Before heading to building, we recommend that you carefully study our material on the main lash trend.
“Russian volume”, “Russian eyelashes”, “3D-extension” – all these are definitions of a new trend that is gaining popularity all over the world. A model with Russian roots, singer and actress Ellen Alexander spoke about the intricacies of this procedure and why it is so popular not only in Russia, but in the West and the United States.
The history of the appearance of eyelash extensions
The fashion for artificial eyelashes, as well as for many other things in the field of makeup, was introduced at the beginning of the 1927th century by Maximilian Faktorovich, a former assistant to the make-up artist of the Bolshoi Theater, who emigrated from Russia to the USA and since then is known to the world as the founder of Max Factor. While working on the image of Roxy in the musical “Chicago”, he created the eyelashes for the actress Phyllis Haver. In our time, the look of her heroine would have collected millions of likes, but then it caused a stormy delight of the spectators and the envy of colleagues who demanded that make-up artists make them the same voluminous and fluffy eyelashes. In XNUMX, they were a fringe glued to a thread, but over time, the manufacturing technology was improved: the thread was replaced by individual hairs.
From Russia with love
Today, the essence of the extension procedure is that artificial eyelashes are attached to natural ones using a special glue: 2 eyelashes – 2D, a bundle of 3 eyelashes – 3D, etc. (i.e. their number determines the name).
Not so long ago, the fashion for naturalness was replaced by the race of Russian beauties for the maximum length and volume of eyelashes, which for domestic lashmakers turned into a real competition: who is more? So, the standard “Hollywood volume” – attachment to each of its own cilia of a beam of artificial (from 2 to 5) – over time fell into the category of “standard procedure”. And clients around the world are increasingly turning to the service of creating “Russian volume“, Assuming the build-up of bundles of 6 hairs. After all, if everything is done correctly, the owner of such eyelashes receives not only a stunning look, but also other bonuses. For example, such eyelashes do not need to be tinted every morning, which means that you do not have to wash off mascara in the evening.
Another difference between the “Russian volume” and other types of extensions is that artificial hairs are much thinner and softer than ordinary cilia used for this purpose. This allows you to attach a whole bunch of synthetic ones to each of your eyelashes.
What does the “Russian extension” of eyelashes look like: photo
Who is the “Russian build-up” suitable for?
First of all, owners of naturally thin cilia should apply for volumetric extensions. Those who want to make their own thick ones even more expressive can easily get by with the classic build-up, which involves attaching one artificial to one of their own, which looks more natural.
But if the goal is to achieve the most expressive look, you can choose one of the many options and ask the master to create a puppet effect, wave, rays, squirrel or fox effects. Which one to stop at depends on various factors: a professional lashmaker will help you choose the best option, taking into account the peculiarities of the anatomy of the eyes, the growth of eyelashes, and the geometry of the face. For example, experts believe that “fox”, for example, should not be chosen by girls with narrow eyes or far-set eyes, and “wet” should not be chosen by women who have wrinkles around their eyes. To create each of these options, the masters choose different lengths and curvatures of the cilia and can customize them to the characteristics and wishes of each client.
How is the extension procedure going?
To become a happy owner of “Russian eyelashes”, you need to stock up on time and patience: this procedure lasts about 2–2,5 hours, which you will have to spend lying or reclining with your eyes closed. To avoid adhesion of natural lower eyelashes to the upper ones, the lashmaker isolates them with tape. Then the artificial hairs are attached to the upper eyelashes with a special glue, which can be black (for dark eyelashes) and transparent (for colored ones).
The cost of such an extension starts on average from 2000 rubles and can reach 4000, depending on the salon and the qualifications of the master.
Pros of building:
will create a new look: eyelash extension allows you to choose the desired length, type of curl and the thickness of the extenders;
makes it possible to look good at any time of the day;
“Russian eyelashes” are lighter, so they are less felt on the eyes, without causing the effect of fatigue on the face;
there is no need to use mascara for the entire wearing period (about 3 weeks), which will significantly save the time it takes to apply and remove makeup in the morning and evening;
allows you to swim in the sea, visit the pool and sauna, without thinking that the mascara will “float”.
Cons of building:
possible allergic reactions with individual intolerance to materials;
eyelashes require careful care and careful handling: you cannot wash your face on the first day after the procedure, rub your eyes and take hot baths during the entire period of wearing such eyelashes, because hot water softens the glue;
you will have to stop using products based on vegetable oils and other fats, including for make-up remover, because they also eat away at the glue;
do not apply decorative cosmetics, and if you do eye makeup, you need to make sure that there are no oils in the composition of the products. It is best not to use waterproof products, as efforts are made to remove such a make-up, and this can damage the eyelashes. For the same reason, you should be especially careful when drawing the eye contour and shadows;
in order not to wrinkle the eyelashes, those who like to sleep with their faces in the pillow will have to change their habits;
it is necessary to correct the eyelashes about once every 3 weeks. And in order to completely remove them, you will need to seek help from a master or do it at home (however, in the latter case, maximum care will be required so as not to pull out your cilia along with artificial ones);
cost: of course, it depends on the choice of material, the qualifications of the master and other components, but in general the procedure is not cheap.
To give preference to natural eyelashes or to become the owner of the “Russian volume” is a matter of taste. If you decide to apply for a service, you need to carefully approach the choice of a master, hygienic conditions in the salon, and also exclude the likelihood of allergic reactions. All this will avoid unpleasant consequences. It is no coincidence that Meryl Streep once noticed that long, fluffy, beautiful and thick eyelashes are every woman’s dream.