The water-spotted rowweed (brown-yellow talker) belongs to the family Tricholomataceae, Genus Paralepista. An additional synonym for the mushroom is the golden row.

Where does the water-spotted row grow

Ryadovka water-spotted (brown-yellow talker) is unpretentious to growing conditions. Grows in almost all types of soil. Tolerates drought well. Fruiting period July-October. The peak falls on September. The fungus is widespread in North America, countries of Western and Eastern Europe, Central and Northern Our Country, in the Far East, the Urals. Grows in groups.

What does a brown-yellow talker look like

The hat of the rowing is quite large, 4-10 cm, sometimes it reaches 15 cm in diameter. The shape is flat, a tubercle is visible in the center. As it matures, the cap acquires a funnel-shaped structure. The edges are turned inside. The surface of the upper part is indeterminate. Basic shades: brown-yellow, yellow-orange, red, beige. The color is able to fade in the sun, then the color of the cap approaches white. Often there are rust spots.

Ryadovka water-spotted (brown-yellow talker): where it grows, what it looks like

A characteristic feature is small drops of water on the surface of the cap. After rain or in a damp forest, the skin becomes watery, slippery, matte. Depending on the weather, the shade of the upper part of the mushroom changes.

The leg is oblong, smooth, occasionally narrowed downwards. It grows by 3-4 cm. The thickness is 1 cm. The color of the lower part varies from white to gray. Base whitish. Inside the leg is dense, without voids, solid. The color is brown-yellow or pale ocher.

The structure of the water-spotted row (brown-yellow talker) is fibrous, mealy. The pulp is yellow, creamy. Has an anise scent. The taste is slightly bitter. Some mushroom pickers claim that the fruiting body smells intensely of perfume.

Ryadovka water-spotted (brown-yellow talker): where it grows, what it looks like

The plates are white, narrow, descending, often located. With age, they become yellow, brown.

Is it possible to eat a row of water-spotted

Foreign mycologists claim that the brown-yellow talker is a dangerous species that contains a poisonous substance akin to muscarine. But there is also opposite information, according to which the water-spotted row belongs to the conditionally edible subspecies of category 4. mushroom pickers do not collect it, it is better to abandon this variety in favor of more familiar representatives.

How to distinguish a water-spotted row

The brown-yellow talker has distinctive features. But mushroom pickers who do not have experience can confuse it with other varieties.

The row is inverted. The largest recorded cap size is 14 cm. On average, the diameter ranges from 4 to 11 cm. At first, the shape is convex, then it straightens out, becoming almost even. The surface of the cap is matte, brown-orange or brick in color. Leg up to 10 cm high, oblong. The color matches the tone of the hat. The pulp is white. There is a sweet smell. The taste is mediocre.

Grows both singly and in groups. It occurs at the foot of anthills, on coniferous litter. The active growth period is autumn. The mushroom is widespread in North America, Great Britain, Ireland.

It differs from the govorushka in a brown-yellow lighter ocher hat, yellow plates and a leg. In foreign sources, both varieties are considered poisonous.

Ryadovka water-spotted (brown-yellow talker): where it grows, what it looks like

Row red. It grows in the same conditions as the water-spotted row. Mushrooms are quite similar to each other. The only difference is the lighter surface of the cap of the brown-yellow talker, and even then not always.

Ryadovka water-spotted (brown-yellow talker): where it grows, what it looks like

Symptoms of poisoning and first aid

According to foreign mycologists, the pulp of the water-spotted rowweed contains muscarine. This substance leads to poisoning of the body. The first symptoms of intoxication:

  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • general weakness;
  • emetic urges;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • thirst;
  • acute pain in the abdomen.

Diarrhea lasts one or two days. After the body is restored, if therapeutic measures were taken in a timely manner.

First aid for poisoning:

  1. Call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital.
  2. Perform gastric lavage using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, you can take any sorbent agent, for example, activated charcoal.
  3. Give the victim plenty to drink.
  4. Provoke the appearance of gag reflexes.
  5. Use laxatives or a cleansing enema.
  6. If a person with poisoning is shivering, then before the arrival of an ambulance, he is warmly covered.

The patient should not be given alcoholic beverages. Since this will only provoke the rapid absorption of the poison by the body. No need to feed a poisoned person. It is better to give a warm drink. Medicines should be used after consulting a doctor. Mushroom poisoning is difficult for children and the elderly.


Ryadovka water-spotted (brown-yellow talker) grows on the territory of Our Country in the temperate forest zone. The edibility of the mushroom is questionable. In some sources, it is noted that the water-spotted rowing belongs to the conditionally edible group. According to other sources, the fruiting body is considered inedible, even poisonous.

Rows are different. How to recognize. Mushrooms in the forest.

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