Russian Open Cup for Fitness and Bodybuilding Participants

Russian Open Cup for Fitness and Bodybuilding Participants

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On the eve of preparations for the Open Cup of Russian Cities in Fitness and Bodybuilding, which will be held on April 25, Penza fitness girls told how to become fit and slender.

Open Cup of Russian cities in fitness and bodybuilding 2014

Looking at such beauties, you involuntarily remove your hand from the cake. Woman’s Day invites everyone to support our fellow countrywomen and vote for the best. The girl with the most likes on the site will receive a special prize from Woman’s Day at the final!

On April 25, the open Cup of Russian cities in fitness and bodybuilding will be held at the KKZ “Penza”. Due to the popularity of the festival among athletes and spectators, it was decided this year to hold it in a larger hall. Hall of KKZ “Penza”, designed for 1 seats, will receive about 5000 participants from 150 cities of Russia. “To prevent the competition from becoming protracted, as in the past, 2014, a preliminary selection is held“, – said the organizer of the festival Alexei Netesanov. The prize fund of the tournament this year is one of the largest in Russia. It is 370 thousand rubles. The competition program includes performances for juniors, men’s fitness and bodybuilding, women’s fitness and bikini, as well as spectacular free programs in the absolute categories.

Of course, the most beautiful way out, as in the past years, promises to be nominations in which slim and fit girls – “Fitness” and “Bikini” take part.

On the stage, along with bodybuilders from other cities of Russia, girls representing our region will perform. Already, visitors to Woman’s Day can get acquainted with the contenders for the victory and choose Miss Audience Choice… The girl with the most likes on the site will receive a special prize from Woman’s Day at the final!

In addition, representatives of Woman’s Day will be present at the festival itself, who, based on the results of competitive programs, will choose an athlete worthy of the title “Miss Woman’s Day: Beauty and Grace”.

You can get acquainted with the participants on the next page.

Growth: 165 см

The weight: competitive weight – 57 kg, at weight – 65.

How many years have you been in sports: sports experience 1,5 years.

Sports achivments: I am just starting my sports career, and it was a great achievement for me to withstand the first preparation for the tournament.

Hobbies besides sports: I study at the theater department, so a man-theater-goer and a man-athlete are fighting in me. I live from rehearsal to training and vice versa. But I like it, both classes are very interesting to me, and I even think that they have something in common.

Favorite dish: I love the stew very much, but most of all I like the lamb stew with vegetables.

Marital status: Single. But I have a young man, Dmitry, who supports me in every possible way. It was thanks to him that I came to the hall. By the way, this year he will also take part in the Russian Open Cup in Fitness and Bodybuilding in the Fitness category.

Professional advice for girls who want to have a slim and fit body: first of all, you need to be patient and get rid of the idea that a beautiful body can be obtained a month before summer or with the help of diets that promise – minus 10 kg per week. A good figure is built regularly! In general, you just need to love yourself more and realize that you are the best!

Who prepares you for the Open Cup of Russian cities for fitness and bodybuilding: I work out in the Bear gym. My coach is the owner of the title “Mr. Universe” and simply the best coach (he even has such a T-shirt) Aleksey Petrovich Netesanov.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of M. Borisova

You can vote for Maria on the last page!

Growth: 165 см

The weight: off-season – 55 kg, competitive – 47 kg.

How many years have you been in sports: my life in sports started from childhood. I have been doing track and field athletics for 5 years, dancing a little, and for a year and a half I have been in the gym.

Sports achivments: not yet, I’m still young.

Hobbies besides sports: I love to cook and do nails, so, girls, we sign up for a manicure.

Favorite dish: Pasta with cheese.

Marital status: Single.

Professional advice for girls who want to have a slim and fit body: girls, in order to have a fit and slender body, you need to try a lot, and this requires patience! The main thing is to set a goal for yourself and go towards it, no matter what! And you only need to invest in yourself a good foundation (the right food), because you yourself are building your body! So, girls, put aside the cakes, took the gym bag, ran to the gym – and give all the best there!

Who prepares you for the Open Cup of Russian cities in fitness and bodybuilding: I work out in the Nash Kvartal fitness club under the strict guidance of coach Oleg Tumanov.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of T. Urekina

You can vote for Tatiana on the last page!

Position: engineer

Growth: 174 см

The weight: 60 kg

How many years have you been in sports: 1,5 – 2 of the year

Sports achivments: I have no official achievements.

Hobbies besides sports: I dream of traveling, I prefer rock music, computer games, delicious food.

Favorite dish: udon noodles with vegetables and chicken / seafood.

Marital status: Single.

Professional advice for girls who want to have a slim and fit body: you can always talk about how to start a new life on the next Monday, pull yourself together, go on a diet, start playing sports, and so on. But when the decision really ripens in my head to give a start to my improvement, a strong desire, motivated by future results that can really be achieved. It cannot be stopped. With this you fall asleep, with this you wake up! In order to get the figure of your dreams, you need to really want it, be ready to maintain proper nutrition, it is the guarantee of physical strength, a healthy body. Everyone, of course, has their own image of an ideal figure, but personally I believe that in addition to trying to keep from eating tasty things, every girl’s life should have a love for sports. It is not necessary to iron, as I have, but nevertheless, combining cardio loads (running, swimming, dancing) with strength (exercising in a gym with weights) is the key to success for building the figure of your dreams! I am glad that more and more girls are trying to make themselves better.

What personal sports achievements are you most proud of, who prepares you for the Open Cup of Russian cities in fitness and bodybuilding: I started working out in the gym about two years ago, for the first year I preferred exercise with heavy weights and was fanatical about new victories in increasing working weights. If you take into account the basic exercises – deadlift, bench press and squats with a barbell – execution for one repetition (in kg): 75/40/70. In the fall of 2014, I began to train in the Medved gym under the guidance of a real professional – Alexei Netesanov. He invited me to go this way to the competition, which I am now going through for the first time, and I am infinitely grateful to him for the fact that I effectively improve myself. I will do my best!

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of A. Goldobina

You can vote for Alena on the last page!

Position: leading sales manager for electrical products.

Growth: 164 см

The weight: in the off-season – 75 kg, competitive – 62 kg.

How many years have you been in sports: about 3 years.

Hobbies besides sports: I am a volunteer of a group for helping stray animals in Penza.

Favorite dish: kebab from meat or fish.

Marital status: Single.

Professional advice for girls who want to have a slim and fit body: the most important thing is to start practicing! This is best done with a coach. And it’s important to understand that eating well is not fasting! Now in all sources there is an excess of information on this issue, so I strongly recommend consulting with knowledgeable and literate people.

What personal sporting achievements are you most proud of: I am proud that I was able to defeat myself and become better than I was, but the biggest achievements are yet to come! Sport affected not only my appearance, but also my inner world, I became more confident, purposeful and positive.

Who prepares you for the Open Cup of Russian Cities in Fitness and Bodybuilding: my coach is Oleg Tumanov, sports complex “Horizon”.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of O. Agapova

You can vote for Oksana on the last page!

Growth: 167 см

The weight: at the moment (April 15) 57 kg.

How many years have you been in sports: I have been doing fitness quite recently – just over six months. She came to the gym in mid-September 2014.

Sports achivments: I think the main personal achievement is that when I came to the gym in September, I performed at my first competitions in November, having lost 13 kg (in less than 2,5 months).

Hobbies besides sports: besides sports, I am engaged in cross-stitching, walking and training my dog. The Jack Russell Terrier requires no less strength and energy than a standard gym training.

Favorite dish: I give preference to any kind of pasta: with seafood or mushrooms.

Marital status: married.

Professional advice for girls who want to have a slim and fit body: I can give one advice, but it is the most effective – to monitor your diet and smile more often.

Who prepares you for the Open Cup of Russian Cities in Fitness and Bodybuilding: Vadim Konovalov, coach of SC “Druzhba”, prepares me for competitions.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of E. Svistunova

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