Ruskorex – preparation for hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories or ointments

Ruskorex is a medical device in the form of suppositories or ointments, used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Ruskorex – suppositories

Do you have hemorrhoids and are you ashamed of them? Unnecessarily. You must know that it is a very common civilization disease that affects even every second Pole! Hemorrhoids are natural structures in the anus that do not function properly in some cases. Hemorrhoids are naturally filled with blood, but sometimes, when overstretched, they cannot clear up on their own. This state of affairs causes pain. Such a retention of blood can lead to inflammation of the nodules and the tissues of the anus. This is when medications come to the rescue, which very quickly bring relief from this troublesome ailment. An interesting proposition are Ruskorex suppositories, which can only be used by adults. They are good for pain and itching around the anus, but also for inflammation of the rectal mucosa. An indication for the use of Ruskorex suppositories is also thrombophlebitis of haemorrhoids.

Suppositories should be used after a bowel movement. We should use one suppository once or twice a day. We should also remember that such a one-time therapy should not last longer than two weeks. It is worth noting that if, after using a suppository, we notice that the itching or pain has increased, we should stop the therapy.

Additionally, in patients with cardiac disorders and hypotension, Ruskorex should be used with caution. As for pregnant patients, no studies have been conducted so far that would confirm the harmfulness of the use. However, it has been said that the extract of ruscus contained in suppositories may increase uterine contractions.

Ruskorex also causes side effects. Most often, at the beginning of use, there is an intensified burning sensation in the anus area. Additionally, loose stools are also common.

Ruskogenins – the active substance contained in Ruskorex suppositories, belong to saponins. They are obtained from the rhizome of the butcher’s broom. They have local anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties. Additionally, they have a blood vessel sealing effect. Remember that before using the drug, we should carefully read the information contained in the leaflet. We will find there not only side effects that may be caused by the preparation, but also precautions.

Ruskorex – ointment

Ruskorex ointment is an alternative to suppositories. We use it in the same cases as suppositories. One gram of Ruskorex ointment contains 10 mg of ruskogenin and 10 mg of tetracaine hydrochloride. This ointment is a combined drug and is perfect as a complementary treatment after surgical procedures for perianal fistulas and haemorrhoids. The ointment should be used 2 to 3 times a day. Before using the drug, let’s reach for the leaflet in which there are contraindications. If you still have doubts, consult your GP or pharmacist.

We will buy Ruskorex ointment for about PLN 25. It’s not much like an effective, complex drug. If you are using this ointment and feel that the effect is too strong or too weak, it is best to talk to your doctor. However, you must remember that elderly people may be more sensitive to the effects of this drug. This is why it is so important to consult your primary care physician before starting therapy. There are no known cases of overdose with Ruskorex ointment.

Ruskorex – opinions

Ruskorex preparations mostly have good opinions. All because of the price-quality ratio of the product. It is said that Ruskorex copes perfectly with unpleasant and embarrassing symptoms, giving quick relief from pain and itching. As an over-the-counter preparation, Ruskorex is in no way inferior to more expensive prescription preparations. Unfortunately, sometimes there may be a problem with the availability of the product in individual pharmacies. However, there is also a solution for that. If you really want to buy, but are afraid that you will not find the drug in your pharmacy, you can place an order online. In most cases, free collection from pharmacies is possible. If you have further problems with your purchase, you can ask your pharmacist for a replacement that will work identically. All thanks to the active substance, which will be the same in both cases. Additionally, replacements are often much cheaper than the original products. It also happens that they are better tolerated by our body.

  1. Manufacturer: ANGELIN Form, dose, packaging: Ointment or suppositories, 0,01 g / 0,025 g, 40 g / 10 suppositories Availability category: Over the counter Active substance: Ruscogenin plus tetracaine hydrochloride

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