A rosy sun on a plate, a fragrant pancake, scorching and alluring – a welcome guest of every Russian house for centuries. Considered a symbol of spring, prosperity and joy, lush pancakes, just like grandmother’s, have earned a place of honor in the cookbooks of skilled housewives.
Real Russian pancakes: cooking video
Pancakes appeared among the Slavs with the arrival of the Varangians. Ease of preparation, satiety and some already familiar taste conquered the hostess grandmothers and embodied in a variety of recipes offering fluffy pancakes, thin, royal, peasant and traditional – Russian pancakes.
Each pancake was baked in a cast-iron pan, greased with unsalted lard, and then greased with butter and sent to a dry, warm place. As now, sour cream, honey, jam or poppy seeds were served with pancakes.
In order for Russian pancakes to turn out no worse in the kitchen than in the oven, you need to prepare the “right” products:
– 0,5 kg of wheat (sifted) flour; – 1-2 tablespoons of sugar; – 1 large chicken egg; – 25 g of yeast; – 1 liter of milk; – 1 tsp. (slightly less) salt; – 100 g of butter; – 3 tbsp. l. olive oil.
The dough preparation process itself is extremely simple. In 750 ml of heated milk, it is necessary to dissolve yeast, add a spoonful of sugar, the yolk of an existing egg, salt, butter (melted), 300 g of flour and mix and knead everything well. Leave the resulting dough in a warm room for a couple of hours before raising it to about half. Then add the remaining sugar, flour, warmed milk and whipped protein to it. Then you need to knead the dough again and leave it to rise for an hour and a half.
It is better to cover the container in which the dough ferments with a clean towel. So the dough will not dry out and will come faster
When frying pancakes, you need to observe some subtleties. First, the pan must be very well heated and oiled with butter. Secondly, the dough must be carefully poured with a ladle over the entire diameter of the pan. Then, when the underside is browned, the top must be greased with a pastry brush with vegetable oil and only then turned over. Repeat the process returning to the first side of the pancake.
While the pancakes are fried, the dough should never be interfered with.
Ready-made pancakes can be served with caviar, lightly salted fish or sweets (chocolate, apples, caramel, and so on). Pancakes can be served with cutlery. But eating them with your hands is considered perfectly acceptable.