The attention of any researcher is primarily focused on the subject of his studies, which is quite obvious. The doctor examines the patient’s disease, not himself. However, for correct conclusions from the observed, it is necessary to take into account the features of the observer.
The attention of any researcher is primarily focused on the subject of his studies, which is quite obvious. The doctor examines the patient’s disease, not himself. However, for correct conclusions from the observed, it is necessary to take into account the features of the observer. This is all the more important when it comes to psychotherapy. After all, in this case, the therapist in the process of studying the disease of his client at the same time carries out a healing effect on his psyche. But, despite the abundance of literature devoted to the problems of the patient, there are very few books that would talk about the difficulties and features of the work of a psychotherapist. Before us is one of them. It was written by the spouses Serge and Ann Ginger, psychologists with a long work experience, who use different methods: psychodrama and gestalt. They answer the most pressing questions that confront any therapist starting a practice. How to furnish an office, which clients should be rejected at first, should I take money for the first session? The authors also discuss much more complex ethical issues, such as how to ensure confidentiality for those clients undergoing group therapy who may meet each other in other life circumstances in the future. This book teaches the psychotherapist to consider and use for the benefit of the influence that he himself, both voluntarily and involuntarily, has on those who turn to him for help.
Academic project, 217 p.