Sagittarius and Sagittarius: compatibility of signs according to the horoscope

Sagittarius is one of the brightest signs of the Zodiac in every sense: in the manifestation of emotions, in achieving success, visual attractiveness and sociability in interaction with others. A pair of Sagittarius attracts attention, and after the first meeting leaves an impression, and it is different for everyone around. Not every person of a different sign can understand and accept the excessive social activity of Sagittarius. However, representatives of this sign do not contradict each other. After meeting, they seem to see the other from the inside, feel kinship. Between them there is a strong desire to continue communication and start a longer relationship. What is the compatibility of these signs in different areas, we will consider in more detail.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius always require increased attention to themselves, this is inherent in nature. They are attracted by social activities that allow them to be “in sight”. Even in a narrow circle, they strive to express their own point of view and attract attention in various ways, whether it be philosophical statements or funny anecdotes.

And this only adds to them a lot of acquaintances and friends from various fields. At the same time, people of this sign are so carried away by others that they often neglect the interests of loved ones, and this often leads to conflicts. Successful Sagittarians realize themselves in politics, business, and teaching. At every opportunity they demonstrate their independence and freedom. The constant activity of Sagittarius helps them reach the top in any professional field. Often these are generalists. Occupying a managerial position, they treat subordinates with understanding, cope with multitasking and a busy schedule.

Sagittarius men can be married several times, and the motivation to marry is very different: for love, for convenience, because of a career. Despite his sociability, the Sagittarius man should not immediately be believed, his actions will better show his intentions. However, he is capable of long-term relationships by choosing a woman for himself who will not limit his freedom, at least to demonstrate his protest. Jealous, constantly controlling persons immediately repel the Sagittarius man. It is important for him to be idolized, listened to, and moderately argued. The bright features of the constellation Sagittarius are equally reflected in the woman born under this sign. She also expects unconditional love from her partner and demands to accept all her ideas, even crazy ones. At the first meeting with a man, she often restrains her emotions, but in the future her activity begins to “gain momentum”: she requires a walk, romantic meetings, surprises, unexpected trips. All this is inherent in her, the Sagittarius woman. She will never let her partner get bored, no matter how old she is. Her sociability, which is generally inherent in this sign, allows her to have a wide circle of acquaintances, she considers each of them to be her best friend. Being overly trusting and naive, the Sagittarius woman is often disappointed in people, but still continues to believe in the world around her.

Love compatibility

These two signs are attracted to each other from the first meeting. Without noticing it, they become the center of attention, from which they always enjoy communication, even in an unfamiliar company. When these two are together on a holiday, it becomes noisy and not at all boring. At home gatherings, their intimate conversations and the wisdom of life take place. So, a couple of Sagittarius are always welcome in any situation. Both partners value their natural independence, but this does not prevent them from being together. They have the same entertainment, a single outlook on life, they like activity, sociability. Joint pastime can be very different: going to theaters, cinema, traveling, hobby club. The main thing is not to infringe on each other’s interests and give the partner freedom in everything: in expressing feelings, opinions, in behavior, in bed. Sagittarians perfectly understand their partner, and, perhaps, this is the most selfless couple during the period of falling in love.

Together they can go through many trials and vicissitudes of fate, if they really value relationships. Sagittarians care and protect only those who they really need, who they need at the moment.

In most cases, Sagittarians manage to get out of difficult situations at ease, which makes life easier, but does not make it possible to see valuable personality traits in their “half”. The passion for each other is facilitated by a common desire for freedom, which intuitively attracts them to continue the relationship. Most often, among such couples, relationships without obligations are common. And this can take years. The manifestation of feelings for each other can take place simultaneously with flirting on the side. Being together stimulates them and the fact that in interaction with their partner they often meet resistance, controversial points, clash of views. This satisfies their need to overcome obstacles, to realize the opportunity to “be heard”. From the outside, it seems that this is the perfect couple, with passion and tenderness. However, their stormy romance most often remains a pleasant impression both for themselves and for those around them. The selfishness of both partners is too bright. To achieve harmony, there is not enough tact, diplomacy, the ability to find a compromise, but everything can be learned when a person is dear to you.

Marriage compatibility

Very rarely, such a combination of signs leads to a serious relationship. If a couple of Sagittarius nevertheless decided to tie the knot of marriage, then this already says a lot, of course, subject to mutual love, and not selfish goals. If at the first stage the couple is already learning to find compromises, then this is the key to a successful relationship in the future. These two can really become “halves” of each other, and if only one of the spouses appears in the company of friends, then not only for others, but also for himself, the second may feel a lack of “himself”. At the same time, in a pair, they not only complement each other, but also need to communicate with a partner. After all, they are both relaxed in feelings, thoughts, behavior. It seems that they have an unconditional understanding as a couple. They are rarely hypocritical to a partner, often straightforward, but sincere in their words. Together, the spouses solve many family issues, but those that are related to money are the hardest to succeed. But despite these difficulties, they can also continue traveling, do not repair the apartment for a long time, and spend most of the time at a party during the entire period of their life together.

In an effort to always be active, visiting different places of pleasant pastime, the issue of finance is often overlooked by both spouses. In this regard, despite the adult, already a separate life, this married couple may be criticized by loved ones. But Sagittarians always find acquaintances who are happy to help them restore domestic and financial issues again.

In family life, clashes of views, disputes become frequent, especially with regard to domestic problems. Indeed, from the first days of marriage, obligations arise that the rest of the signs of the zodiac would by default accept in fulfillment. But for representatives of the constellation Sagittarius, this is not included in the plans of a free person. The most important thing for a Sagittarius couple is to go through a period of grinding, living together. Entering into marriage, only after some time of living together, Sagittarius begin to treat each other’s character with understanding, overcome quarrels, if they sincerely want happiness in family life. Partners gradually come to understand that excessive temper only violates their family atmosphere. Getting used to each other, in the future they can intentionally and consciously restrain their own outbursts of emotions in order to maintain relationships. Being together helps them their natural tendency to “easy” life. Partners do not dramatize difficult life situations, but always look to the future with optimism and present their family plans with great enthusiasm.

Pros and cons of the union Sagittarius man – Sagittarius woman

The fiery union of Sagittarius has many advantages. General views on love, family relationships, life in general helps to understand a partner, accept him with all his features. This feature allows you to condescendingly treat an emotional and straightforward partner, overcome difficult moments and quickly reach a truce. The positive aspects of the union include the following:

  • Representatives of this sign have a really positive outlook on the world.
  • Over time, there is a complete understanding and acceptance of the partner.
  • Indulgence to negative manifestations of the partner’s character also manifests itself after a certain period, but remains forever.
  • There is no jealousy in the couple.
  • Sagittarians are cheerful and quickly move away from insults and quarrels.
  • The pair have an absolute similarity in their outlook on life.
  • Each of the partners has a common dreaminess and faith in a better future.
  • The ability to find a way out of any situation, support for each other is present in the character of every Sagittarius.

Sagittarius relationships can be broken by their common natural feature – the need for freedom and selfishness. This can contribute to the fact that partners bother each other. After all, they need to constantly expand their horizons, new impressions and emotions are needed. If a couple decides to leave, then usually it happens calmly, this decision comes in a joint discussion. After a breakup, Sagittarius most often remain good friends, continue to support each other, and close relationships always remain pleasant memories for them, the best period in life. The disadvantages of the union are the following features:

  • Getting used to each other leads to a deterioration in relations, possibly a break.
  • Inability to look at things objectively, often exaggeration of information.
  • The constant need for impressions of both partners prevents the solution of real problems.
  • The disadvantage of most Sagittarians is irascibility, excessive emotionality, even aggressiveness.
  • The tendency of Sagittarius by any means to attract the attention of others. This can disrupt relationships with loved ones due to ignoring their interests and opinions.

The Union of Sagittarius is distinguished by brightness, emotionality, liveliness. Together they have a huge resource to overcome everyday difficulties. However, they will be able to be together harmoniously and for a long time only if I am aware of the responsibility for each other’s happiness, family life and happiness.

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