Safe exercises for practicing at home at any age: a description

Safe exercises for practicing at home at any age: a description

Introducing gymnastics 65+ that everyone can do.

Even if walks are still banned, this is not a reason to give up physical activity. Antneta’s consultant, rehabilitator of the European Medical Center Sergei Lvov named exercises that can be done at any age in order to avoid hypodynamia (dysfunctions of the body with limited physical activity).

Rehabilitation physician at the rehabilitation center of the European Medical Center


Act: helps to maintain the tone of the hips and buttocks, trains coordination and balance.


  1. stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart;

  2. take your right leg back, while transferring your body weight to your left;

  3. slowly bend forward, stretching your arms out in front of you and aligning them in line with your back (make sure your spine is straight);

  4. linger in the stance for 10 seconds, repeat 10 times, then change your leg.

Increase your stance by 5 seconds each day. Try to breathe evenly. If at first you can’t stand the required amount of time, it’s not scary. Is it difficult to keep your balance? Ask someone close to you to hedge.

Exercise on a fitball with a rubber expander

Act: coordination and balance training, spine stabilization and posture improvement, leg muscles strengthening.


  1. sit on the ball so that the angle at the knee joint is approximately 90 degrees;

  2. keep your back straight, the back of your head in line with your back;

  3. Firmly fix the ends of the tape with your hands, put the expander (tape) on your right foot, slowly raise your leg, while spreading your arms to the sides (the elbows remain slightly bent), stay in this position for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times, then change your leg.

Stretching for back and leg muscles while sitting on the floor

Act: effective exercise for increasing the elasticity of the muscles of the back and legs, especially in a sedentary lifestyle.


  1. sit on the floor (mat), keep your back straight, put your palms on your hips;

  2. take a deep breath and as you exhale, slide your palms along your legs in the direction of your feet, trying to keep your knees in an extended straight position;

  3. reach the most comfortable position and hold for 5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position, repeat 10 times.

You should not immediately reach your feet with your palms if stretching does not allow this. The main thing is to stay in the zone of comfortable sensations and the absence of pain and gradually increase the angle of inclination day after day.

Lying Knee Raises

Act: effective strengthening of the muscles of the lower back with a sedentary lifestyle.


  1. lying on your back, put your hands on the floor, palms up;

  2. while inhaling, slowly raise your knees and press them with your hands to your chest, try to breathe evenly;

  3. hold in this position for 10 seconds, start with 5 repetitions, gradually bringing them to 10.

The main thing is to stay in the zone of comfortable sensations and the absence of pain.

Exercise with dumbbells on fitball

Act: coordination and balance training, spine stabilization and posture improvement, arm muscles strengthening.


  1. sit on the ball so that the angle at the knee joints is approximately 90 degrees;

  2. keep your back straight, the back of your head in line with your back;

  3. take dumbbells weighing 0,5-1 kg (can be replaced with any object with the same weight), bend your elbows slightly;

  4. while inhaling, spread your arms to the sides approximately to the level of the shoulder girdles, while exhaling, lower your arms, relax, repeat 10 times.

If there is discomfort in the shoulders, then during the first exercises you can not raise your arms to the maximum height.

Exercise to stretch the back and hips while sitting on the floor

Act: stabilization of the spine, ensuring the load on the muscles.


  1. sit on the floor, spread your straight legs as much as possible (to a comfortable angle) to the sides;

  2. inhale and begin very smooth bends with both hands to the toe of the right leg, exhale.

  3. repeat on the left leg, do 5 repetitions.


All exercises should be performed in a comfortable volume, smoothly, gently, without forcing, since systematic training is needed to achieve maximum results. If you have an intervertebral hernia or other problems with the spine or joints, you should consult a doctor online or by phone.

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