Running: technique, rules, how to run correctly

Running: technique, rules, how to run correctly

Jogging is perhaps one of the most affordable and effective ways to train. And only sportswear, dynamic music in the player and the absence of rain outside the window are needed for classes. Woman’s Day will tell you how to run correctly, as well as where and why to start.

Recently, running is the new yoga. Whichever social network you look at, you will definitely come across a photo from a run. In principle, this is justified: running is one of the most affordable and effective ways of training. It is important for heart health and helps to lose weight quickly, strengthens muscles and speeds up metabolic processes. Running improves mood, makes the figure fit, and regular exercise drives away laziness and despondency. As you run more and more each time, you will rejoice at your success.

And you don’t need any rugs or special conditions. Expenses include only running shoes and sportswear. And even then, in the summer it is quite possible to do with comfortable shorts, a T-shirt and sneakers.

But before you start running, you need to learn a few points: which surface is best for jogging, how to properly hold the body and place the foot, what to eat before training and how to complete it.

With the help of specialists, we tell you how to run correctly, with what and, most importantly, why you should start. All you need is the desire to become stronger, more beautiful and dynamic music in the player. And yes, perhaps the absence of rain outside the window.

1. First of all, running is important for the heart, for cardiovascular activity. Exercise helps the heart beat smoothly, evenly, strongly, and easily to supply well-oxygenated blood to the body.

2. Improves overall healthmakes a person hardy.

3. Helps to lose weight. True, here it is important to understand that for the first 30 minutes the body takes the energy of carbohydrates, and then it is already taken for fat reserves. So it’s optimal for weight loss to run for 30 minutes to an hour. But no more. Because further, the body will use the protein accumulated in the muscles as fuel.

4. This is the least expensive sport. From the expense – sneakers for running (this is a prerequisite if you want to learn to run correctly and without injuries) and sportswear. The less clothes you wear, the better.

5. Accelerates metabolic processes, removes cholesterol, promotes leaching of decay products from the body.

6. Running changes your mood. Sport is good for fighting laziness and despondency. Set daily tasks for yourself – and you will see how you will rejoice at your successes every time.

7. It improves digestion.

8. Strengthens muscles. First of all, when running, the legs are involved. But the correct position of the body during training will also help to strengthen the muscles of the arms, abs and the musculoskeletal system in general.

9. Running outdoors hardens, improves immunity.

10. Finally, running regularly in the park is a great way to get to know each other! Get out on the path at the same time – and you will find that you come across the same faces. Smile, joke, or compliment. Men love them no less than women.

Igor Sysoev, winner of the European Triathlon Cup, participant in the Olympic Games, a couple of years ago I published the book “Triathlon. Olympic distance “. Where he talked about the technique of the components of triathlon: swimming, cycling and running. We have selected the most important things to know about running.

Body position

Running efficiency is largely determined by the position of the body. The length and frequency of steps, energy efficiency, breathing depend on this. You can’t lean back too much or, conversely, lean forward. With the correct body position when running, the body is slightly tilted forward, but not bent. The back of the head, shoulder blades and pelvis form one line, the lower back is slightly bent.

How to check

Move your feet away from the edge of a flat surface, such as a table. It should be in the mid-thigh line or slightly below.

Lean forward. Your thighs should touch a flat surface.

Keep your head and shoulder blades in line with your pelvis. You will immediately feel the tension in the “correct” abdominal and back muscles. This is how your body position should be when running.

Foot position

The optimal position of the foot when running should be as follows: the foot smoothly lands on a wide part exactly under the center of gravity of the body. In this case, the heel touches the ground last for a split second and immediately comes off. Running on a high foot is also possible, when the heel does not touch the ground at all.

Footwork. Igor Sysoev’s rules:

1. When you run, try to push with your feet so that you move forward, not bounce up.

2. Remember that excessive rear overlap is unnecessary movement. It will inevitably appear when the speed becomes very high, but there is absolutely no need to make it on purpose.

3. Do not throw your shin forward. First, it is traumatic. And secondly, this is an absolutely useless movement.

4. Run as if you had not the ground under your feet, but a hot frying pan. The contact time of the foot with the support should be minimal with the optimal stride length. Quickly, but without “driving in”, put your foot on the ground and just as quickly take it off. Do not tighten your step, try not to “stick” to the ground.

5. Try to feel that your legs are not working by themselves, but as if pushing off from the axis “back of the head – shoulder blades – spine – pelvis”. This axis becomes your support, the “bridge” along which the impulse of movement is transmitted to the pelvis.

Choosing a place and clothes for jogging

The most suitable for jogging are park and summer paths, as well as walking paths with natural surfaces. Smooth asphalt is not a bad option. But the right footwear is important here – with a sufficiently dense, shock-absorbing sole – and the technique of setting the foot. If these two conditions are met, then running on an asphalt surface will be safe.

The most undesirable thing is to run in an area with unexpected holes and irregularities: it is simply dangerous to health.

Clothes are chosen depending on the season and weather. It is important that it does not constrain movement and that it retains warmth. In summer, shorts and a tank top are enough. Underwear is made from natural fabrics.

Shoes for running in the park or in the forest (natural flat surface) can be any, the simplest: sneakers with rubber soles, lightweight sneakers, etc. But the choice of sneakers for running on asphalt already come up thoroughly.

The most important criterion for running correctly is how you feel. Running should not cause stress states. Choose a rhythm in which you experience positive emotions. It is also important to remember that there are contraindications. Among them are high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, chronic kidney disease, thyroid disease, thrombophlebitis, etc. If you are in doubt or feel discomfort while running, consult a doctor.

Do not exercise on a full stomach. You need to eat an hour and a half before the start of the run. At the same time, food should be rich in carbohydrates, but the content of proteins and fats should be minimal. When it comes to fluids, you should limit your fluid intake before exercising. Ideal is a sweet tea or low-carb energy drink 30 minutes before your workout. Carbonated drinks and coffee are prohibited before jogging.

Warm up before jogging, do a little exercise. Finally, never stop abruptly. Continue moving, but more slowly, and then go to step. It is important that the blood can continue to circulate well.

See the next page for information on which apps will calculate your kilometers and help you choose the right pace.

Here are some mobile apps to help you make your runs more productive and fun.


One of the most popular apps. Tracks the statistics of your workout and allows you to view your progress over an extended period. You can also take the help of a voice trainer. This feature is especially useful for long distance runners.

Reebok Fitness

The application creates a ready-made training program for you. You will receive a description of the exercises, as well as a video for them.

Nike + Running

The app tracks distance, speed, time and calories burned. It also allows you to mark your runs on the map and track your progress.

Zombies, Run!

An app for those who want to experience variety in running: it’s game-based. The point is that you will have to run away from the zombies chasing you all the time.

Charity miles

The trick of the app is that you can help someone with your runs. Choose the “charity” function – and for the distance covered you will earn money for these purposes, improving your physical shape.

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