When the room is stuffy and damp at the same time, this is an unbearable atmosphere. The hand reaches for the split-system control panel, but doubts immediately arise: will the equipment deteriorate if you turn it on in the rain?
Everyone knows that the air conditioner should not be turned on when the outside temperature drops below -5 degrees. As for the rain, there are disagreements. After all, the humidity on the street is increasing, will the device “choke”? But sitting in the stuffy atmosphere is also a pleasure. Let’s try to figure out how to properly use the split system in the rain.
The air conditioner consists of two units – internal (in the apartment) and external (on the street). The first consists of fans that drive warm air from the room to the exchange unit. There the air is cooled and returned to the room. In the second block, a compressor and a fan are hidden, which expel warm air outside. In addition, along with the warm air, excess moisture is removed from the air, so the room becomes drier.
Experts say that the air conditioner can be safely used in the rain. Precipitation cannot affect the operation of the outdoor unit. In addition, many manufacturers install a stainless hinged canopy that protects the unit from precipitation. Moreover, in rainy weather, the humidity rises outside. This makes it easier to operate the air conditioner, since the temperature in the apartment drops naturally. Also, now almost all models are equipped with air dehumidification units. They reduce humidity and create a comfortable indoor environment.
But in a thunderstorm, it’s really better not to use air conditioning. Despite the fact that now houses are mostly equipped with lightning rods and grounding, it is recommended to turn off equipment in a thunderstorm – in general, everything. Lightning can strike the device and burn it.
By the way, in a thunderstorm it is generally advised to hide: you cannot wash the dishes at this time, you should not take a shower.
By the way
It is much more important to clean the air conditioner on time. Filters should be changed every two weeks, maximum once a month. If these tips are neglected, then an unpleasant odor may appear in the room, the air conditioner begins to make noise, the air does not cool as well as before.
In addition, there is a danger to health: bacteria and fungi multiply in dirty filters, which, together with the cooled air, rush into the room. They can provoke allergies and respiratory diseases.