
Rye is one of the cereal crops that have played an important role in the development of mankind. It is difficult to overestimate its importance, since for centuries rye was the main cereal crop in the diet of peasants. In the twentieth century, the volume of its cultivation decreased somewhat, however, among the followers of a healthy lifestyle, products from rye grains are still popular.

Historical information

As historians managed to find out, for the first time they began to cultivate rye in Asia more than two thousand years ago. Prior to this, wild rye was a weed that was extremely unpretentious both to climatic conditions and to the state of the soil.

Farmers quickly appreciated all the benefits of “cultivated” rye. First, she proved to be less susceptible to disease. Also, the plant successfully “clogged” any weeds, suppressing their growth. Also, rye turned out to be so undemanding to external conditions that it consistently pleased with a high yield even in areas where neither barley nor wheat could grow. So, winter rye calmly withstood frosts down to -30 degrees and heavy winds.

The rapid development of trade relations between countries in the first century BC led to the fact that rye began to be grown on the territory of modern Europe, including Russia.

Since the eleventh century, Rus’ has managed to win the title of “rye state” and the main exporter of this cereal. Many proverbs and sayings have appeared that capture the significance of this culture for farmers. “Whoever has rye in the bin, hunger and trembling will not get over it”, “Mother rye feeds everyone completely”, “Whoever has rye is good”, “If there was rye in the bin, there would be a penny in your pocket” – that’s only a small part of them.

Rye bread, which was also called “black”, was the main food of the peasants, since they could only afford “white” wheat bread only on holidays. In addition to bread, pancakes, gingerbread, and open pies were made from rye flour, which were stuffed with peas, porridge and mashed potatoes.

However, the use of rye in cooking was not limited to baking. Incredible popularity for many centuries has been preserved by kvass – a drink that was prepared from rye crackers or sprouted and dried grain. It perfectly quenches thirst, helps restore strength and performance, and boasts a wide list of useful properties.

Botanical characteristic

Rye is a plant that can be either annual or biennial. It has a fairly powerful root system, which can go underground to a depth of two meters. Leaves fifteen to thirty centimeters long are flat and broadly linear. Inflorescence – ear.

The size and color of the grains vary. On average, they are 5 to 10 mm long and range in color from white to olive, tawny and beige.

To date, rye is grown in most European countries, as well as in China, the USA and Canada.

Calorie and chemical composition

The energy value of rye is 283 kcal per 100 grams of product. The nutritional composition is as follows: 9,9 g of protein, 2,2 g of fat and 55,8 g of carbohydrates.

The vitamin composition of the cereal is impressive. Thus, vitamin B1 (0,32 mg) improves cognitive abilities, maintains muscle tone, normalizes appetite and neutralizes the toxic effects of alcohol and tobacco.

Vitamin B2 (0,25 mg) is a participant in energy metabolism. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, without it the absorption of iron is impossible. Also, this vitamin increases the regenerative properties of the body.

Vitamin B4 (30,4 mg) is a powerful hepatoprotector. It helps to recover liver tissues that have been exposed to the toxic effects of alcohol or medications. It also prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, strengthens the heart muscle. It is also necessary for the normal functioning of the biliary tract.

Vitamin B5 (1,45 mg) is essential for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands. In addition, it stops inflammation in the joints, preventing the development of arthritis, and is necessary for the body to absorb other vitamins.

Vitamin B6 (0,29 mg) is an active participant in energy metabolism. It helps to lower blood sugar levels to an acceptable level, and also acts as a natural diuretic, preventing swelling.

Vitamin B9 (38 mcg) is essential for pregnant women – it helps to avoid problems during fetal development. It also stabilizes the emotional background, has a beneficial effect in case of significant intellectual overload. This vitamin is also useful for the digestive and hematopoietic systems.

Vitamin E (0,85 mg) is a powerful antioxidant. It increases the overall resistance of the body, improves regeneration processes, including preventing the appearance of unaesthetic scars and scars. Also, this vitamin improves vascular tone and improves performance.

Vitamin K (5,9 mcg) is essential for normal blood clotting. It is also a prophylactic against the development of such a dangerous disease as osteoporosis. This vitamin is needed in order to protect the vessels from calcification – it prevents the hardening of their walls.

Vitamin PP (4,27 mg) improves blood microcirculation. It has a vasodilating effect, and also prevents the formation of blood clots due to its anticoagulant properties. Also, this vitamin helps to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and promotes the absorption of vegetable protein that enters the body with food. Finally, it is responsible for the condition of the mucous membranes, contributing to the healing of microtraumas.

In addition, rye is a real storehouse of minerals. Potassium (510 mg) is needed to stabilize the heart rate. It also helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and reduces the likelihood of edema, as it has the ability to control the water balance in the body. It also boasts antihistamine properties.

Calcium (24 mg) is an anti-inflammatory substance. It promotes the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, and is also responsible for the strength of bone and dental tissue.

Magnesium (110 mg) plays an important role in preventing the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, helps to remove toxic substances from the body, including heavy metals. It is also necessary, along with calcium, to maintain healthy teeth and bones.

Sodium (2 mg) activates the production of pancreatic enzymes, thereby contributing to normal digestion. In addition, it has the ability to dilate blood vessels, preventing spasms.

Phosphorus (332 mg) is important for providing energy to muscle tissue. This element helps to cope with intellectual loads, as it promotes cognitive performance, and also plays an important role in protein synthesis.

Without iron (2,6 mg), the formation of hemoglobin is impossible. It also increases the body’s resistance to viruses and bacteria, and is involved in the production of thyroid hormones.

Manganese (2,6 mg) effectively stimulates digestion, helps to normalize blood sugar levels. It is also a prophylactic against fatty deformity of the liver and helps slow down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

A lack of copper (367 mcg) is fraught with the development of anemia. This element alleviates the condition in depressive states, helps to cope with emotional overload. He is also responsible for the condition of the skin and hair.

Selenium (13,9 mcg) is a prophylactic that prevents the development of oncological processes. It also stimulates metabolism and removes heavy metals from the body.

Zinc (2,65 mg) takes part in the formation of bone tissue, prevents the development of diabetes and inflammatory diseases, increases the body’s resistance and its regenerative properties, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of cereal are completely due to its chemical composition:

  1. Beta-carotene contained in the grains of the plant is able to protect tissues from aging, promotes their regeneration, and therefore rye flour dishes are useful for people recovering from surgical interventions or serious illnesses.
  2. Pantothenic acid endowed rye with the ability to increase the body’s resistance, as well as normalize the blood formula.
  3. Dishes from rye flour are recommended by nutritionists for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Rye is useful as a prophylactic that prevents the development of cancer.
  5. People with diabetes will also benefit from rye.
  6. Due to the high fiber content, rye flour is able to enhance intestinal motility, normalizing the digestion process. It is useful in cases of constipation and so-called “lazy” bowels. Toxins and toxic substances are naturally eliminated from the body.
  7. Substances contained in rye flour can stimulate the work of the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands. They also help boost your metabolism.
  8. Due to the relatively low calorie content, the product can be used in a diet menu. It is shown to people who monitor weight and seek to lose a few kilograms.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Our ancestors have known about the healing properties of rye for a long time. Traditional healers used this cereal for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.

With bronchitis and pneumonia

Grind the rye spikelets. Pour them into a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Within two hours, the remedy should be infused, after which it should be consumed 100 ml four times a day. Drink in small sips. This infusion will facilitate the discharge of sputum and stop the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.

Another option: mix equal amounts of dry chicory powder, chopped almonds, rye grains, barley and oats. Prepare the mixture as you would prepare coffee. Should be taken before bed.

From wounds and burns

Grind rye leaves, and fill them with melted lard. Simmer over low heat until the color of the leaves changes. After that, remove the container from the heat, strain the ointment and apply it regularly to damaged skin.

With diarrhea

Pour two tablespoons of bran into 400 ml of water. Boil the composition for five minutes over medium heat. Then wrap the pan, and after an hour strain. Take hot, four times a day.

To get rid of parasites

Pour a glass of milk with two tablespoons of rye grains. Boil for ten minutes, then let the broth cool. Take before breakfast, 70 ml, for seven days.

For allergies

Fill the bran with water in a ratio of 1:4. Let stand for four hours, then filter and add to the bath.

With beriberi

Add a tablespoon of rye bran to 250 ml of water, boil for a minute, then filter. Take 100 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is thirty days.


Two tablespoons of rye leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water. Filter after half an hour. Drink 120 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals.

With diabetes mellitus

Mix equal proportions of rye grains, corn and sprouted wheat grains. Grind in a coffee grinder. Pour boiling water over the powder, moreover, so that the water slightly covers it. After two hours, add the golden mustache juice. Take the infusion three times a day. The duration of the course is seven days.

For cardiovascular diseases

Sprout 50-100 g of grains. The height of the sprouts should be no more than 1 mm. Rinse the sprouted grain and grind it using a meat grinder. Add milk or water to the resulting mass and bring to a boil. Attention, do not boil the mixture! Add one teaspoon each of butter and honey. Take the remedy every day during breakfast.

To quit smoking

Prepare a mixture of grains of rye, barley and oats (one teaspoon of each ingredient). Pour in 250 ml of boiling water. When the decoction has cooled down, drink it in one gulp. This should be done on an empty stomach. If you try to smoke after that, a very bad taste will appear in your mouth, which will make you throw the cigarette away.

With inflammation of the joints

Soak rye bread in milk and apply to the affected area. These compresses help reduce pain and swelling.


Despite the remarkable chemical composition and a wide range of healing properties, for some categories of the population, dishes prepared using rye in any form are contraindicated.

First of all, rye bread should be abandoned in case of peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines. Also, you should not use it with increased acidity and during an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, because due to the high fiber content, this product enhances intestinal motility and can irritate the gastric mucosa.

In addition, individual intolerance to gluten is possible. It is also a reason to exclude rye from the diet.

Use in cooking

Most often, flour is prepared from rye grains. It is used for baking bread, cakes, pancakes and other products. Rye flour can be sifted, with a small percentage of grain shells, peeled, which is characterized by a grayish-white color and contains more shells, as well as wallpaper, in which parts of the grains are present.

In addition, malt extract is produced from cereal, which then becomes the basis for the preparation of kvass and beer.

In addition, a drink is prepared from rye, which resembles coffee in its taste. The raw material for its manufacture are roasted and crushed grains. Such “diet” coffee is not addictive, boasts beneficial properties and is approved for use by children.

In addition, another way of culinary use of cereals is very popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle. Rye grains are germinated and then eaten for breakfast, added to vegetable salads, sprinkled on soups before serving.

We are preparing a sprouted rye salad

To prepare a real vitamin “bomb” you will need the following ingredients: three fresh tomatoes, the same number of cucumbers, 100 g of sprouted rye, one apple, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, dill, green onions, pepper and salt to taste.

Wash the rye sprouts and grind with a blender. Peel the apple, cut out the core and also chop.

Mix apple with sprouts, add oil and stir.

Cut the vegetables and add the apple-rye mass and chopped greens to them.

Cooking honey gingerbread

You will need the following ingredients: 400 g wheat flour, 100 g rye flour, two egg yolks, 250 ml milk, 125 g sour cream, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a quarter teaspoon of ground cardamom, the same amount of ground cloves, half a teaspoon soda, ground star anise and lemon zest and 500 g of honey.

Heat sugar over medium heat in a heavy-walled saucepan. When the color changes, add a tablespoon of water and stir until the caramel turns a light brown color. Pour onto a silicone mat, then let it harden and crush with a hammer.

Bring honey to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat. Mix part of the honey with rye flour, add the remaining honey and beat until white.

Sift wheat flour. Add spices, lemon zest and baking soda.

Grind burnt sugar, add milk, add wheat flour and knead the dough.

Combine honey mixture with wheat. Add sour cream. Whisk.

Place the finished dough on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees. When the finished plate has cooled, cut into rectangles.

Cooking rye cookies

You will need the following ingredients: two cups of rye flour, three tablespoons of sugar, two eggs, two tablespoons of sour cream, 50 g butter, half a teaspoon of soda.

Mix eggs with sugar and stir with a wooden spoon, gradually adding melted butter and pre-chilled sour cream. Mix soda with a little flour and add to the egg-sour cream mixture. Pour in the rest of the flour and knead a stiff dough.

Roll out the dough in a thin layer. Lubricate its surface with egg yolk. Using cookie cutters, cut out stars, circles, etc. Bake until tender (about 10 minutes) at 180 degrees.

What is useful germinated rye

The truly miraculous properties of sprouted rye were discussed in the second half of the twentieth century. However, the final scientific confirmation of the fact that germinated cereal grains are very useful was received only in the period from 2000 to 2006, when clinical studies were conducted.

As it turned out, none of the European cereals is able to compete with sprouted rye in terms of the content of B vitamins, as well as proteins and antioxidants. Just 50 grams of sprouts a day provide protection during the cold season, help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also help you lose weight.

Due to the fact that during the development period, the sprout actively consumes and converts the starch contained in the grain, as a result, the glycemic index decreases. Therefore, sprouted rye grains can significantly lower blood sugar levels. In addition, the researchers found that rye sprouts contain twenty-five times more vitamin C than ordinary rye bread.

Also, sprouted grains have the ability to significantly reduce the production of phytic acid in the body, which impedes the absorption of zinc and iron. They also slow down the formation of raffinose, which causes putrefactive processes in the intestines and provokes the development of dysbacteriosis.

Sprouted rye is also useful for weight loss. Its calorie content is one and a half times lower than that of ordinary “dry” grains.

How to germinate rye

You can germinate rye without problems at home. In doing so, several important factors should be taken into account.

First of all, choose only grains for germination, the quality of which you have no doubts about. Be sure to check if the cereal has been treated with chemicals. You can do this as follows: rinse the grains and leave them in a bowl of water. In a few minutes, all the grains that have “acquainted” with the herbicides will float to the surface. Throw them away, and spread the rest of the grains in a layer no more than a centimeter thick on a cotton cloth in a not too deep plate. Cover them with the same cloth on top, then fill them with water at room temperature. Water should not only completely cover the fabric, but be one centimeter higher.

Put the plate in a dark place, the air temperature should be no higher than 24 degrees. The first sprouts will appear in two or three days. Be sure to rinse them before eating.

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