
Ryazhenka is a well-known tasty and healthy fermented milk product. It has long been prepared in Rus’ from a mixture of milk and cream, and the name comes from the word “spun”, which in those days meant “fry”. That is, cream with milk was simply “fried” in the oven until it became a beautiful cream color – the color of baked milk. By the way, they also called small pots in which this drink was served – ryazhi or ryazhy. Now on the shelves of stores you can find a variety of brands of products for every taste and color. And although now ryazhenka is cooked a little differently than in ancient Rus’, useful and valuable qualities still remain with it. Ukraine is considered the birthplace of the product, but drinks that are very similar in preparation are also found in other countries. For example, in Georgia, such a product is called matsoni, in Egypt – leben, in the Urals and Siberia – varenets, and in Bulgaria and among the Turkic peoples – katyk.

Secrets of cooking

Previously, a mixture of milk and cream was simmered in large stone ovens, without boiling, until it acquired a light creamy hue. The thing is that sugar, which is contained in milk, reacts with proteins when heated and forms melanoidins antioxidants. It is they who give baked milk a characteristic creamy color and a delicate caramel flavor. Then sour cream was added to this mixture for ripening, and in the process a new product was obtained – fermented baked milk.

Currently, of course, instead of ovens, microwave appliances, electric or gas ovens, yogurt makers and multicookers are used. Thermophilic lactic acid bacteria – streptococci and some types of bulgarian sticks – are often used as starter cultures. Fermentation usually takes 3 to 6 hours. At the end of the process, ryazhenka acquires its creamy caramel shade and characteristic sour-milk taste. In fact, it is one of the varieties of yogurt.

Chemical composition of the product

Ryazhenka is a very useful product, thanks to the valuable substances that make up its composition. Here is a wonderful vitamin composition:

  • vitamin A (33 mcg);
  • thiamine (0,02 mg);
  • riboflavin (0,13 mg);
  • vitamin C (0,3 mg);
  • tocopherol (0,1 mg);
  • vitamin PP (0,8 mg).

And a noteworthy mineral complex:

  • magnesium (14 mg);
  • potassium (146 mg);
  • calcium (124 mg);
  • phosphorus (92 mg);
  • sera (28 mg);
  • sodium (50 mg);
  • iron (0,1 mg).

It also contains cholesterol (11 mg) and saturated fatty acids (2,5 g).

The calorie content of ryazhenka fluctuates, depending on its fat content. For example, a 4% product has an energy value of 67 kcal, and a 1% product has 40 kcal. The product contains easily digestible carbohydrates – 4,2 grams, fats – 4 grams and proteins – 2,8 grams.

The composition of the proteins contained in the drink includes essential amino acids necessary for the health and stable functioning of the body, the most important of which are methionine and lysine. And also they contain albumins, globulins and caseins, which are indispensable for life.

Useful properties of fermented baked milk

This drink is an inexhaustible source of calcium and phosphorus. One drunk glass of fermented baked milk per day charges the body with about 25% of calcium and 20% of phosphorus from their daily requirement. In addition, fermented baked milk contains milk fat, with the help of which calcium is absorbed much faster. Its regular use can significantly strengthen the teeth and nail plates, stabilize the immune system and increase the protective function of the body.

The lactic acid contained in the drink improves the functioning of the digestive system, contributes to the proper functioning of the kidneys. Ryazhenka helps to remove dangerous toxins and slags from the body. It helps to quickly and effectively eliminate the hangover syndrome and neutralize its toxic effects and in the shortest possible time to improve the functioning of the body.

This miraculous drink is simply indispensable on hot summer days, because fermented baked milk remarkably quenches thirst. And if you add berries or fruits to it, you can get delicious products that lovers of sweets will like and are absolutely safe at the same time. Enzymes and lactic acid bacteria contained in the product contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora, have a positive effect on digestion, accelerate the process of splitting fats, which is very useful for diets.

This drink is especially useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Ryazhenka contains the amount of calcium necessary for the formation of a healthy body of children. Therefore, experts advise including it in the daily diet of women who are expecting a baby. And also for small children to improve appetite and increase immunity.

This product will also appeal to those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle or are on a diet. The fact is that ryazhenka is not only not harmful, but even useful as a meal at night. Due to its fat content and calorie content, one glass of fermented baked milk, drunk before bedtime, will saturate the body and satisfy hunger. And enzymes and biologically active substances will improve the functioning of the stomach and have a positive effect on appetite. Therefore, an excellent breakfast is guaranteed in the morning. And meals eaten in the morning are digested faster than those in the evening. And the benefits from them are much greater.

In addition, fermented baked milk is considered a natural antibiotic, due to its ability to fight intestinal infections. Doctors recommend using it for hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and gallbladder. This drink is also useful for overeating.

Used in cosmetics

Due to its magical properties, ryazhenka is very successful in the cosmetology field. On its basis, they take baths, make masks and scrubs. This product improves the complexion, makes the skin softer and fresher, and is an excellent cleanser and firmer. It has a calming effect. A bath with fermented baked milk helps to relieve stress accumulated during the day, helps to relax and give unforgettable bliss. From the drink you can make a variety of masks for all skin types:

  • tonic mask with lemon juice and eggs;
  • soothing mask with the addition of oatmeal;
  • nourishing mask with the addition of essential oils.

Relaxing bath

In a warm, not hot bath, pour 1 liter of fermented baked milk. The duration of the procedure should be approximately 10-15 minutes. After such a bath, the skin will tighten, become smooth and soft to the touch, mood will improve and positive energy will be added. To achieve a sustainable effect, it is advisable to take such baths at least once a week for one month.

Hair Mask

To make your hair stronger and stronger, you can use this recipe. To do this, take castor oil and fermented baked milk in equal proportions. Mix the products until smooth. Then this mixture is good to coat the hair, rubbing it into the roots of the head. After wrapping the hair with polyethylene and wrap it with a heated towel. Wash off with warm water after two hours.

Home scrub

From this wonderful product you can make an excellent exfoliating agent. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of ordinary salt to a glass of fermented baked milk. Apply to the face along the massage lines in a circular motion.

Ryazhenka for weight loss

No matter how fat ryazhenka is, its benefits in losing weight are obvious. Nutritionists and fitness instructors recommend introducing this drink into your diet for people trying to lose weight, as well as leading a healthy lifestyle. Undoubtedly, the possibility of using this product at night is considered a big plus, when, as luck would have it, the appetite wakes up. Daily use of ryazhenka will help the body to be in good shape. It is often suggested that this product be used instead of mayonnaise, as a salad dressing, or as a basis for the production of various sauces.

In addition, now there are a lot of low-calorie products in stores, with a fat content of 2,5% or 1%. However, it is worth remembering that in such fermented baked milk the content of nutrients is significantly reduced.

Ryazhenka or kefir – that is the question

It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what is more useful ryazhenka or kefir. Every product is good in one way or another. For example, kefir is less caloric, but fermented baked milk is absorbed by the body several times faster. Both drinks contain lactic acid bacteria, which are necessary for the health of the digestive system, have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the stomach and intestines. Due to the fact that fermented baked milk undergoes a heat treatment process, almost all harmful bacteria contained in milk before that die. But in fact, both products are good. It’s just that someone prefers ryazhenka, and someone likes kefir. Here, as they say, the taste and color …

Cooking ryazhenka at home

Ryazhenka is quite easy to prepare and it will not be difficult to ferment it at home.

To do this, you will need:

  • milk – 2 liters;
  • sour cream – 3-4 tablespoons.

Bring milk to a boil. After that, send it to the oven and leave it to languish for two hours. Cool baked milk to about 30-40 degrees and add sour cream to it. You can pour it all into a thermos or put it in a warm place for 6-8 hours.

This is a classic ryazhenka recipe. But now there are a large number of ready-made ferments of a wide variety of products, including fermented baked milk. Moreover, for the manufacture of the latter, you can use a starter for ordinary yogurt or, as recommended, streptosan starter.

Ryazhenka in a multicooker

To prepare such a product you will need:

  • baked milk – 1 liter;
  • ready-made sourdough – 1 bottle.

Baked milk may not be brought to a boil, but many still play it safe. So, bring the milk to a boil, cool to 30-40 degrees, add the starter and mix thoroughly. After that, pour the product into special molds or into a multicooker bowl and turn on the Yoghurt program for 6 hours. Instead of a slow cooker, you can also use a yogurt maker. Ryazhenka prepared according to this recipe turns out to be extremely tasty and healthy.

How to choose

When choosing a product in a store, you should pay attention to:

  • shelf life;
  • packaging;
  • composition;
  • Colour;
  • consistency;
  • smell.

The composition of ryazhenka should not contain any food additives, dyes or flavors. The shelf life of a natural product should not exceed five days. If the package indicates a longer period, then the product contains preservatives. It is better to choose a drink in a glass container. Firstly, it is environmentally friendly, and secondly, you can see the product through it and judge its quality. The consistency of fermented baked milk should be homogeneous, without bubbles and lumps. Color – creamy caramel. The smell, of course, cannot be determined in the store, but when you open the package, you can judge the quality of the product by the aroma. It should not be harsh and unpleasant, and should not contain various impurities.

Harm and contraindications

Ryazhenka is mostly a useful product, but there are several contraindications for use. First of all, you should not use this fermented milk drink for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer. It is also contraindicated for those who are allergic to milk protein. In addition, with prolonged languishing of milk, some harmful products are formed, such as glycoproteins. They are terrible because they can damage blood vessels, nerve cells, can destroy the kidneys, and harm the organs of vision. But in ryazhenka they contain such a small amount that there should be no cause for concern.

It is advisable to use this drink with vegetables and cereals, as it is absolutely not combined with protein foods.


Ryazhenka is an absolutely harmless, natural fermented milk product that is very popular all over the world. Due to its beneficial properties, it is valued both in the field of medicine and in the field of cosmetology. Nutritionists also like to introduce it into the diet, it is also useful for young children. Ryazhenka is just a godsend for pregnant women, it helps to saturate the body of the unborn child with the necessary amount of calcium. It is able to quench thirst on hot days and evenings, remove harmful substances from the body, improve the condition of the skin and hair. And in general, ryazhenka is just a very tasty product that both adults and children like so much.

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