Runny nose in an infant – causes and symptoms. Home remedies for a runny nose

A runny nose in an infant is not always an innocent ailment, as is usually the case with older children and adults. In infants, this condition can end in sinusitis or otitis media, and it can cause great difficulty in breathing. For the first year of life, babies only breathe through the nose. In addition, the nasal passages of an infant are very narrow, and the swelling of the mucosa may cause their complete obstruction. That is why you should use proven methods of dealing with a runny nose in an infant.

The causes of a runny nose in an infant

The reasons appearance a runny nose in an infant they are similar to older children and adults – a cold, viral infection, or allergic reaction to an allergen. Due to the fact that baby practically only breathes through the nose, nasal secretions should be removed as often as possible.

Symptoms and possible effects of a runny nose in an infant

Babywhere he appeared katar, has difficulty breathing, becomes irritable and tearful, refuses to sleep or eat. He has to stop sucking to get air, which makes feeding difficult. A runny nose in babies can develop into sinusitis or cause otitis. Nasal secretions can damage the nasal mucosa and cilia, and can cause mucosal hypertrophy, which affects breathing. In a baby with a runny nose the so-called appears cap – the child is gasping for breath, has an open mouth and flared noses. Your baby cries a lot, not only because it is uncomfortable, but also because the tears dissolve any dried nasal secretions, which provides relief and allows them to breathe.

Ways of dealing with a runny nose in an infant

There are several proven ones ways dealing with a runny nose in an infant. When the baby is awake, place him on his tummy – then the mucus will flow out of the nose by itself, provided it is not dry. When the baby is sleeping, you can put a blanket under the mattress or the legs of the bed, so that the head is above the chest. In this position, nasal secretions will run off without obstructing the nasal passages. Its excess should be wiped off regularly. However, it is important not to put the baby’s head directly on the pillow as this is an unnatural position baby and may deform the spine. It is also uncomfortable and tiring for the child. In case of a runny nose in an infant you should also take care of proper air humidification in the room where the child is. Dry air irritates the nasal mucosa and aggravates the symptoms runny nose. It is worth using special air humidifiers, or at least put a container with water by the radiator. The baby’s nose should also be regularly cleaned of secretions with an aspirator. It is a sleeve-shaped tool, the narrower end of which is inserted into the baby’s nose, and the other is fitted with a tube through which air is sucked in. This allows you to suck from the nose baby the secretion there. Before each use, the aspirator should be thoroughly washed.

If the nasal secretions are dry, you can use a seawater spray, such as Marimer, a hypertonic seawater solution for nasal cleansing and clearing. It helps to dissolve any dried secretions, which then allows you to remove them painlessly. During this procedure, the baby’s head must be higher than the chest. FREENEX Baby – hypertonic nasal sea water is available on Medonet Market. You can also use saline for this purpose. In case of a runny nose in an infant Inhalations with saline are also useful. You can also apply marjoram ointment on the skin under the baby’s nose – it soothes the ailments associated with a runny nose in an infant, primarily reduces the amount of secretions. However, the ointment should not be applied directly to the nose. Your pediatrician may also recommend the use of special nasal drops that are intended for babies. However, the drops irritate the mucosa and should not be used for more than 3 days.

If your child has breathing difficulties, Aromactiv + patches for children from day 1 will be useful and last up to 8 hours.

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