Running – effects, impact on health. How to start running? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Running is not only a training for avid athletes. For several years, running has been gaining more and more followers who count on quick results of their efforts. Running has become a form of entertainment, a way to spend free time or get rid of negative emotions. How does running affect our health and overall condition? Can you expect visible jogging effects and when?

Running is a physical activity that does not require any special preparation or financial outlays. It is important to be motivated and to make the first step in a warm jog. Of course, you must not forget about the right footwear or comfortable outfit, but the willingness to take up the challenge is considered the most important element of effective training. Running is, above all, fast and visible results. Importantly, these effects not only benefit the body, but also the spirit!

Running Effects – Heart

Running has a positive effect on ours cardiovascular system. This is mainly due to the fact that:

lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels – jogging for 30 minutes several times a week helps reduce the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol and increases the “good” HDL. People with high blood pressure who systematically run lower it in a natural way,

strengthens the heart – running causes it the heart muscle becomes stronger and more efficient at the same time,

reduces the burden on the heart – runners have a stronger heart, usually have a lower resting heart rate and take in more oxygen. As a result, the organ can cope with pumping more blood.

Reduces the risk of heart disease – People who start running regularly reduce their risk of heart disease by 35 to 55 percent. Running helps prevent clots in the arteries and blood vessels and supports healthy blood flow.

See why running makes your life longer

Running Effects – Mood

It has been proven that 30 minutes of jogging or even brisk walking is enough to improve the mood of people who struggle with depressive disorders. This shows that no matter how fast you move, it has positive effects and can help you fight depression and mood disorders.

Running, like any other physical activity, affects the release of endorphins, which are known to us as the happiness hormones. Endorphins are secreted by the pituitary gland and cause an improvement in mood and well-being. Running reduces stress, helps to distance ourselves from troublesome problems and clears the mind of negative thoughts. Moreover, when you run, you get the feeling that you have used your time well.

Running Effects – Knees

There is a widespread opinion that running negatively affects the performance of the knees and joints. However, this is a very misleading thought. First, running increases bone mass, even helps to prevent age-related bone loss. Secondly, the results of the research conducted show that running does not damage the knees by itself (apart from injuries caused by injuries, of course). After collecting an interview from people who struggled with degeneration of the knee joints, it appears that in the past, most of them did not practice physical activity (especially running). On the other hand, runners did not have a higher incidence of the disease than people who did not run.

If you have a problem with your knees, you can use the stabilizer: Knee supports

Running effects – improvement of brain function

Running is recommended to all people, regardless of age. Nevertheless, it is especially important in old age. We are not talking about marathons, but about, for example, walking or walking with poles (Nordic walking). Tests show that seniors engaging in such physical activity enjoy better mental health, have better concentration and memory.

Running Effects – Reducing the Risk of Cancer

There is ample evidence that running can reduce the risk of some tumors. American scientists have noticed that women who go jogging are much less likely to develop cancer (especially of the endometrium and breast) than women who do not engage in any activity. In addition, running reduces the risk of cancer:

  1. esophagus
  2. liver,
  3. spit,
  4. kidneys,
  5. stomach.

Running effects – less susceptible to stress

Runners cope better with stressful situations and emotional tension. This is because running increases the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine and causes the brain to generate new neurons.

Running – the effects visible on the skin

Running accelerates blood circulation and increases blood supply to the skin. This, in turn, pays off tense, rejuvenated and deprived cellulite by skin. Running allows you to remove toxins and excess water from the body faster. Importantly, the first visible effects of skin smoothing appear after a week of regular training.

How to start running?

No training can guarantee immediate results, but running is one of the forms of activity that gives really impressive results. Running for an hour, you can burn up to 900 kcal. Of course, a novice runner will not be able to perform such an engaging training. Therefore, it is recommended to run early approx. 3 times a week for 15 minutes (with breaks for the march). This means that during one workout you burn about 150-200 kcal.

The first effects of running can be noticed after two weeks of regular training. Initially, it will improve your condition and physical performance. The energized muscles will be able to endure longer and more intense effort. Changes in your posture will become apparent between the second and fourth week of running. If jogging will become a habit for you, the next months of training will significantly affect your general health, your test results will improve and you will stop complaining about malaise or blandness.

If you are a person who has an adventure with running just ahead of you, you should remember a few basic rules. Their use will allow you to do this physical activity with pleasure and thanks to them you will avoid injuries. What is important to start running safely:

  1. invest in appropriate footwear, intended only for running,
  2. Warm up before actual jogging – walk or do an easy jog for 5-10 minutes before increasing your running intensity. You can add warm-up exercises, such as dynamic exercises,
  3. Combine running with walking – For many new runners, this is the easiest way to build endurance with less strain on your joints and a manageable level of intensity. Just start between one minute of running and one minute of walkingand then try increasing the run intervals. When you feel more comfortable, eliminate your mum and introduce only running,
  4. set your individual pace – determine your own pace during each training session your individual and comfortable pace. Inhale air through your nose and mouth to get more oxygen. Try to breathe deeply with the diaphragm to prevent spikes. After each run, calm your body down by jogging or walking. Remember to stretch slightly after finishing the run, it will help you avoid muscle cramps,
  5. remember about the correct body posture – keep your posture upright. The head should be elevated, the back straight and the shoulders horizontal but relaxed. Make sure you don’t lean forward or backward at the waist. When running longer distances, pay special attention to shoulder position as you may start to slouch. The rounding of the arms tightens the chest and restricts breathing. Keep looking straight ahead. The hands should swing naturally back and forth from the shoulder joint (instead of the elbow joint). Your elbows should be bent 90 degrees. Hands should be relaxed. You can squeeze them gently or just let them relax. Don’t clench your fists as this can lead to tension in your shoulders and even your neck.
  6. take care of the right foot strike – the way the foot hits the ground is called a foot strike. There are different ways to get your foot closer to the ground. You can land on the heel, ball of the foot, toes, or the forefoot. Many trainers suggest that the best way is to put the foot on the midfoot and then on the front of the toes.
  7. take care of the correct hydration of the body – when you run, you lose water through sweat, so you need to drink before, during and after the run. While running, you should pay attention to your thirst and only drink when you feel it. Thanks to this, you will prevent dehydration of the body,
  8. set goals – set a goal you want to achieve by running. This will be your motivation. Do you do it for your hobby, for your health, or do you want to lose a few extra pounds? Determine how much time you want to spend on running during the week, whether it will be running every day or 2-3 times a week. If you do come up with an action plan, stick to it.

Are you running Remember to cheat!

Is daily jogging safe?

Many people wonder whether daily jogging is safe for health. Well, running every day may have some health benefits. Research shows that jogging 10 to 15 minutes each day at a moderate pace can help reduce the risk of dying from heart attack and stroke. However, it should be remembered that running has a strong impact on the human body, and overtraining can lead to various types of injuries.

Daily Running Effects:

  1. reducing the risk of death from a heart attack or stroke
  2. reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases,
  3. lower risk of cancer,
  4. reduced risk of developing neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Keep in mind, however, that running every day can increase your risk of injury. This is due to taking up too much physical activity, not warming up the body, not adapting the body to exercise, and poor running technique. To reduce this risk, follow these guidelines:

  1. always remember to warm up,
  2. gradually increase the distance,
  3. combine running with other exercises, such as cycling or swimming – run one day and swim the next,
  4. run in shoes intended only for running (prophylactically in case of injuries, you can put in shoes orthopedic insoles for athletes and runners FootWave SPORT,
  5. always remember to hydrate your body.

Check what aerobic training is

Do you lose weight from running?

This question is asked by many people who are just starting their adventure with running. Well, the process of losing weight is a complex and time-consuming process. Running it will certainly allow you to lose weight from extra kilos, but you have to be patient, after the first distance you will not notice any spectacular effects. Of course, the very first training will make changes in your body that will contribute to weight reduction. But you also need to remember about a proper diet, hydration of the body, giving up stimulants and, above all, you must be consistent in your actions! Even the effects of running after a month, if you don’t stick to these rules, will not be noticeable.


Excessive and intense running can lead to injuries and exhaustion of the body. Remember to use your common sense and gradually increase your pace and distance!

Running and slimming – effects

Many people who start running do it to lose weight. They don’t quite consciously include slimming diets in it. However, this is not always a good solution. Restrictive diets and increased physical activity can cause more harm than good to your body. Dehydration and malnutrition may occur, and this will result in fainting, palpitations, apathy, and constant fatigue. If you want to lose weight by running, follow these tips:

  1. eat smaller meals – spread the calories over five or six smaller meals instead of three. This can help stabilize your metabolism and energy levels and prevent you from feeling hungry which can lead to overeating. Drive less and more often
  2. water is the basis Although you can run a lot, you don’t need to constantly drink sports drinks to stay hydrated. Give up completely sweetened fruit juices, coffee drinks and carbonated drinks. Plain water is enough to stay well hydrated.
  3. limit carbohydrates – Overall, the average adult should eat about 225-325 grams of carbohydrate per day on a 2000 calorie diet (or about 45-65% of total calories per day). If you go over this limit – or fall into that range but still can’t lose weight – cut back on carbs and replace them with lean protein.

Keep in mind that overweight people should not start fighting kilograms by running. Jogging, despite its many advantages, can strain the joints, especially the knees. The extra weight of extra kilos will adversely affect the functionality of the joints. Personal trainers advise that losing a kilogram of fat requires burning 7000 kcal. A balanced running schedule allows you to burn about 4000-5000 kcal within a month. In order to accelerate the process of burning fat, you should limit the number of calories consumed, as well as expand your physical activity with other aerobic and strength exercises.

Find out what are sports drinks


An important factor in losing weight with jogging is paying attention to your diet, engaging in strength training, and getting enough sleep.

When to run

Some studies suggest that jogging in the morning is the most optimal for weight loss. Also, when you do your workout in the morning you won’t have to worry anymore about not doing it later in the day. Running in the morning makes you more productive and communicative throughout the day, as research has shown that jogging can improve concentration and critical thinking skills.

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1 Comment

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