Rutinoscorbin – action, composition, indications, contraindications, interactions. What is the combination of routine and vitamin C good for?

Rutinoscorbin is a popular drug that supports the body’s immunity, especially in autumn and winter, when our body is struggling with numerous infections. The drug should be used from the moment the first symptoms appear. Rutinoscorbin is a high dose of vitamin C, thanks to which the drug also protects the walls of the vessels and strengthens the walls of the capillaries.

Rutinoscorbin is a combined preparation containing rutin, or rutoside, and vitamin C, i.e. ascorbic acid. Rutin is a natural flavone compound. This substance protects blood vessels and also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Routine makes the capillary walls less permeable, strengthens them and prevents swelling.

In addition, it improves the tension of the vein walls and blood flow. It is an antioxidant that minimizes the harmful effects of free radicals and reduces the oxidation of vitamin C, making it last longer. It is also worth remembering that it is routine that affects the increase absorption of vitamin C from Rutinoscorbin.

Another component of Rutinoscorbin is vitamin C. It is an essential element of many metabolic changes. Like rutoside, it is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals. Vitamin C participates in the process of oxidation and reduction, as well as, inter alia, facilitates the absorption of iron, or is involved in the biosynthesis of folic acid. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect.


It is worth remembering that in the course of infection there is an increased need for vitamin C, and the ascorbic acid contained in Rutinoscorbine is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Rutin is mainly absorbed in an unmetabolized form and the maximum concentration is reached approx. 8 hours after administration.

Rutinoscorbin is intended for use in diseases of the veins and microcirculation disorders. It is also commonly used to prevent and treat flu and colds.

Check it out: Why do we usually get colds or the flu in fall and winter?

Rutinoscorbin – composition

One Rutinoscorbin film-coated tablet contains the following active substances:

  1. 25 mg rutozydu;
  2. 100 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

The composition of Rutinoscorbin also includes: lactose monohydrate, sucrose, potato starch, talc, polyvinyl alcohol and magnesium stearate. The tablet coating contains talc, quinoline yellow, titanium dioxide, polyvinyl alcohol and macrogol 4000.

There is also a drug on the market Rutinoscorbin Vitamin C Forte in the form of hard capsules with prolonged release, containing 500 mg of ascorbic acid and excipients (sucrose, shellac, corn starch, gelatin, talc, tartaric acid, stearic acid, water, riboflavin, sodium lauryl sulfate).

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Rutinoscorbin – indications

The indication for the use of Rutinoscorbin is:

  1. vitamin C deficiency;
  2. increased need for vitamin C, i.e. periods of colds, viral infections, such as influenza;
  3. excessive permeability of blood vessels.

Rutinoscorbin – contraindications

Rutinoscorbin cannot be used in all situations. Even if there are indications for its administration, it is necessary to bear in mind the various conditions that exclude the possibility of taking it. In the case of Rutinoscorbin, a contraindication to its use is hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

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Rutinoscorbin – precautions

Certain diseases and other health-related conditions may be a contraindication to the use of Rutinoscorbin or may be an indication for dose modification. Some cases require regular checkups.

Precautions when using high doses of vitamin C should be observed by individuals:

  1. with increased levels of oxalate in the urine;
  2. with increased levels of uric acid in the blood or people suffering from gout;
  3. with urolithiasis;
  4. struggling with cystinuria – it is a metabolic disease characterized by increased excretion of cystine in the urine;
  5. with low levels of potassium in the blood, that is, hypokalemia;
  6. with high levels of calcium in the blood, that is, with hypercalcemia.

In addition, people who use sulfonamides should be careful, as they can lead to the precipitation of sulfonamide crystals in the urine. Large amounts of vitamin C can also interfere with laboratory tests such as fecal occult blood measurements.


It should also be remembered that in children under 6 years of age, consult a doctor before administering Rutinoscorbin. The drug is used only at his express request.

Rutinoscorbin contains lactose, therefore it should not be used by people with galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or malabsorption of glucose-galactose. It should also be remembered that the drug, due to the quinoline yellow it contains, can cause allergic reactions. Rutinoscorbin has no influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

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Rutinoscorbin is a drug in the form of film-coated tablets. It is intended for oral use. Rutinoscorbin should be used as directed and the recommended doses should not be exceeded. Such action will not increase the effectiveness of the drug and may harm the health and life of the patient. If you have any doubts about the use of Rutinoscorbin, please consult your doctor.

Rutinoscorbin – dosage

For prophylactic purposes, Rutinoscorbin should be taken 1-2 times a day. However, if the drug is used in states of vitamin C deficiency, you should take 1 or 2 tablets of Rutinoscorbin 2 to 4 times a day.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, do not use any medication without consulting your doctor. Pregnant women should clarify all doubts about the benefits and possible risks of using the preparation with their doctor before starting the use of the drug.

In any case, a doctor should be consulted because there are no data on the safety of the preparation in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Check it out: Vitamin C for children – properties, dosage, natural sources

Rutinoscorbin – interactions with other drugs

Before starting to use Rutinoscorbin, tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking. Vitamin C contained in Rutinoscorbin may enhance the effect of anticoagulants such as warfarin and paracetamol. In addition, the drug increases the absorption of metal compounds, and therefore also iron.

Rutinoscorbin may also increase the harmful effects of acetylsalicylic acid on the gastric mucosa. Vitamin C in combination with sulfonamides can lead to the precipitation of sulfonamide crystals in the urine.

In addition, vitamin C may interfere with laboratory tests, such as, for example, the determination of glucose in the urine. Therefore, before performing any tests, please inform your doctor that you are taking Rutinoscorbin.

Rutinoscorbin – side effects

Rutinoscorbin, like any other drug, may cause side effects. It should also be remembered that side effects do not apply to all patients who started taking the preparation. It should also be remembered that usually the benefits of taking the preparation outweigh the risk of side effects.

Rutinoscorbin is usually well tolerated by patients. As a result of taking high doses of vitamin C, nausea, vomiting, excessive urination and hypersensitivity reactions, such as rash, may occur.

1 Comment

  1. He comprado este medicamento equivocado yo lo que necesito es el Rutascorbin para la circulación, cancele a la media hora de verlo comprado y el proveedor no me respondió, gracias

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