Aries and Sagittarius is also very successful – their impulses are united by the fact that they are both representatives of the elements of fire, which means they have similar temperaments and common interests. In a love relationship, they are tender to each other, no matter how close they are. As they get closer, their relationship becomes sweeter, and the opportunities to build a successful union grow. Sagittarius man in this case is more compliant than his partner, because of the ability to understand the emotions of others.

It is highly likely that Sagittarius will achieve a lot in this pair because of the influential and strong Aries woman, if they play by fair rules. Sagittarius A man will quickly become interested in an energetic girl, and a fairly quick rapprochement will occur between them.

There is a small chance of a conflict on the basis of jealousy. The freedom-loving Sagittarius loves to spend a lot of time in the company of friends, interest in unfamiliar bright personalities does not fade away. On the part of the Aries girl, this can be recognized as the infidelity of a lover, which will cause some trauma to self-esteem. In fact, the sociability and charm of Sagittarius are not a minus, since this trait helps him not to get lost in unfamiliar situations and build social relationships. A jealous Aries girl may begin to show attempts to control Sagittarius, which is highly discouraged. The representative of this zodiac sign has a panic fear of women who limit his freedom. For this reason, it is better to replace strict attacks with spiritual conversation and try to surround your beloved with a large halo of freedom.

Relationships in this pair will go uphill immediately after they start. Sagittarius will definitely like such a girl: she is quite proactive, active, but she will never take the reins from her lover. An active man will remain at the helm, which will always suit him. As you know, a happy man makes his woman happy, so the girl will definitely receive a prize from fate for her practical character. With an impending conflict, she will push back the quarrel, resolving issues in a feminine wise, extremely delicately. For both Sagittarius and Aries, this union will be very successful, because they have common goals and learn from each other all the best that they have. A Sagittarius man with an Aries woman will become more self-confident, and Aries will learn to restrain his character.

Marriage compatibility

The marriage between Sagittarius and Aries will be very successful, as it is a strong union of people of similar temperament. They can create a very friendly family. Quarrels over trifles are excluded, since the spouses cover each other’s shortcomings with their pluses. Sagittarius expected more housekeeping from the Aries woman, but this does not interfere at all in everyday life, because she is good in other areas. The Aries woman is not capable of betrayal, of discussing her husband with her friends, she is also not vindictive. In bed, perfect compatibility is also observed between spouses, sparks fly, so there is no reason to go for betrayal, how to look for an adventure on the side. Fiery Sagittarius prefers a woman who obeys him, so she should not take too much initiative in bed. Also, she should not control her man too much, so that he does not lose a sense of freedom, remains in some “game”. If the wife begins to follow her husband, another woman may appear in his life, which the wife may not know about.

Conflicts in the family are also excluded. If disagreements arise at home, this will not benefit the family. Previously unresolved problems may escalate. Although they can be avoided if the spouses are more attentive to each other and remember the feelings that flared up in them at the first meeting.

It will be very easy to maintain the balance in such a marriage, since Aries and Sagittarius complement each other. The Sagittarius man is a kind of engine of development in the family, and the wife of Aries will be able to perfectly manage the house, maintain the hearth. The ideal relationship in this pair will become an example for many people around them who dream of creating their own family. Together they can even develop a very successful business by investing a common effort. You just have to be careful with finances, because the impulsive Sagittarius loves a beautiful and luxurious life very much. A pair of Sagittarius and Aries looks very peaceful and happy, they lead each other’s life into a calm rhythm. They feel both dear to each other, and both want to be dearly loved. The joy of being married is noticeable to others, society quickly accepts them as a legitimate couple.

Pros and cons of the union Sagittarius man and Aries woman

Sagittarius is a bright character who can bring enough brightness into the life of any person to inspire him to deeds and accomplishments, so there are a lot of Pluses in this pair.

  • In these relationships, Sagittarius can become a kind of inspiration, because of which the career of an Aries woman will go uphill. All this will positively affect her self-esteem and outlook on life.
  • Also, Sagittarius is able to achieve a lot on his own, which will sincerely please Aries, who will try his best to support his beloved partner. After all, the best partners are those who support each other in all endeavors.
  • Sagittarius can become a strong teacher and mentor for Aries, who will want to be equal to a strong Sagittarius, the potential of Aries will be revealed in full force.
  • Aries, in turn, will direct the unbridled energy of his man in the right, right direction. Sagittarius will be able to curb his love for unnecessary waste of time and put his life energy into the realization of his ideas. This could be the start of something new and potentially beautiful.
  • All experiments and adventures in this pair are perceived with a bang, so joint activities will splash with positive energy. The man will act as the initiator, but the woman will not remain on the sidelines with her stunning ideas.
  • The innocent, childish look of Aries on life will help Sagittarius to take a fresh look at everything. A new vision of life will be useful for the excessive criticality of a man.

There are definitely fewer negative points in this pair than pluses:

  • A man and a woman need to carefully choose the person who will be with them for a very long time, and perhaps even for a lifetime. It is better not to choose Sagittarius partners with a negative reputation. And Sagittarius, in turn, pay attention to the character and cons of Aries.
  • The main cause of conflicts can be the fiery nature of these two signs: they burn out quickly if at the beginning of a love relationship they light up too easily. A small pile of problems can increase the amount of conflict if the partners are inexperienced in love and relationships.
  • Impulsive Aries can shift all responsibility onto the shoulders of Sagittarius, and he, in turn, does not like it when there is too much of it.
  • Sagittarius can be too demanding of his partner, in anticipation of the dedication that he puts into everything he does.

The playful nature of Sagittarius may require a new love experience in the arms of admirers, which will break the heart of an Aries. But one must be softer in this sense in relation to a man – his thirst for adventure and new experience is to blame. A mature man is unlikely to risk a relationship dear to his heart for the sake of a fleeting passion, because Sagittarius must reach a sufficient degree of maturity for the sake of this relationship.

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