The works of outstanding Russian philosophers of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries — Chaadaev, Leontiev, Rozanov, Berdyaev, Bulgakov and others — published in this collection are devoted not so much to the idea of individualism as to the analysis of the original path and character of the Russian people.
The works of outstanding Russian philosophers of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries — Chaadaev, Leontiev, Rozanov, Berdyaev, Bulgakov and others — published in this collection are devoted not so much to the idea of individualism as to the analysis of the original path and character of the Russian people. What is hidden behind the concept of “Russian intelligentsia”, behind the myth of the notorious “Russian soul”, how did the paradoxical Russian mentality, combining love of freedom and slavish obedience, spiritual search and money-grubbing, rebelliousness and inert conservatism, form? An honest look at oneself implies a certain courage, and pain, and love, and hope at the same time. The authors of the texts included in this book managed to find the courage to look at themselves — and at each of us — objectively and without judgment.
Algorithm, 288 p.