Ryadovka singed belongs to the genus Tricholoma, family Ryadovkovye. The name of the mushroom in Latin Gyrophila ustalis is translated in the same way as the tanned or burnt row, it is widely known in Europe as the “burnt knight”.

Where singed rows grow

A representative can often be found in deciduous forests. It is widely distributed in temperate regions, growing in Japan, North America, Europe and Asia. The fruiting season is in autumn. The mushroom picker forms ectotrophic mycorrhiza with beech, braiding the roots of the tree with a dense network. But the presence of a beech is not a prerequisite for existence, sometimes the mycelium grows in mixed forests.

What do singed rows look like

Ryadovka scorched: description and photo

The mushroom got its name due to the characteristic brown color of the fruiting body, reminiscent of a sun tan. The cap diameter is from 3 to 10 cm, in young specimens it is convex, cone-shaped, sometimes with an edge tucked inward. As it grows, the cap becomes flat, it has a sticky surface with a chestnut sheen.

The plates are frequent, with recesses, attached to the stem. When young, they are cream or pale yellow in color, as the fruiting body ages, they become pale brown with red-brown spots. Mushroom spores are white, elliptical.

The leg is thin, cylindrical, thick – from 1 to 2,5 cm, long – 3-9 cm. At the base, it thickens a little, has a brown color, and the leg is whitish at the top. Mushroom pulp has a cucumber or mealy aroma and white color, at the cut point it changes color to brown.

Is it possible to eat scorched rows

In Japan, scorched rows account for 30% of all mushroom poisonings. Japanese scientists conducted laboratory studies and revealed a high content of toxins in these fruits. Ustalic acids and related compounds are also found in other poisonous members of the genus Tricholoma.

Studies of toxic properties were carried out on mice that, after force-feeding, froze in immobility, leaning to the side. Soon, the rodents began to tremor and involuntary contractions of the abdominal muscles.

Comment! High concentrations of the toxin (about 10 mg per individual) led to the death of experimental animals.

How to distinguish scorched rows

The scorched rows are similar to some conditionally edible species from the genus Tricholoma. For example, a brown-yellow row or Tricholoma fiavobrunneum has a similar color. But she is larger. The height of the stem can reach 12-15 cm, most often grows in deciduous forests, forming mycorrhiza with birch.

Ryadovka scorched: description and photo

Another conditionally edible species that remotely resembles a singed row is Lashanka or Tricholoma albobrunneum, which often forms mycorrhiza with pine. These mushrooms have a similar shape and diameter of the cap, length and thickness of the stem. Even brown coloration and dark spots on a light hymenophore can be misleading. Of course, no one would think of picking poisonous mushrooms, but they are often put in a basket, thinking that these are white-brown edible rows.

 Ryadovka scorched: description and photo

Row singed differs from the described conditionally edible species in darker plates and ectomycorrhizal combination with beech. But in young specimens, the hymenophore is light, sometimes they are found in mixed forests where there are conifers, therefore, with the slightest doubt, it is better to refuse to harvest the mushroom crop.

Symptoms of poisoning

Rows singed cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Spasms and severe pains in the abdominal region, tremor of the whole body begin. The first symptoms appear 1-6 hours after eating mushroom dishes. A slight malaise soon develops into severe food poisoning.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea begin, the work of the cardiovascular system is disturbed and orientation in space is difficult. You can not wait for the manifestation of all these symptoms in full, the victim must immediately provide first aid, which will contribute to recovery. Toxins are contained in the mushroom pulp in large quantities, with quick help, the chances of a successful outcome increase.

First aid for poisoning

Feeling unwell and severe pain in the abdomen after eating mushroom dishes, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, they clean the stomach, put an enema. They drink a large amount of liquid, and press on the root of the tongue, causing a gag reflex. You can drink any sorbent that you can find in your home first aid kit.


The scorched row is an inedible toxic mushroom that can often be found in the forest in autumn. Inexperienced mushroom pickers sometimes confuse it with conditionally edible representatives of the kingdom of mushrooms from the genus Ryadovok.

charred knight, Tricholoma ustale, burnt knight

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