Weakly poisonous mushroom from the genus Tricholomov (Ryadkovy) – spotted row. The Latin name is Tricholoma pessundatum. In the literature, you can find other names of the fungus: speckled row, ruined, wavy-legged. In Poland and Germany, the species is included in the Red Book as rare and endangered.

Where do spotted rows grow

In Our Country, the ruined rowing is ubiquitous. The fungus chooses acidic soil in the middle of coniferous or mixed forests, forming a mushroom root with fir, spruce or pine. Occurs quite often. Fruiting begins with the arrival of autumn, lasts until the onset of the first frost. In the southern regions of the country, a spotted representative of the Tricholomov genus can also be found in December. The species is distributed throughout Europe and North America.

What do spotted rows look like

This is a rather large mushroom, the diameter of its cap can reach up to 15 cm. It is fleshy, convex, can become prostrate with time, with a slight depression in the center. The color of the cap is light brown, with a reddish or yellow tint, small rusty spots can be observed over the entire surface. Its uneven, folded edge is always less colored than the middle. After the rains, the spotted surface, covered with mucus, becomes glossy.

Ryadovka spotted: description and photo

The reverse side of the cap of young mushrooms is covered with frequent white plates. In old, overripe fruiting bodies, they become spotted, reddish or brown.

The leg is short, up to 5 cm in height, thick, expanded to the bottom, cylindrical, hollow inside, fibrous, diameter ranges from 1,5 to 3 cm. Its color is light, beige or white, in the upper part it is almost discolored. When pressed, the surface of the leg turns brown.

Ryadovka spotted: description and photo

Dirty-white flesh has a slight mealy, unpleasant odor. The taste is indefinite, slightly bitter.

Spores are colorless, oval, smooth. Their powder is white.

Is it possible to eat spotted rows

Despite the low content of toxins in the pulp, the spotted row is classified as an inedible poisonous species. When it enters the food tract, the fungus causes acute poisoning.

How to distinguish spotted rows

All representatives of the genus, one way or another, are similar to each other. The speckled row is distinguished from its species counterparts by the characteristic spots on the cap.

Edible mushroom – poplar row, similar to spotted. The first species is not found in coniferous forests, unlike the poisonous twin, but grows under poplars and aspens. Poplar has a smooth, glossy, fleshy hat with a smooth edge. Its color is dark, fading to red, almost burgundy. The leg is thick, strong coffee color.

Ryadovka spotted: description and photo

The poplar rowing bears fruit earlier than the spotted one – from August to early October. An edible mushroom grows in large families in spacious, well-lit glades in deciduous forests.

The white-brown rowing is a conditionally edible representative of the species, which is distinguished by a fleshy convex hat, without characteristic marks. The color of the cap is dark or light brown, the surface is matte.

Ryadovka spotted: description and photo

The stem and dense pulp of the fungus are pure white, under the skin – reddish, when pressed, it instantly darkens. There is no characteristic mushroom smell and taste.

The fungus also grows in coniferous forests, less often in mixed forests. Main feature: twin, growing in large groups, forms orderly rows along forest clearings.

The red-brown row is a conditionally edible mushroom, which differs from the poisonous one only in wider spores. The form and places of growth are identical. The red-brown row has a more rounded hat, which is colored dark brown.

Ryadovka spotted: description and photo

Symptoms of poisoning

The mushroom does not contain high concentrations of toxins, but when eaten it causes nausea and vomiting. An hour after eating the spotted row, inflammation of the stomach or intestines begins. The process is accompanied by severe pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, dry mouth, increased sweating.

The fungus is especially dangerous for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, for children and the elderly.

First aid for poisoning

If intoxication is suspected, a doctor is urgently called to the house. Then they drink any available sorbent, for example, activated charcoal, and observe bed rest. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to drink as much liquid as possible in order to remove toxins from the body in a natural way. Timely provided qualified medical care guarantees an improvement in the condition in a day.


Ryadovka spotted is a strong beautiful mushroom that should not be put in a box when in the autumn in the forest. Despite its tempting appearance, this spotted representative of the Ryadkov genus is poisonous, causing gastrointestinal disorders and poisoning. The fungus has several edible counterparts, which are not easy to distinguish from a toxic counterpart.

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