Rush hour: a woman got stuck in a traffic jam and had to give birth in a car

She didn’t even tell her husband that the contractions had begun. He realized that his wife was giving birth only when she pulled off her pants.

Roisin, 33, is very fond of children. Her husband, Thomas, is also only glad to have new additions to the family. But Roisin doesn’t like giving birth. Maybe that’s why her first two children were born slightly postponed. The woman had no doubt that her third child would have the same story. But Grace – Roycene and Tom were expecting a girl – had a different opinion. In due time, the mother began to have contractions.

“I didn’t want to give birth at home, with my boys. So I asked Tom to take me to the hospital. But that I had contractions, I did not tell him. I didn’t want to believe that it was them at all, ”the woman said. “You never know, maybe I just ate something wrong, so my stomach hurts.”

To soothe the pain, Roisin decided to take a bath. Of course, this only stimulated childbirth. When the woman settled down in the car in the front seat, next to her husband, she clearly felt that the baby’s head was already on the way. She hoped that they would make it to the hospital in time and Grace would be born in the ward. But my husband did not know that childbirth was already in the process, and was in no hurry. Tom drove his usual route, completely losing sight of the fact that rush hour had come and he would certainly get stuck in a traffic jam. What actually happened.

“It was possible to bypass the traffic jam on the bus lane. But my husband just looked at me in bewilderment: how, to break the rules? ” – recalls Roisin.

As time went. The woman’s body cramped. Attempts began. Roisin convulsively began to pull off her pants. “Lord, what are you doing?” Tom was shocked to see what his wife was doing. “He still did not understand that I was giving birth,” she later said in a conversation with Daily Mail Roisin. Tom’s bewilderment was so genuine that the woman laughed. And then it dawned on him. Tom called an ambulance, stopped the car. And at that moment Roisin coped with her pants and simply caught her girl in her outstretched hands.

The ambulance took only six minutes to get to the spouses’ car. All this time, doctors told parents what to do with the child in the first minutes of his life. After that, the mother and the newborn baby were taken to the hospital. And the confused father went home to his sons.

“We are very lucky that everything went smoothly. Now I look back and am amazed how I could have delayed the trip to the hospital so long, ”says Roisn.

Both mother and daughter were fine. And when they returned home, after a while they discovered that the new mistress was rather wayward.

“Gracie is in charge now. After all, she is our long-awaited girl after two boys, ”the parents laugh.

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