Safety precautions. Prevention of injuries in the classroom. Gymnastics. Athletics. Basketball. Volleyball. Football. Hockey.

Safety precautions. Prevention of injuries in the classroom. Gymnastics. Athletics. Basketball. Volleyball. Football. Hockey.

Physical education undoubtedly plays a critical role in the prevention and treatment of many childhood illnesses. However, its implementation requires a reasonable approach and a number of preventive measures.


In the general structure of injuries in children, the proportion of injuries received in schools during physical education lessons is relatively small: 1/3 of all injuries received at school. According to the Kiev Institute of Orthopedics, the greatest number of injuries occurs during gymnastics, athletics and sports games. Among the victims in the first place are children aged 12-14 years, in the second 7-11 years, on the third teenagers 15-17 years. Boys are injured twice as often as girls.

Gymnastics is the main means of physical education at school. The training program for schoolchildren in this type is diverse and built on the principle of gradual improvement of motor skills and coordination of movements. From the fourth grade, the selection of gymnastic exercises significantly expands and becomes more complicated. The complication of the program requires precise organization of the lesson, an individual approach to each student, taking into account his physical fitness and functional capabilities.


Meanwhile, among the causes of injuries received during gymnastics, in the first place are the shortcomings of the organization and methods of conducting classes.

Up to 30% of injuries are caused by the unsatisfactory condition of the shells or the discrepancy between their size and the age and anthropometric data of students. Mats are improperly laid or in poor condition. Poor lighting of the classroom, lack of ventilation, inappropriate temperature and humidity, etc. also contribute to injuries.

One of the most important causes of injury is the lack of medical supervision, especially after an illness.

To prevent injuries in gymnastics lessons, you must follow the following, rather simple rules:

1. Strictly observe order and discipline during classes.

2. Require the strict observance of all orders and commands of the teacher.

3. Make students understand the exercise before doing it.

4. Check the technical serviceability and correct installation of gymnastic apparatus before performing exercises on them.

5. Provide students with knowledge of the basics of self-control.

When performing group exercises (gymnastic walls, benches, logs, horizontal bar, etc.): it is recommended to place sports equipment so that several students can perform the exercises at the same time without accumulating them around the equipment.

In many cases, self-belay is the only way to prevent injury at the time of an unsuccessful exercise. Acquaintance with the rules of self-insurance and the development of special techniques when performing gymnastic and acrobatic exercises are included in the sixth grade lesson program, however, training in some elements of self-insurance should be carried out already in the lower grades.

In athletics, injuries are most often caused by the unsatisfactory condition of the places of employment: soil defects, the presence of foreign objects on the treadmill and in the jumping sector, insufficient fencing and a small area of ​​places reserved for throwing grenades and discs, improper placement of the finish (near fences, walls ) etc.

Inadequacy of sports equipment, equipment, clothing, footwear to the age of the trainees can also cause damage, and insufficient preparedness of students for classes leads to muscle ruptures.


In order to prevent damage in athletics classes, it is necessary to strictly observe the discipline of throwing the projectile, prepare equipment and places for classes in advance, especially obstacle courses, carefully loosen the sand in the pits, etc. At the beginning of the lesson, be sure to warm up. Exercises included in the warm-up, in addition to preparing the musculoskeletal system for the upcoming load, should be aimed at repetition and consolidation of individual exercises and movements included in the upcoming training or competition. The muscles prepared in this way acquire the ability to perform work with a large amplitude and speed, which reduces the possibility of injury.

Elements of the basketball game are available for younger students. Therefore, the correct technique of the game should be mastered already in the lower grades. Before the start of the lesson, the physical condition of each student is determined, clothes, condition of nails are checked. It is very important that the players’ nails are cut short, and the clothes do not have metal hooks, buckles, buttons; There should also be no rings, medallions, earrings, belts with metal buckles.

Leather shoes are not suitable for playing in the hall. It is best to use sneakers that protect the ankle from injury and prevent slipping.

Insufficient space, a cluttered hall, poor, slippery or uneven floor are some of the main causes of injury when playing basketball. Another reason is the lack of technical preparedness of the players, which leads them to collisions and falls. To neutralize this factor, children need to be taught the ability to control their actions and coordinate movements relative to the enemy’s movements.


Strong knowledge and adherence to the rules of the game also contributes to the reduction of sports injuries,

It is necessary to pay attention to the danger of children wearing glasses playing basketball. Those who cannot play without glasses should not be allowed into a two-sided game.

In bilateral training games or volleyball competitions, the risk of injury increases if teams of different classes meet or there are players in the same team who are more qualified than the rest. Inexperience and lack of quick reaction in some and strong blows in others can cause injuries to the hands, face, and head. The desire of the players to strike a strong attacking blow or execute a strong serve sometimes leads to serious injuries of the shoulder joint (dislocation, sprain). This is the result of not only technical lack of preparation, but also neglect of the warm-up, which should prepare the ligaments and muscles to perform movements with a wide amplitude. The use of special patella, elbow pads, ankles reduces the number of injuries.

Football and hockey, although not included in the school curriculum, are, however, very popular among children and adolescents. The causes of injuries, here most often, are the unsatisfactory condition of the places where the games are held, the use of rough methods of the game, and insufficient medical supervision. It is very important to check the condition of the football field or ice before playing.


Strict adherence to the rules of the game, the suppression of attempts to use prohibited techniques, rudeness, mandatory medical supervision of each player (weak, unprepared children, as well as sick or recently ill children should not participate in the games) – these are the main conditions for preventing injuries when playing football or hockey. In addition, in football, it is mandatory to use special protective equipment, such as bandaging the ankle joints with elastic bandages; the imposition of special shields on the anterior region of the lower leg to protect against possible bruises and fractures; putting on a support under the pants to protect against bruises of the genitals, and for goalkeepers additionally – cotton underpants and elbow pads on the joint area.

In hockey, you need to use special gloves for the hands, shields: on the shins and on the forearm, patella and elbow pads, a helmet on the head, goalkeepers, – additionally special protective devices in the form of masks, fur shields, etc.

Correct implementation of methodological and organizational instructions, timely medical supervision and adherence to discipline, as a rule, reduce the number of injuries.


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