Runny nose in an infant – where does it come from and how to treat it?

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A runny nose in an infant is a fairly common condition that should definitely not be taken lightly. Unlike in older children and adults, a runny nose in an infant – especially if it is prolonged and untreated – can cause serious health complications. Where does a cold in a newborn and infant come from and why is it so dangerous? How to cure a runny nose in an infant? What should a safe newborn baby’s nose cleaning look like?

Runny nose in an infant – causes of occurrence

A runny nose in an infant can be of various nature and causes. They are most often responsible for rhinitis viral infectionscaused by rhinoviruses. Their particles are transmitted by droplets – mainly through sneezing and coughing. So if any of the household members struggles with a seasonal cold, there is a good chance that they will “pass” them on to the baby. It is therefore important to be very careful and avoid contact between the sick person and the baby as much as possible.


If the baby’s parents or siblings are struggling with an infection and have a runny nose, they should use protective surgical masks at home. In this way, they will protect the baby from infection and its dangerous consequences.

What does such an infectious runny nose look like in an infant and a newborn? Usually initially watery, and over time the discharge may thicken and turn yellow or greenish in color. As already mentioned, it usually has a viral origin, though a thick runny nose in a newborn can also herald a bacterial infection. However, it does not necessarily have to be accompanied by other symptoms. This type of runny nose is worth thinning out to make it easier for it to drain. For this purpose, Marimer baby – hypertonic sea water solution for nasal hygiene.

Another factor that may be responsible for a baby’s runny nose is air pollution. This is particularly common in large cities during the winter months, where the level of harmful substances in the air significantly exceeds the emergency level. Excessively dry air in the apartment can also cause a runny nose in an infant.

An allergy may also be the cause of a runny nose in a newbornalthough this happens relatively rarely. Typical accompanying symptoms in this case are frequent bouts of sneezing and the so-called baby’s sap – breathing problems such as on a short and quick breath. If an allergy is suspected, it is worth consulting an allergist as soon as possible.

Runny nose in a newborn and infant – consequences and possible complications

Adults and older children can deal with a runny nose fairly well – although they have a stuffy nose, they can still breathe through their mouths. A runny nose in an infant, due to its physiology and not fully developed reflexes and skills, turns out to be a very burdensome ailment and potentially dangerous for its health. Why is this happening?

Newborns and infants under the age of 1 only breathe through the nose at a rate of approx. 50 breaths per minute. Their nasal passages are very narrow – secretion accumulating in them prevents proper air flow and makes breathing much more difficult.

What’s more, the baby is not able to get rid of a runny nose on its own. That is why she cries a lot – tears flowing down her nose dissolve the secretions and bring temporary relief. The runny nose in the baby’s nasal passages often contributes to a persistent headache, which increases the child’s irritability and deprives him of his appetite. There may also be a wheezing, i.e. the already mentioned larger breathing problems – shortened and faster breathing or dangerous longer moments of apnea. A runny nose in an infant also makes it difficult to sleep well.

Long-lasting, untreated runny nose in an infant may contribute to the development of other, more serious diseases, such as:

  1. otitis;
  2. sinusitis;
  3. bronchitis;
  4. pneumonia.

This is because the baby usually lies and sleeps on its back. Thus, secretions from the upper respiratory tract may flow down the throat and then into the bronchi or the ear, where it causes inflammation. It is also possible to permanently damage the mucous membranes through their hypertrophy and swelling caused by nasal discharge.

How to cure a runny nose in an infant? Homemade ways

A runny nose in an infant, unless it is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, does not need to be consulted with a doctor immediately. There are a number of effective ones home remedies for a runny nose in a newborn and babies who can provide relief .. What helps best for a baby’s runny nose?

Home remedies for a runny nose in an infant – nasal cleaning

As trivial and obvious as it may seem, many novice parents do not know exactly how to clean a newborn’s nose. Meanwhile, proper and regular performance of this activity turns out to be crucial, both when it comes to treating a runny nose and its prevention.

Cleaning the baby’s nose should be included in the healthy baby’s regular daily schedule to prevent nasal discharge from remaining in the nasal passages, which could lead to a runny nose. It is best to carry out such a procedure two or three times a day – especially before going to sleep and feeding, but also when we hear that there is a need.

Cleaning the nose of a newborn baby is done with a saline solution or sea water spray. In pharmacies, preparations of this type are available, designed especially for the youngest. Try, for example, FREENEX Baby – hypertonic sea water for the nose. To clean the nasal passages, you need to put a few drops of such a liquid into your nose and after a few moments the secretion should be squeezed out with a nasal aspirator. There are various types of aspirators available on the market – electric, inhalation or connected to a vacuum cleaner. It is worth getting the model that suits us best: with a small child it is a really important gadget. At Medonet Market you can order the highest-quality catarrhal aspirator now – click and see the offer. We also recommend the Neno Sinus aspirator, which has three suction modes and is wireless, which makes it much easier to extract secretions from the nose – even during the trip.


Traditional rubber pears, formerly used to manually express nasal secretions, are still available in pharmacies today, but pediatricians strongly advise against using them. In order to use them in a safe and hygienic way, the bulb should be replaced after each use. In addition, accessories of this type irritate the nasal mucosa and can be counterproductive.

Find out more: Vacuum cleaner runner – how does a runny nose aspirator work? [WE EXPLAIN]

Home remedies for a runny nose in an infant – inhalations

The traditional way to treat a baby’s runny nose is inhalation. Breathing hot water vapor with additional healing substances quickly clears the nose and helps you breathe freely. The safest inhalation of a newborn is the one prepared on the basis of table salt: it is gentle enough and will not cause any allergic reaction.

It is worth using a suitable nebulizer for inhalation. We recommend, among others Nebulizer – Neno Sente compressor inhaler and convenient to use Mobile Neno Bene nebulizer. You can buy both of them at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

To prepare such inhalation, boil two liters of water with two tablespoons of salt in a pot. The steaming pot is then placed near the baby’s bed so that it can breathe hot steam with salt. The inhalation of a newborn and an infant (if it is not allergic) can also be prepared with an infusion of herbs with antiseptic and astringent properties. Chamomile and thyme will work best in this role.

The inhalation effect is also ensured by the use of good-quality essential oils – especially mint and eucalyptus oils. Sprinkling the pillow with a few drops of this oil will make it easier for the child to breathe during sleep. Also try Aromactiv + patches for children from the first day of life. Applying a warming, aromatic ointment with essential oils will work in a similar way. Marjoram ointment will help to dry the nose.

Find out more: Runny nose, sore throat, blocked sinuses. What essential oils will help?

Home remedies for a runny nose in an infant – properly moistened air

A runny nose in an infant and its bothersome effects are intensified by the stagnant air and its excessive dryness in the room where the baby is. It is worth taking care of regular airing of the room – however, you must remember to take the child to another room before opening the window, so that he does not catch a cold. The optimal temperature in a child’s room should be constantly around 21 degrees Celsius.

During the heating season, the air is often too dry, which further irritates the baby’s respiratory tract. To counteract this, you can hang a humidifier on the radiator and replenish water regularly, or purchase an electric air humidifier that will help you quickly change the atmosphere in the room. However, remember not to overdo it the other way – too humid air is also not good for the baby’s health.

Also check: 5 health problems caused by dry air in the apartment

Home remedies for a runny nose in an infant – patting the baby

Patting a baby is the good old way of a runny nose in a baby, used by our parents and grandparents. Such a procedure helps to remove the secretion that may be in the lower respiratory tract, which makes it easier to clear them.

How to pat a baby? In order for the action to bring the desired effect and be safe for the child, it is best to place it on your lap so that its head is lower than the rest of the body. Then the hands should be bent into a shape resembling a boat and very gently pat the child’s back from the bottom up along the spine line with them. Patting a baby is most effective if it is repeated several times a day.

Home remedies for a runny nose in a baby – the right position to sleep

The correct sleeping position has a great influence on the comfort of a child with a runny nose. First of all, the baby’s head should be a few centimeters higher than the rest of the body. It is best to put the baby on its tummy. Thanks to this, the secretion will run out of the nose by itself and it will be easy and non-invasive to remove it.

However, it is not recommended to put a pillow under the baby’s head, as it may harm its delicate spine. A better solution is (if possible) to raise the top of the crib a few centimeters upwards. If the cot does not have this function, you can simply place a folded blanket under the mattress in the place where the head is located, or put something (e.g. a thick book) under the cot’s legs.

Home remedies for a runny nose in an infant – a walk

If the child does not have a fever and has no symptoms other than a runny nose, and the weather conditions favor it, a walk in the fresh air is a very effective (according to some even the most effective) way to fight a childhood runny nose. On clear, warm days, the air outside is neither too dry nor too humid – so it helps to breathe freely and opens the nasal passages. In rainy, snowy or windy weather, however, it is better to stay at home.

Home remedies for a runny nose in an infant – proper hydration of the body

A toddler who is struggling with a runny nose should also drink as much as possible. If it is breastfed, it is a good idea to put it to the breast as often as possible. According to many experts, a baby fed with modified milk should be additionally watered with water during the fight against runny nose.

Runny nose in an infant – when to see a doctor?

A runny nose in an infant, although often minor, should not be taken lightly by parents. Most often, home remedies are enough to cure it, but in some situations such treatment is not enough and the intervention of a pediatrician is needed. You should see your doctor if:

  1. the child has a fever;
  2. there is a cough;
  3. a runny nose, despite the home remedies used, lasts longer than a week;
  4. the child develops breathing problems;
  5. runny nose is disturbingly bothersome, and the child is irritable and restless.

In each of these situations, urgent pediatric consultation is extremely important. The described states, if prolonged, may be serious health riskand in some cases even the life of a child.

Read also: The most common diseases in babies – colic, constipation, ear infections

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