This compact, laconic book can be a real «first aid» for parents of teenagers. It grew out of a series of BBC films and is based on real-life conflicts faced by dozens of British families.
This compact, laconic book can be a real «first aid» for parents of teenagers. It grew out of a series of BBC films and is based on real-life conflicts faced by dozens of British families. This largely explains its practical benefits: every acute situation here — from school absenteeism to fights with parents and the use of hard drugs — is specific and recognizable. Considering them, clinical psychologist Stephen Bryers and journalist Sasha Baystock not only explain the particular and general causes of what happened, but also offer desperate parents a clear algorithm for behavior. What is better to control in a teenager’s life, and where it is important to give freedom, how to notice a mistake in one’s own actions and survive a crisis without heavy losses — in each story, the authors give clear, although sometimes completely unexpected recommendations.