Runaway Debtor: A Real Life Story

🙂 Hello dear readers! “The Runaway Debtor” is a life story about the miraculous help of St. Spyridon of Trimyphus.

Veronica had a business partner. She seems to be reliable, sociable, simple-minded. In general, the business was developing well, the income was small, but stable. And six months later, a colleague decided to go on an “independent voyage.” Former partners split all assets in half.


A few months later, it turned out that the former partner’s business had gone bankrupt. Then she decided to borrow a large amount of money from Veronica in order to close the debts to creditors. In two months she promised to repay the debt with interest.

When all the promised deadlines passed, the debtor simply disappeared. I changed my phone number and address. And then one day Veronica accidentally met her debtor in the market.

“Look,” the former partner says, “I’ll give you half of the debt right now, and the rest next week. Don’t worry, I’ll pay high interest for such a delay.

She looked into her wallet and said:

– Oh, today I spent almost all the money and forgot about it. Then next week I will give the whole amount at once.

Veronica realized that she would not receive any debt from this woman. But what to do? The loan was passed “from hand to hand”, so to speak “conscientiously.” You won’t even sue!

In general, almost a year after this meeting, the debtor ran away from Veronica, changed addresses, phones and even her image. As a result, she completely disappeared. And the amount is big. By that time, Veronica herself began to desperately need money – the business was shaken, it was necessary to urgently save the situation.

Once she was walking down the street, sat down on a bench and wept bitterly from offense. She did not even notice how the old woman sat down next to her. The stranger asked what had happened. The woman could not stand it and told her everything.

– Well, it doesn’t matter. Once I’m alive, it means that everything can be fixed. After all, the Lord did not just bring you straight to the church. You go and pray to Saint Spyridon of Trimifunsky, he helps even in the most difficult life situations – you look, everything will be resolved. You will see, that woman will return all debts to you personally. Have no doubt.

Runaway Debtor: A Real Life Story

Veronica looked around, and the truth is – next to the church! I went to the temple, sincerely prayed at the icon of Spiridon of Trimifunsky and immediately calmed down.

You Can’t Hide From God

A few days later, she went to another city on business. I arrived at eleven o’clock in the evening. Where to look for an overnight stay at such a time? I began to ask late passers-by on the street if there were any round-the-clock hotels here. One woman told her:

– There is a small living room at the temple, it is free, if you give the nuns some money, they will definitely let you spend the night. But keep in mind that they lock the gates at night, you need to ring the bell for a long time.

Veronica was ashamed to disturb the nuns at such a late hour, standing at the monastery fence. A local woman passed by, asks:

– What, nowhere to sleep? In my entrance, new tenants have settled, recently moved, let them stay for the night for little money.

The woman volunteered to accompany. They called the apartment. The door was opened by the same runaway debtor! Seeing her former partner, she almost fainted. Is talking:

– How did you know? My husband and I sold everything, bought a train ticket and drove off aimlessly. We thought where we liked it, and we’ll go out there. How did you find us?

– You can hide from me, but not from God!

The debtor let Veronica stay for the night for free, and immediately gave the money, right into her hands, as if they were burning her. True, without the promised interest, but that was no longer important.

🙂 Friends, write in the comments to the article “Runaway Debtor” the cases when the prayer to Spiridon of Trimifunsky helped in life.

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