The officials decided to develop professional standards for people working with preschool children.
What do you need now to go to work as a nanny in a kindergarten? School certificate, medical record and certificate of no criminal record. And also the desire to work for a salary of 14 to 20 thousand rubles. And to get a job as a nanny in a family, you need even less: good looks and recommendations. After all, no one will even ask for a certificate of health, not to mention professional training.
What this leads to is regularly reported by the media. Either in kindergarten, the child’s mouth will be sealed with tape, or locked up in a dark toilet. Then the security camera will record how the nanny kicks the one-year-old baby, throws him on the floor. The officials decided that the situation required intervention.
“We are constantly talking about the safety and development of children. At the same time, the sphere of supervision and care for them is completely unregulated, there are no requirements for the professional training of specialists, “
The experts suggested developing some kind of professional standard for nannies. According to experts, only those who have mastered basic pedagogical knowledge, the basics of developmental psychology, who know how to provide first aid and must undergo regular medical examinations, can be allowed to work with children. It is planned that each potential nanny or caregiver must spend at least 120 hours on training and receive a corresponding certificate.
The innovation is, in general, reasonable. True, the ways of its implementation are still unclear. Firstly, there are no methods and programs for teaching nannies and junior staff in kindergartens. They have yet to be developed. Secondly, it is not clear at whose expense the nannies will be taught. It is clear that if such a specialist offers his services privately, then he himself must pay for the studies. As a result, the entire financial burden will fall on the shoulders of the parents, who will hire a certified nanny. And if a person is going to go to work in a public kindergarten? On a salary of 14 thousand rubles, you will not really go around.
Sergei Rybalchenko has a partial answer to these questions. For example, the experience of France – there certified nannies are exempt from taxes, and the state pays social contributions for them. But will the budget of our country be able to withstand one more additional item of expenditure?
How will you look for a nanny?
I will ask my friends, for sure someone will recommend
I will contact the agency for the selection of nannies. After all, they should be responsible for the staff.
I will ask one of my relatives to sit with the child. You can only trust close people
I will look for ads. And I will personally check all documents and certificates
I won’t look for a nanny at all. We have a grandmother
I myself will sit with the child. No nannies