Russian stars who are constantly on diets

For the sake of chiseled figures, they are ready to experience a constant feeling of hunger …

The star of “Interns” Kristina Asmus will easily give odds to any professional model. With a height of 168 cm, the weight of the actress is only 45-46 kilograms.

But it turns out that she pays for harmony with a constant refusal to eat. The other day, the wife of Garik Kharlamov admitted that she was literally forced to starve.

It all started with what Christina told subscribers: she loves fast food. “And how often do you eat it?” – those immediately asked. In response, the actress admitted that she does not often indulge herself.

“I love to eat, but I rarely allow myself,” the actress wrote. – I am inclined to be overweight, so I am constantly starving.

This is what Christina’s dinner looks like

However, Christina’s diet could be judged even by the pictures in the Maldives. The actress shared an evening photo in a black bodysuit at the hotel. It is curious that at this moment in front of her on the bed there was only a plate of herbs and water with lemon.

“Princess of the Circus”, 32-year-old actress Valeria Lanskaya, also limits herself to food. Even with colossal loads in the theater and at rehearsals, she has to deny herself sweet and starchy foods.

“Now my weight is 52 kilograms, and I keep it. Why a gym? It is not needed, physical activity is more than enough. But despite this, you have to follow a diet. I don’t eat any products with sugar, I don’t eat flour, ”the actress admitted in an interview with Antenna.

“As a person prone to weight gain, I am already accustomed to eating restrictions. I remember that in my second year at the Shchukin Institute, I gained up to 62 kilograms. I just returned from my dad from America. And fast food made itself felt, – continued Valeria. – In addition, I entered the theater early, at the age of 15, and at that time I was just having hormonal changes in my body. So, my artistic director, seeing me, instead of giving the roles to Assol and Natasha Rostova, put me on to play the Box from Dead Souls, other aunts and old women. Then I cried, but now I’m even happy that it happened. It helped me in my profession: it expanded my acting range. “

Alena Vodonaeva not only refers to those who are always losing weight, but also speaks out very categorically about women with forms, which more than once caused the anger of subscribers …

No wonder that the ex-star of “House-2” does not make concessions to himself either. So, even on vacation, Vodonaeva categorically avoids fatty and sweet foods.

Even on vacation, Alena prefers greens and fish to fast food

“Alcohol, soda and mayonnaise are banned. But then again, if you want a shawarma or an orange fizzy passion, allow yourself it. But not more than 2-3 times a year, – the TV personality more than once recognized, and also added that her 8-year-old son Bogdan has been eating right from childhood.

“Porridge, soups, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish. Of the “violations” he has pizza and burgers made from good meat, – continued Alena. “A nanny lives with us at home, whose job it is to cook the right food for my son every day.”

The main former “Revizorro” of the country, TV presenter Elena Letuchaya, watches closely not only for cafes and restaurants, but also for her own weight.

The blonde beauty often drives fans into a stupor with photographs of her own breakfasts: halves of an avocado or tamarillo. It is curious, but the TV presenter is able to get enough of this almost for the whole morning …

This is what Elena Letuchaya’s usual breakfast looks like.

However, for lunch and dinner, the star still allows himself something more caloric …

“I try to eat right. For example, I don’t mix proteins with carbohydrates, I don’t eat at night, ”says Flying. – And also completely excluded from the diet foods that simply destroy the body – chips, fried potatoes, salted nuts, pickles, canned food, sweet soda. Since childhood, I do not like milk, with the exception of kefir. I eat meat once a month – in the form of a steak. I choose only sea fish. At the same time, I prefer lean varieties. Salmon, for example, is too fat for me. “

The star of the sitcom “Sasha Tanya” significantly recovered after the birth of her daughter Sophia … The extra pounds during pregnancy and childbirth accumulated as much as 20, so I had to literally sew my mouth shut.

It is curious that Rubtsova’s diet was invented for herself.

In addition to the hunger strike, the actress regularly goes in for sports.

“I start the day with warm water, then I do exercises for an hour and a half (strength exercises, yoga, stretching),” Rubtsova shares with her Instagram followers. – My motto: “You have to earn breakfast!” I never break this rule. Almost! After charging, I drink water again, a lot of water, and after 20-30 minutes. long awaited breakfast! This is any porridge on the water: buckwheat, bulgur, oatmeal, barley – with homemade cheese. For dessert, berries or fruits that are in the house. Second breakfast – fruits. For lunch, there is always soup – meat, vegetable, and any! The main thing is more greenery, I have it instead of bread. During the break – warm water again. For dinner I eat meat or fish with vegetables and my favorite dessert is fruit. “

By the way, Valentina does not eat or drink three hours before bedtime. The actress completely abandoned sugar, bread, confectionery and fast food. Well, judging by the photos of the actress in a bikini and perfect physical shape, the star’s new diet works just perfect.

Anastasia Volochkova is losing weight almost all her life. As a child, like all ballerinas, I was on a strict diet, not trying sweets and ice cream for years …

And now he keeps in shape. Even on vacation, a ballerina’s dinner consists of only one bunch of greenery.

At home, Anastasia allows herself more variety. True, from the same greens and vegetables. The other day, the ballerina laid out her dinner, consisting of tomatoes, feta cheese and salad.

Loves Volochkova and seafood. But you can relax yourself only on weekends. These days, she and her mother and daughter are preparing a barbecue.

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