The blackening podgrudok belongs to the Russula family. In appearance, it resembles a breast. This variety and other dark mushrooms are combined into one group. A characteristic feature of the representatives is the black color of the pulp.

Russula blackening: description and photo

Where blackening subloads grow

The species forms a mycelium next to hardwood trees. Mushrooms settle in coniferous, deciduous, mixed forests. The preferred habitat is Western Siberia and the temperate zone of Our Country. They can also be found in broad-leaved, spruce thickets. A blackening load is common in Western Europe and Asian countries.

Grows mostly in small groups. Fruiting is long, begins in mid-summer and ends at the end of October. According to the observations of mushroom pickers, mushrooms grow even in cold areas, for example, on the Korean Isthmus. In the Leningrad region appear in August.

What do blackening bootloaders look like

On average, the diameter of the cap varies from 5 to 15 cm. However, there are large specimens with an upper part size of more than 25 cm. When young mushrooms appear, they have a white cap color, with time the color becomes dirty gray, brown. There are brown fruiting bodies with an olive tint. The hat is dark gray in the center, lighter along the edges. Photos correspond to the description of blackening loading.

Russula blackening: description and photo

The surface is dry, only in humid weather there is mucus on the skin in a small amount. On the first day after the appearance of the cap, the shape of the cap is spherical, later it becomes flat. In the center, shallow pits are visible. There are often cracks on the surface of the cap, through which white flesh is visible.

Russula blackening: description and photo

Plates are large and thick. Rarely located. In young mushrooms, they are white, the old ones are distinguished by a gray, brown-pink tint. There are atypical specimens with black plates.

The height of the leg is 10 cm. The structure is dense, the color is white. The shape is cylindrical. As the stem grows, it also acquires a dirty gray hue.

Russula blackening: description and photo

The pulp of the blackening podgruzdka is thick, but fragile. The composition includes ferrous sulfate, which, upon contact with air, oxidizes and stains the cut pink. The taste is slightly bitter, the aroma is weak, pleasant.

Is it possible to eat a blackening load

Mushrooms belong to category 4. This is an edible species. They are allowed to be consumed boiled or salted. However, it is worth using young fruiting bodies, the old ones have rather hard pulp. They are usually wormy.

Attention! Japanese scientists consider the blackening podgruzok a poisonous variety.


The blackening podgruzdok in taste strongly resembles a breast. The pulp is crispy, but bitterness is noted, so the mushroom is boiled for 20 minutes before use. For salting, be sure to soak in salted water for 3-5 days. For young mushrooms, the procedure takes only 6 hours. The bitterness will go away with the liquid. After the skin will be easier to clean.

Attention! Mushroom pickers are attracted by the fruity, unobtrusive aroma of blackening blackening.

Benefit and harm

The pulp of blackening contains:

  • vitamins E, PP, F, B1, B2;
  • mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber;
  • saturated, unsaturated acids;
  • trace elements: sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium.

Mushrooms are a nutritious and dietary product. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes in the body.

Attention! A blackening load is suitable if you just need to fill your stomach and get rid of hunger.

It should be remembered that mushrooms with illiterate preparation can provoke heaviness, pain, disruption of the digestive tract. It is not advised to use them for people with stomach problems. Heavy food can be dangerous for older people who still have diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and immunity.

Even edible varieties can cause trouble in the presence of individual sensitivity. A person may react acutely to a particular type of fungus. It is not recommended to eat a blackening supplement for children under 12 years old, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Attention! Any new mushrooms should be tried in portions of 100-200 g, so as not to risk health.

Russula blackening: description and photo

Collection rules

It is best to go for mushrooms in the early morning. It is at this time that the optimal lighting regime. It is necessary to know the characteristics of the collected mushrooms. In a new forest, in a different climate, the country is better to collect under the supervision of a local mushroom picker. Familiar species may be poisonous counterparts. A mistake can lead to fatal consequences.

The terrain is important. It is not recommended to collect blackening load in forest belts near highways, cemeteries, fertilized agricultural fields, chemical industry enterprises.

When picking mushrooms, it is important to pay attention to the shape, color of the cap, color and smell of the pulp, characteristic features, soil. This will help to recognize the poisonous species.

The blackening load is able to grow in the substrate. After a few days, it appears on the surface, breaks the top layer. In this place, cracking of the soil is noted. Another feature of the type is the slow decomposition in natural conditions. In the process, the fruiting body darkens. A dried copy can last until the next season.

After returning from the forest, the obligatory stage is the sorting of the crop. It is then that suspicious and dangerous species are cut off.

Attention! If there is the slightest doubt, it is better to throw the mushroom away.

False doubles loading blackening

A mushroom picker, out of inexperience, can confuse a blackening load with a false toadstool, which is a poisonous mushroom. To prevent this from happening, you should know the main features of a false double.

Pale grebe – a spherical or flat type of hat. Color green, light gray, olive. The plates are frequent, small, white. The leg is high. It has a thickening at the base. Color is beige. The surface is covered with a mesh pattern. The flesh of the pale grebe is light, does not change color when cut.

Russula blackening: description and photo

Attention! In a poisonous species, a ring is visible under the cap, which disappears with age.

The blackening load has harmless doppelgangers. They will not bring harm, and a joint tandem will be a delicious dish on the table.

  1. The loader is white and black. He has a whitish hat with a gray tint. The plates are thick. The flesh is light, but when cut it turns black immediately. They grow in birch and aspen groves. The fruiting period begins in autumn. Occurs rarely.

    Russula blackening: description and photo

  2. The loader is black. It is characterized by an external resemblance to a blackening load. You can distinguish mushrooms from each other by the color of the pulp. In a black fungus, the cut has a brown tint and is covered with spots. Settles in coniferous forests.

    Russula blackening: description and photo

Application of blackening agent loading

The young mushroom is first of all cleaned of forest debris, sand, grass. After the preliminary preparation described earlier, frying, pickling with hot or cold methods is carried out.

Attention! Blackening podgruzdok blackens in the process of salting.


Blackening load is an edible mushroom. Although some sources indicate its conditional purpose. The main thing is not to confuse with false twins. This type of russula is really good fried and salted. They shouldn’t be neglected.

Blackening podgrudok (Russula nigricans)

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