The sacrificial-problem approach proceeds from the fact that behind the client’s complaints there is always a serious underlying problem, without the solution of which a person cannot be completely healthy.
The medical model of psychotherapy is usually associated with the sacrificial-problem approach, the client is in the position of the Victim, the psychotherapist works mainly with his past.
Personal-active approach: an adult and reasonable person builds his own life, setting goals and finding means to solve them.
The quality of life is determined not by the presence / absence of problems, but by how actively and intelligently a person builds it. Children complain, irresponsible people attribute everything to problems, adults and reasonable people learn to live and build their own lives.
The more sacrificial-problem approach, the more actual psychotherapy. Where the personal-active approach begins, psychotherapy ends there. The client is in the position of the Author, the psychologist (coach) works mainly with his present and future.