Russula ocher belongs to the Russula family, which in the forests of Our Country is represented mostly by edible subspecies. Some, like the ocher variety, have mixed taste profiles. Other names for the fungus: lemon, pale ocher, ocher yellow, pale yellow russula.

Russula ocher: photo and description

Where do ocher russula grow

The ocher russula is ubiquitous. This is a well-known species that grows in the forests of the temperate zone. Favorite places are deciduous, coniferous forests, especially spruce forests. Mushrooms settle mainly on mosses, forest litter. There are buffy specimens in broad-leaved thickets with a high level of humidity. Russula is a rare guest of the southern regions of Our Country.

Russula ocher: photo and description

What do buffy russula look like

The view has the following external features.

  1. The hat is 5-10 cm in diameter. Painted in light ocher color of different shades. There are green patches. In the center of the cap, the color is rich brown. In the early stages of development, the shape of the upper part of the fungus is hemispherical. Over time, it opens up, acquiring a flat appearance, depressed in the middle.
  2. The surface is matte, smooth, even. The skin is easily removed. In wet weather it becomes sticky, slimy.
  3. The edges are curved, ribbed or smooth.
  4. The plates are white or light cream in color, frequent, thin. They are tightly attached to the hat.
  5. The leg is solid, solid inside, thin. The surface may be wrinkled. The shape is cylindrical. The height of the lower part of the mushroom is 3-9 cm. The color is white, sometimes yellow.
  6. The pulp is fragile, easily bursts, light shade. When broken in air, it quickly darkens. The taste is pungent, there is no intense smell.
  7. Spore powder of ocher color.

Is it possible to eat pale buffy russula

These mushrooms are assigned category 3. They belong to conditionally edible subspecies. However, some researchers consider this species poisonous. In any case, mushrooms must be boiled before use.

Taste qualities of ocher russula

Ocher russula has an unpleasant taste and peppery taste. But experienced mushroom pickers collect the mushroom and remove bitterness from it by boiling in several waters. The indicator of bitterness in taste characteristics is determined by the place of growth.

Benefit and harm

The chemical composition of russula ocher is not original. It is practically the same as that of mushrooms in the central zone of the Federation. Contain forest plants useful for the body proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Nutritional value – 15 kcal. Also in the pulp there are saturated acids, ash, dietary fiber. Mostly B vitamins predominate, there are also vitamins E, PP. The composition is dominated by minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium.

Thanks to useful elements, ocher russula juice has a softening effect. Fresh mushroom gruel treats corns, calluses, moisturizes and nourishes dry skin of the feet.

Ocher mushrooms are characterized by anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Medicinal qualities are manifested when taken orally.

Russula is included in the diet of people with obesity. The product helps to reduce weight, fight obesity. This is possible due to a feeling of satiety and a prolonged lack of appetite.

Attention! Ocher russula is used in folk medicine in the treatment of cancer.

Meanwhile, ocher russula can cause poor health. Doctors do not recommend eating mushrooms to people:

  • having chronic diseases of the heart, liver;
  • with diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • having intolerance to certain elements;
  • pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • children under 12 years old.

False doubles

It is easy to confuse ocher russula with other varieties that will spoil the pleasure of mushroom dishes.

  • Russula is bile. Conditionally edible mushroom. Hat size up to 11 cm in diameter. Color light yellow, white, straw, red. In young specimens, the shape of the cap is convex, in aging specimens it is prostrate. The peel is dry, in the area of ​​u7buXNUMXbthe edges it is easily removed. The height of the leg is XNUMX cm. It is even, thickens towards the base. The pulp is whole, the structure is fragile. The color is the same as the hat. The inside of the leg is loose. Appears at the end of June. In Our Country, it grows everywhere. Prefers deciduous and coniferous arrays.

    Russula ocher: photo and description

  • Russula is green. Mushroom large. The upper part has a diameter of 10-30 cm. Foma is spherical or flat. The surface is dry, even and smooth. The color of the hat is olive, light green. The leg is cylindrical, grows up to 15 cm in height. The color of the pulp is yellow, white. Prefers to grow in pine or deciduous forests. They nest near a tree.

    Russula ocher: photo and description

  • Toadstool fly agaric. There is a risk of being confused with a poisonous mushroom – fly agaric. Its main features are: there are white flakes on the cap, the remnants of the cuticle on the scaly leg, the base is thick. In young fly agarics, the lower part is surrounded by a veil. Hat color is yellow. Another difference is the smell, in the ocher mushroom it is more pleasant.

    Russula ocher: photo and description

Collection rules

Buffy russula appear in the forest between August and September. Mushroom picking is best organized in the early morning. It is desirable to make a cut with a knife, so the mycelium remains in the ground. The harvested crop must be cleaned of excess sand and leaves, then put in a basket, bucket. When transporting mushrooms in a bag, the pulp immediately breaks. Crumbs remain from the fruits, unsuitable for further processing.

After coming from the forest, the russula is sorted, the damaged areas are cut off and washed. Mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. After this period, the products should not be consumed. Young specimens, not overripe, are suitable for processing.

The use of russula ocher

Of course, all types of russula are edible to one degree or another. But there are problems with the collection, preparation and harvesting of mushrooms for future use due to their natural fragility. Their flesh breaks easily and crumbles. For this reason, the buffy look is not dried, it is not suitable for dry storage. Do not use mushrooms for soups. The main methods of preparation are frying and salting.

How to cook fried buffy russula:

  1. Soak the mushrooms in salt water for more than 2 hours.
  2. Then boil for about 15 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Rinse, dry.
  4. Heat up a frying pan and add vegetable oil.
  5. Add mushrooms and fry for 20 minutes.
Attention! The liquid in which the mushrooms were boiled must be poured out, as it may contain harmful substances.

Salty mushroom dishes can become a real delicacy if cooked properly. They make excellent mushroom julienne, caviar. When combined with other mushrooms that have a pronounced taste, a good tandem is obtained. Russula ocher can be used as a base part, base. Goes well with mushrooms.


Buffy russula has an uncertain taste reputation. As a rule, the mushroom is classified as an inedible species. Therefore, inexperienced mushroom pickers are advised to collect well-known reliable mushrooms. After all, a mistake will lead to negative consequences for the body.

Russula ochroleuca – fungi kingdom

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