Russian cheese is one of the most beloved semi-hard cheeses in our country. This product was “born” at the Research Institute of the Cheese Industry in the 60s of the last century. Once hitting the shelves, Russian cheese has become more and more popular every year.
If immediately after the creation of the recipe, cheese was produced by only one cheese factory in Uglich, then its growing consumption forced the relevant ministry to extend production technology to many other cheese factories and plants in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic countries, which today are the main producers of cheese of this variety .
Composition of the product
The fat content of Russian cheese is 50%. At the same time, it contains a lot of protein (21-23 g/100 g) with an average fat content (30-33 g/100 g). The difference in the percentage and natural content of fat is explained by the fact that its percentage is determined in dry matter, and natural – in the finished product, that is, taking into account its moisture content.
Milk fat is represented to a greater extent by saturated, to a lesser extent by mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cheese proteins are by nature complete, that is, they contain all the essential amino acids for the human body.
The composition of the finished product, in addition to proteins and fats, also includes carbohydrates (glucose, lactose), vitamins (A, D, groups B, E), minerals and preservatives. The calorie content of this fermented milk product is 364 kcal per 100 g.
Production technology
Russian cheese is made according to GOST. This is one of those cheeses that are distinguished by a high degree of lactic acid fermentation and a low temperature of the second heating.
The peculiarities of the industrial production of this cheese are also that mesophilic lactic streptococcal starters are used for milk fermentation, and in the process of maturation, the heads change temperature regimes three times (10-12 °, 14-16 ° and again 10-12 ° C).
The production process includes several successive stages:
- Purification and cooling of milk to +6…+8°C (to prevent microbial contamination).
- Maturation of milk (to increase its acidity). To do this, chilled milk is kept for 10-14 hours at a temperature of +10…+12°C.
- Normalization and pasteurization. Milk is normalized by fat, bringing to the required mass fraction according to the technological instructions. Normalized milk is pasteurized in order to suppress the growth of microbes in it, inhibit existing enzymes and prepare for clotting. After pasteurization, the raw material is cooled to the coagulation temperature (32-34°C).
- Curdling of milk. Ferment and calcium chloride solution are added to the prepared milk. Within 25-30 minutes, a clot is formed.
- Crushing of the clot. After the formation of the curd, it is cut, crushed and kneaded to obtain a fine curd. At this stage, about 30% of the serum is removed.
- Second heating. In the production of Russian cheese, it lasts 15-30 minutes at a temperature of 38-41°C. The cheese grain is partially salted.
- Dehydration. After heating, the grain is kneaded again for 30-50 minutes. At the same time, its acidity is controlled.
- Head molding. Dried grain is fed into a molding machine to form a layer, which is cut into pieces of the desired size. These pieces are placed in molds in which they are self-pressed within 25-30 minutes. After that, the heads are numbered with plastic numbers.
- Pressing. The formed heads are fed under the press for 1,5-4 hours.
- Ambassador. Salting of Russian cheese is carried out by immersing the heads in a circulating brine with a temperature of +8 … + 12 ° C for 3-5 days.
- Maturation. After salting, the heads are dried (2-3 days) and sent to the ripening chambers for 1,5-2,5 months. After their maturation, the heads are washed, labeled, packaged in a polymer film or coated with paraffin.
This long technological process of making Russian cheese gives it a delicate texture and a pleasant sour aftertaste that distinguishes it from other semi-hard varieties. On the cut, it has a beautiful small bubble pattern.
Useful Properties
Russian cheese is a source of wholesome animal protein. At the same time, in order to fill the daily need for basic essential amino acids, it is enough for an adult to eat only 120-140 g of this delicious fermented milk product, for example, in the form of cheese sandwiches for breakfast.
Eating it in the morning allows you to offset the rather high calorie content of cheese.
Being a source of highly digestible calcium, this product is useful for the musculoskeletal system, especially during such periods of life as childhood, childbearing, breastfeeding, menopause, and also after bone or joint injuries.
The acidity of mature cheese is 5,25-5,35 pH, which, with moderate consumption of this product, favorably affects the digestive processes in the intestines. Lactic acid and vitamins contribute to the restoration of normal intestinal microflora, fight intestinal dysbacteriosis and group B hypovitaminosis.
The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the finished product has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the human body, which improves brain activity, reproductive function, the condition of the skin and its appendages.
The iron contained in cheese, together with B vitamins (folic acid, cyanocobalamin), stimulates hematopoiesis, so this product is useful for anemia, weakened immunity, exhaustion, after prolonged and infectious diseases.
Saturated fatty acids of milk fat are used by the body for the synthesis of cell wall phospholipids, as well as steroid hormones – sex hormones, adrenal hormones.
Possible harm
In addition to benefits, Russian cheese can also have a harmful effect on the human body. First of all, it concerns its use in large quantities. Fat and calorie content does not allow calling it a dietary product, so you should not include it in the daily menu for overweight people, as well as for those who want to lose weight.
A large amount of protein in cheese increases the load on the pancreas, liver and kidneys, so cheese is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the pancreas, liver and urinary system. Protein load is fraught with an increase in the level of purines and uric acid in the body, so Russian cheese should not be eaten by people with gout and urolithiasis.
Due to the low pH, the fermented milk product is contraindicated for use by patients with gastritis with high acidity and ulcers.
Cheese contains a lot of salt, which is harmful for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and is also harmful to hypertensive patients, so their use of this product should be reduced to a minimum.
Cooking application
Due to the fact that Russian cheese is tasty and affordable, in our country it is widely used in cooking.
The fat content of the product determines its ability to melt well, so it is rubbed for breading, pizza and casseroles, as well as:
- eaten as a separate snack;
- spread on a cheese plate;
- added to salads, appetizers, side dishes;
- soups are prepared from it;
- used as a filling in baked goods.
This kind of cheese, due to its delicate sourness, goes well with nuts, olives, grapes, berries, honey, coffee, wines.
How to choose and store
To enjoy cheese, you need to know how to choose it correctly. To do this, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product indicated on the label: the cheese should not contain vegetable fats. Such a product has no right to be called cheese. You need to look at the cut of the head:
- on the uniformity and brightness of the coloring of the cheese mass;
- the absence of serum in the eyes;
- for the absence of mold on the surface;
- on the condition of the crust (lack of drying).
The smell should be cheesy with a slight sourness. There should be no unpleasant or foreign odors.
It is necessary to store Russian cheese in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 … + 6 ° C for no longer than 1 month. It is better to give preference to slices of cheese, individually packed in vacuum packaging. The shelf life of such a product is increased to 2 months, but the likelihood of microbial or chemical contamination is significantly reduced.
Russian cheese is a healthy product that is recommended for daily use by almost all people. At the same time, a piece of 60-80 g of cheese per day is considered the optimal weight of a daily portion. Only fresh food should be eaten. Taking into account that the production process of this product is long and complicated, there is no particular need to make it at home: its popularity in our country determines the high competitiveness of cheese producers, which ultimately affects its high quality and affordable pricing policy.