Runny nose and cough in infants: how to treat? Video
A runny nose and cough can seriously worsen the well-being of even an adult, but the situation becomes doubly serious when it comes to an illness in a baby. The baby’s immune system is not yet able to resist bacteria and viruses, so you need to make every effort to help the baby’s body quickly cope with a cold.
Runny nose and cough in infants: treatment
Treatment of a cold in infants
A cold in a newborn is a huge problem, both due to the high probability of developing complications, and due to the fact that it inhibits the growth and development of the baby. A runny nose not only interferes with free breathing, but also prevents the baby from sucking on the bottle and breast. If you do not pay due attention to the regular cleansing of the nasal passages from mucus, the baby will not be able to eat the prescribed amount of milk or formula, as a result of which he will begin to quickly lose weight.
To cleanse the baby’s nasal passages, you should purchase a nasal aspirator or use the smallest soft-tip syringe for this purpose. Before the procedure, 1-2 drops of saline or chamomile decoction should be instilled into each nostril, and then the mucus should be carefully removed. When the nose of the crumbs is cleansed, and free breathing is restored, you can also drip anti-inflammatory or vasoconstrictor drops. It can be both pharmaceutical preparations approved for use in newborns, and home remedies of herbal origin:
Before using any medicines or folk remedies, it is important to consult a pediatrician who is observing the child. In severe cases, a specialist may advise antibacterial or immunostimulating drugs
- “Vibrocil”;
- Nazivin;
- Otrivin;
- aloe juice;
- sage broth;
- infusion of calendula flowers.
It is necessary to cleanse the baby’s nasal passages from mucus as needed. At an early stage of the disease, the procedure may even be required every half hour or hour. However, with proper treatment, already on the second or third day, the child’s condition will improve, and the need for such frequent unpleasant manipulations will disappear. But vasoconstrictor drops should be instilled into the nose no more than 2-4 times a day, otherwise the likelihood of drug dependence is high.
How to treat a baby’s cough
An infant’s cough is faster, safer and most effective to treat with inhalation. In this case, the drug does not enter the systemic circulation, which means that the negative consequences for the body of the crumbs are minimal. In severe cases, it is better to use an inhaler or nebulizer and medication based on Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene). If you have a rare cough, you can do without inhaling the vapors from hot mineral water or prepare a solution for inhalation by dropping a drop of eucalyptus oil into the water. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day.
Warming procedures will not be superfluous. The back of the crumbs can be smeared with ointment for colds (Doctor Mom, Pulmex Baby), and the legs can be insulated with woolen socks.
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