Sad time … how to “tame” ARVI?

Every year the same thing: dank weather, slush, piercing wind, sleet in the face, and against the backdrop of all this – a surge in acute respiratory viral infections, SARS. The thermometer is falling, the number of those slain by the virus is growing, and it seems that these trends cannot be avoided. But if we are powerless to influence the weather, then it is quite possible to prevent or overcome SARS. The main thing is to choose an effective remedy.


What should you do when you feel the first symptoms of malaise? Contact a doctor. But this is in an ideal world: where we go to bed before midnight and start the morning with exercises and a glass of water. But in fact, we simply do not have the time or energy for this, and besides, we have gone through it so many times and know better how and what to be treated with.

But is it? We have collected useful information for you that will help in choosing medicines.


A variety of drugs presented on the windows and counters of pharmacy chains complicates the choice of the “right” drug. Before making a purchase, it is important to understand that all cold and flu remedies can be divided into three main categories.

First: drugs for the symptomatic treatment of influenza and SARS. Eliminating the symptoms of the disease and facilitating its course, they do not fight its cause.

Immunostimulating agents act differently: they increase the body’s production of interferon – a protein that protects cells from virus invasion – or add it from the outside.

If we take these drugs uncontrollably, our natural immune system can fail.

It would seem that this is what we need, but if we take such drugs uncontrollably, our natural immune system can fail. This is especially true for children whose immunity has not yet been formed. In some European countries, immunostimulants are prohibited for the treatment of SARS.

Finally, there is a third category – direct antiviral drugs: drugs whose action is aimed at suppressing the reproduction of viruses in the body and developing resistance to them.

Each group of drugs has its own advantages and disadvantages, but there are several factors that you should pay attention to when choosing a drug for the treatment of colds and flu.


Opening the instructions for the drug, we see a couple of lines about its action and a long list of side effects. It is better to choose a remedy that does not give side effects and is as safe as possible – both for children and adults.

Versatility is important – Does the remedy only work on one respiratory virus or several? What about their combinations? Is it possible to develop resistance to the drug as a result of taking it?

Is it convenient to take the drug? Firstly, the disease can take you by surprise anywhere: at work, at a party, on the way home. Treatment is more effective the sooner it is started. Therefore, leave a place in your bag for a cold medicine to take it as soon as you feel the first symptoms of malaise. Ideally, if the drug does not need to be washed down with water.

The easier the regimen, the more likely you are to follow it.

Secondly, many stop treatment due to a complex dosing regimen that is not always possible to follow in our busy schedule, forgetting that the effectiveness of treatment depends on adherence to the recommended dosing regimen. The easier the regimen, the more likely you are to follow it.

Finally, if possible, find out How long has the drug been on the market?in which countries it is applied. Long-term international experience of use testifies to the effectiveness and safety of the drug, including in the long term.

Oscillococcinum®, a medicine for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu, increases the body’s own defenses¹, helping the immune system fight the disease. At the same time, the drug does not have an immunotoxic effect on the body², that is, it does not depress its own immune system.

Oscillococcinum® contributes to the rapid reduction of the main symptoms (as early as 48 hours3) and accelerates recovery (the duration of the disease is reduced by three times4). What is important, it can be taken by all family members: from the youngest to the most mature.

Oscillococcinum® is a globally recognized drug that has been successfully used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections for 70 years in more than 30 countries, including the USA and Russia, as well as in Europe. Over the decades of using the drug, clinical studies have been conducted in leading European and Russian medical centers and are still ongoing.

It is interesting

Did you know that in nature the main carriers of the influenza virus are migratory birds – while they themselves do not suffer from the infection? Based on this fact and the principle “Like treat like”, it was decided to include the extract of the liver and heart of Barbary ducks in the preparation Oscillococcinum®.

Oscillococcinum® helps to stimulate the body’s own immune response to the influenza virus and helps to successfully resist the onslaught of infection.

Barbary or musky?

In fact, we are talking about the Muscovy duck, whose wild populations are common in Mexico and South America. The bird got its specific name due to the property of secreting fat, which smells like musk. But in Europe, musky ducks are called Barbary ducks (Canard de Barbarie).

Thus, the difference in names is historically determined. The Barbary duck is the common European name for the bird, while the Musk duck is the scientific name.

If you feel that you are getting sick, take Oscillococcinum® as soon as possible according to the scheme. What is convenient, adults can take the drug granules (dissolve) without drinking anything, and for children, the drug can be dissolved in water and given from a spoon or in a bottle with a nipple.

An ideal world in which we are not taken by colds and infections, and if we happen to get sick, we immediately go to the doctor – of course, this is still far away. But to “tame” the virus and cope with SARS is quite possible today!

Registration certificate number: P N014236/01 dated 07.08.2008/XNUMX/XNUMX.

1 SARS and influenza in children. Diagnosis, prevention, treatment”, under the general. ed. V.A. Aleshkina, E.P. Selkova M., 2014.

2 L. Kovalenko, A. Tallerova, O. Kuznetsova, A. Lapitskaya “Experimental study of the allergenic properties and immunotoxicity of the drug Oscillococcinum®”. Toxicological Bulletin, 2014, No. 1 (130).

3 N. Geppe, N. Krylova, E. Tyurina, E. Yablokova “The direction of improving the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children.” Doctor.Ru. 2016, No. 6 (123).

4 G. Samsygina, T. Kazyukova, T. Dudina et al. “New technologies in the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza in young children”. Pediatrics. G.N. Speransky, 2008, volume 87(5).

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