Ginger oil – vegetable oil, which is obtained by pressing or extraction from the seeds of a herbaceous plant – camelina. A distinctive feature of the product is a high content of phospholipids, tocopherol, carotenoids, omega acids. Thanks to these compounds, crude camelina oil is more resistant to oxidation than other oils (sesame, linseed, corn, grape, sunflower).
The scope of application of the product is quite wide. It is used in folk and traditional medicine, cooking, animal husbandry, perfumery, cosmetology, and industry (for the production of drying oil, alkyd resins, soap). Oil plant stalks are used as a temporary roof for the manufacture of packaging containers and brushes.
Ryzhikovoe oil has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action, prolongs the youth of the body, has an antitumor effect.
Useful Properties
The high value of the product is primarily due to a record amount of omega-3 acids (35% by weight), which normalize lipid, cholesterol metabolism, support normal heart function.
Other useful properties:
- Relieves from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the appearance of ulcers, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis. It improves the condition of people suffering from fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, stones in the bile ducts. Ryzhikovoe oil kills harmful microorganisms, has anthelmintic properties, heals erosions on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.
- Strengthens blood vessels, protects walls from sticking of harmful cholesterol, neutralizes free radicals, normalizes blood pressure. Polyunsaturated acids, phytosterols, magnesium, vitamins A, E, which are part of camelina oil, help regulate blood coagulation, maintain normal hemoglobin.
- Normalizes hormones in lactating mothers and pregnant women, improves the well-being of girls experiencing premenstrual syndrome. Reduces pain during menstruation.
- Strengthens immunity.
- It prevents the appearance of diabetes, osteoporosis, prostatitis, atherosclerosis, diseases of the digestive and urinary systems.
- Interferes with the growth of a malignant tumor, reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack, stroke, arthritis, osteoporosis.
- It excretes heavy metal salts, toxins and radionuclides.
- It helps strengthen cells.
- Increases the overall tone of the body.
- Stimulates the work of the liver.
- Improves eyesight.
Due to its rich biochemical composition, camelina oil prolongs the youthfulness of skin cells, maintains natural beauty, and protects against early aging.
- atherosclerosis;
- varicosity;
- thrombophlebitis;
- ischemia;
- angina pectoris;
- hypertension;
- anemia;
- eye inflammation;
- irritation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis);
- seborrhea;
- psoriasis.
According to clinical trials, camelina oil is recommended for the diet of people suffering from heart and vascular diseases.
Do not assume that such a useful product is absolutely harmless.
Oil can worsen the health of people with individual intolerance to the squeeze or its components, as well as suffering from obesity. In excessive amounts (over 50 milliliters per day) it negatively reflects on the condition of patients suffering from problems with biliary tract.
Ginger oil is contraindicated for pancreatitis, as it causes the aggravation of the disease.
Depending on the production technology distinguish refined, unrefined camelina oil. The first type is obtained by extraction, the second – by hot pressing or cold pressing. What is the difference between these production methods?
Cold pressed is produced on special equipment, where unrefined useful oil is extracted from raw materials under pressure. A more aromatic product is obtained by hot pressing, followed by partial purification: filtration, neutralization, hydration. However, in such unrefined oil there are fewer nutrients and proteins. It is less healthy than raw.
The essence of the extraction method is the ability of the oil to dissolve in hexane or gasoline. When mixing raw materials with these substances, the oil goes into a petrochemical solvent, is subjected to further distillation. After cleaning, there is no guarantee that toxic hexane is completely removed from the product.
Distinctive features of refined camelina oil from unrefined:
- Smell. Unlike refined, unrefined retains the natural flavor, slightly pungent taste. The first is used in cooking for frying meat, fish, baking confectionery, because it has a neutral smell. The second is used for making sauces, gravies, dressing boiled vegetables, salads and salad, when the dish should retain the characteristic vegetable flavor.
Ginger oil is not recommended to be subjected to heat treatment, because under the influence of high temperatures it destroys beneficial substances (vitamins, polyunsaturated acids).
- Consistency. Unrefined product is richer, fatter than refined.
- Shelf life. Refined pomace, sealed in bottles, placed in a dark room with an ambient temperature of 8 to 20 degrees, is valid for two years. After opening the container, the shelf life is reduced to 14 days at room temperature and to 30 days if the product is stored in the refrigerator. It is interesting that in the cold the oil does not turn into ice, but only thickens. However, cold treatment does not preserve vitamins and nutrients, therefore, it is not recommended to freeze unrefined product.
After uncorking a plastic bottle, the contents are poured into a tinted glass container with a narrow neck. If unrefined camelina oil was made by hot pressing, its shelf life is 10 months, cold pressed – no more than 4 months.
Thus, the value of vegetable oil depends on the number of processing steps. The more of them, the longer you can store the product and less nutrients, antioxidants and PUFA remain in it.
Unrefined oil is more useful than refined oil.
To preserve the nutritional value and healing properties of its stored in a dark, warm place without access of light and air. When the refined camelina oil is reheated, carcinogens (aldehyde) are formed in it – toxic substances for the human body, which can accumulate in the tissues, adversely affect the respiratory tract, the mucous membrane of the eyes, which ultimately threatens the development of cancer.
Chemical composition
In 100 milliliters of camelina oil, 884 calories are concentrated, so the product is not recommended for use by overweight people.
Name | Content in 100 grams,% |
α-Linolenic (omega-3) | 35 – 39 |
Linoleic (Omega-6) | 14 – 22 |
Oleic (Omega-9) | 12 – 20 |
Eicosene | 12,5 – 16 |
palmitic | 5 – 7 |
erucic | 2 – 4 |
Stearinovaya | 2 – 2,5 |
Eicosadiene | 1 – 2 |
In addition, saffron oil contains:
- antioxidants;
- chlorophyll;
- phospholipid;
- minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus;
- vitamins A, F, K, D, E;
- amino acids.
The concentration of tocopherol (natural antioxidant) squeezed saffron milk exceeds linseed and cedar oil.
To replenish the daily supply of vitamin E, it is enough to take 15 milliliters (one tablespoon) of product per day.
Application rules
Ginger oil is recommended to be used on a regular basis to all people who do not have contraindications to receive the product. The main condition is not to subject it to heat treatment, since high temperature reduces the nutritional value of the product, kills biologically active substances. After 3 months of continuous oil consumption, it is recommended to take a break for 1 – 2 months, then resume therapy.
Ways of using:
- In the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. After 3 months of regular use of camelina oil, an improvement in the state of blood vessels and the heart is observed, the nervous system is strengthened, lipid metabolism returns to normal.
- During the day, as a dressing for chilled second courses, salads. Replenishes the reserves of PUFA, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants in the body. It prevents the development of diseases of the digestive tract, endocrine, cardiovascular and excretory systems. Cleans from toxins, toxins, regulates metabolism, protects blood vessels from the formation of blood clots.
- Outwardly in the form of lotions. Improves the condition of the skin: accelerates the healing of burns, eczema, dermatitis, damage to the dermis, relieves diaper rash in infants. For the preparation of lotions cotton cloth soaked with camelina oil, applied to the desired area. The procedure is repeated 3 once a day.
A tablespoon (15 milliliters) of camelina oil on an empty stomach is a natural ally in the fight for health.
For hair
For cosmetic purposes, it is recommended to use a cold pressed product.
Effect of saffron oil on hair:
- regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates fat;
- fights dry hair, resists split ends (due to moisturizing effect);
- nourishes the scalp by deep penetration into the root zone;
- protects curls from hair dryers, pleyoks, exposure to dyes;
- strengthens the hair fiber, gives volume to the hair;
- prevents alopecia;
- protects hair follicles from allergic reactions, irritations;
- eliminates dandruff.
Camelina oil is used in pure form or in combination with shampoo, balm, masks. It has anti-allergic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory properties.
Beauty Recipes:
- To strengthen the hair. Ingredients: 50 ml of baby shampoo without additives, 15 ml of vodka, 5 ml of camelina oil. Apply to previously washed strands with massage movements, rinse with water.
- To stimulate hair growth. Ingredients: burdock, olive, camelina oil. Combine in equal proportions, rub into the root zone, distribute along the length of the hair. Wrap the head with a plastic bag, a towel. Withstand the mask 0,5-1 for an hour, then rinse with water.
- For hair density. Components: 75 ml of camelina oil, 1 egg yolk. Mix the ingredients, apply on the hair, leave the mask for 30 minutes. After that, rinse your hair with shampoo.
- For moisturizing and nourishing dry hair. Heat the camelina oil in a water bath to 40 degrees, apply to the strands. Warm wrapping improves the condition of the hair, saturates the follicles with biologically active compounds, restores the damaged hair structure. Leave the agent for half an hour, then rinse.
- To combat split ends. 2 hours before bedtime, lubricate the damaged areas with camelina oil, leave until morning, then rinse the strands with shampoo.
To maintain healthy hair, add camelina oil to finished store balms and masks in the ratio of 1: 2. Then use them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Remember, natural remedies act slowly and gently. Do not expect quick results. Regularly use camelina oil for cosmetic purposes and your hair will thank you for its beautiful appearance.
For the skin
Effect on the dermis:
- relieves cellulite, dermatitis, acne, scars;
- prevents the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy;
- strengthens and nourishes the skin (used for massage);
- protects the dermis from the UV rays of the sun;
- activates cell regeneration;
- regulates the glands of the dermis;
- normalizes water-fat balance;
- heals capillaries.
Recipes for derma health:
- Body scrub, face. Exfoliates dead cells, cleanses the dermis from dirt and excess sebum. To prepare a pilling at home, 15 ml of camelina oil is mixed with 5-10 g of ground coffee. For owners of dry skin, an additional ingredient is introduced into the resulting composition – fat cream (15 ml). All components are thoroughly mixed, gently applied to the skin in a circular motion. Massage 15-30 seconds each section. To avoid damage to the dermis, do not rub one zone for more than a minute. Then the face is rinsed with water.
- Mask for the face. Nourishes, softens the skin, smoothes shallow wrinkles. Ingredients: mashed 1/3 avocado and 15 ml of camelina oil. Mix the components, apply the mass on cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
To moisturize the dermis, a mask is prepared from the following ingredients: whole milk (15 ml), blue clay (15 g), camelina oil (5 ml). The cooking procedure is similar.
- From cellulite and stretch marks. The active ingredients of camelina oil penetrate deep into the skin, have a regenerating, rejuvenating action, revitalize and tone it. Strengthens the blood flow of tissues, heals a dry, fading derma, struggling with the “orange peel”.
Remember, oil mixtures have a healing effect only when used regularly.
To combat stretch marks and cellulite, after each shower, rub the following composition into problematic areas of the body: camelina oil (30 ml), orange oil (1 ml), neroli essential oils and lavender (2 ml). The result will appear after a month of regular use of 2.
Before applying a mask on your face, make sure that you are not allergic to the product. To this end, the agent is distributed on the crook of the elbow, 20 minutes are waiting. In the absence of adverse reactions (redness, itching, burning) on the part of the body, it can be applied to the face.
For nails
Strengthens nail plate, prevents its delamination, brittleness, stimulates growth. The procedure is not recommended in the presence of fresh wounds, scratches (in particular, from a manicure).
Ingredients: lemon juice (4 drops), warm camelina oil (45 ml), iodine (2 drops). The components are mixed. The nails are dipped in a warm mixture, kept for a quarter of an hour, washed off with water or wiped with a napkin. The course is 10 days.
Ginger oil is a product derived from the cruciferous oilseed plant. The homeland of the grass is the east of Europe and the southeast of Asia. Gingerbread oil is made from the seeds of seed wheat or false flax. It has wound healing, antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antitumor effects. It is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system: varicose veins, ischemia, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, hypertension, anemia. Due to the fact that the product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, the oil improves elasticity and protects blood vessels from accumulations of “harmful” cholesterol, the negative effects of free radicals, and inflammatory processes. In addition, it supports normal levels of hemoglobin and white blood cells, and also regulates blood clotting.
Squeezed saffron milk – the source of tocopherol, promotes healing of wounds and ulcers on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, has a beneficial effect on the liver. Because of this, it is widely used in folk and traditional medicine in the fight against peptic ulcer and gallstone disease, gastritis, colitis, fatty dystrophy, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, and hepatitis.
To strengthen the immune system, normalize the hormonal background, cleanse the body of heavy metal salts, slags, toxins, radionuclides, it is recommended to drink 15 milliliters of camelina oil on an empty stomach in the morning on an empty stomach. To improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair squeeze is used externally in the composition of masks, scrubs, baths, shampoos.