
Russian Psychological Society

129366, Moscow, Yaroslavskaya, 13 tel./fax: (095) 283-5530

The founding Congress of the Russian Psychological Society took place on November 22, 1994 in Moscow.

Today, the RPO has about 5000 members. The structure of the RPO includes 62 regional departments and 16 scientific sections.

The governing bodies of the Society are the Congress, the Coordinating Council, the Presidium of the Coordinating Council, the President of the RPO and the Executive Directorate.

Presidium of the RPO Coordinating Council:

  • Akopov Garnik Vladimirovich (Samara)
  • Allahverdov Viktor Mikhailovich (St. Petersburg)
  • Asmolov Alexander Grigorievich (Moscow)
  • Barabanshchikov Vladimir Alexandrovich (Moscow) — Vice President
  • Bogoyavlenskaya Diana Borisovna (Moscow)
  • Vyatkin Bronislav Alexandrovich (Perm)
  • Gabdreev Rustem Vagizovich (Kazan) — Vice President of the RPO
  • Engalychev Vali Fatehovich (Kaluga)
  • Ermakov Pavel Nikolaevich (Rostov-on-Don) — Vice President of the RPO
  • Zabrodin Yuri Mikhailovich (Moscow)
  • Kislyakov Viktor Petrovich (Volgograd)
  • Klimov Evgeny Alexandrovich (Moscow) — President of the RPO
  • Kornilov Yury Konstantinovich (Yaroslavl)
  • Leontiev Vladimir Grigorievich (Novosibirsk)
  • Naftuliev Arkady Ilyich (St. Petersburg)
  • Ozerov Viktor Petrovich (Stavropol)
  • Pantileev Sergey Removich (Moscow)
  • Ponomarenko Vladimir Alexandrovich (Moscow)
  • c.u.ov Vitaly Vladimirovich (Moscow)
  • Stetsiv Anatoly Viktorovich (Vladivostok)
  • Chernyshev Alexey Sergeevich (Kursk)
  • Shadrikov Vladimir Dmitrievich (Moscow)

In Moscow on November 29, 2001, a meeting of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council of the RPO was held, at which the issue of the information partnership between the RPO and Psychological Newspaper was discussed for the first time. By unanimous decision, they decided to approve a number of areas of cooperation between the newspaper and the society.

From the Charter of the PPO.


Address: 103009 Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, d.11, building 5. Tel. (903) 618-40-54, f. (095) 203-31-45 (for Camilla) e-mail: [email protected]

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