Russian currency (“Russkaya Valyuta”)

Both the name and the design of the bottle emphasize that this is a traditional Russian product. The red and gold colors characteristic of Khokhloma painting, as well as blue and white, traditional for Gzhel, were used; the Russian coat of arms is depicted on the label. Information about the manufacturer indicates that vodka is produced in Kazan.

Historical reference. Established in 1997, the Tatspirtprom Joint-Stock Company became the country’s leading alcohol company within three years. The leaders of the Republic of Tatarstan, who are shareholders of the company, directly invest in its development. Tatspirtprom is a holding company consisting of seven enterprises: four distilleries, one wine and two distilleries. According to statistics, in 2017, 11% of Russian vodka was produced by Tatspirtprom, which has its own distribution company and distribution network.

In the case of brands in demand on the Russian and foreign markets Graf Ledoff, Tundra, Khanskaya. Products are supplied to 17 countries of the world.

Russian Currency vodka appeared on the market in 2014, and during the first two years it came in second place in sales (after Belenkaya vodka from Beluga Group), quadrupling its share in the Russian market to 4,6%. Experts attribute such a rapid rise to the special conditions for the sale of Tatspirtprom drinks: through its own retail network, the holding distributes with significant discounts, much cheaper than alcohol from other manufacturers.

According to Rosstat, from January to September 2017, the production of Russian Currency increased by 45%, while the Russian vodka market grew by only 8%. And the potential for further growth remains significant: Irek Minnakhmetov, General Director of Tatspirtprom, believes that the production of Russian Currency can increase by another third due to strong consumer demand. Competitors are less optimistic, although they emphasize that the holding has the status of a state-owned enterprise, which allows it to set low prices and not suffer losses.

In October 2017, Rust, Beluga Group, Siberian Alcohol Group and others even turned to the Federal Antimonopoly Service to draw their attention to the special conditions for the sale of drinks from Tatarstan. An investigation has been launched on the complaint.

In March 2018, at a meeting of the Board of Directors, it was decided to increase the sales of vodka of its own brands to 10 million decaliters, and reduce the share of contract bottling. In 2017, the volume of sales of Tatspirtprom products in the Russian regions amounted to 5,9 million decaliters, and in 2018 it will increase by another half a million. The holding will also start selling Glen Rivers Scotch whiskey and Diablo Negro Caribbean rum in Russia.

Types of vodka “Russian currency”

Russkaya Valyuta Platinum (40%). A crystal-clear drink made from alcohol of the alpha class, which has undergone repeated purification. The aroma is classic vodka, without shades. The taste is soft, neutral, with subtle notes of wheat malt. Vodka is served chilled to +8-10°C. It goes well with hot and cold dishes of Russian and European cuisine, sets off the taste of spicy dishes and vegetables, emphasizes the aroma of cooked “smoky” meat, game and smoked meats.

Russkaya Valyuta Premium (40%). Transparent drink with a delicate aroma, in which light grain notes are heard. The taste is soft, clean, without third-party shades. Served chilled to +8-10 °С. It goes well with hot and cold dishes of Russian cuisine, sets off the taste of vegetables, emphasizes the aroma of meat and smoked meats cooked on an open fire.

Russian currency (“Russkaya Valyuta”)

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