Run for fun! 12 tips for beginners from Forest Gump.

Run for fun! 12 tips for beginners from Forest Gump.

Early morning. The air has not yet had time to be saturated with smog. There are no passers-by, no cars – just you and the awakening nature! Whether the sun is shining half-heartedly, not yet having completely managed to suppress the drowsiness, or a fine rain drizzling lulls – you are making a morning jog in a magnificent public garden.


Any movement of the body is easy and pleasant. Each step is like the flight of a bird. And every new breath fills the mind and every cell of the body with pure and light energy.

Do you want to experience an unforgettable experience? Then, without wasting time – go ahead! But first, listen to a few tips. Let’s divide them into preparatory and directly related to the running itself. So, let’s begin:



1. Before starting a running workout, make sure that running is not contraindicated for you.

2. Pay particular attention to the choice of footwear that would be suitable for running. Otherwise, you risk getting injuries and diseases of the ankle, slowly but surely “kill” your joints and intervertebral discs.

3. Select a route. The ideal route is a road in a forest, in a suburban area, in a field. In a city, a park, stadium or other area with clean air, not far from your home, is suitable. Running in a gas-polluted area, along city roads and highways can do more harm than good to your health.

4. Schedule your running workouts.


Morning is considered the best time to run. First, as a rule, in the city in the morning hours the air is cleanest – many enterprises are not yet working, there are practically no cars. For the same reason, no one and nothing can distract or interfere with the planned run. And in the evening, for example, they can easily be delayed at work, urgent matters at home will appear. You can forget about jogging!

Secondly, it is in the morning that running effectively stimulates the growth of metabolism in your body and maintains it at a high level throughout the day. This fact is of great importance for fat burning and weight loss.

Is there any benefit from running in the evening? Sure! The benefits are much more than a nap on the couch and contemplation of another soap opera.


5. The duration and frequency of running workouts can be said as follows – 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes (for a beginner, 10-15 minutes is enough). HOW BETTER TO RUN:

1. Before your morning jogging workout, drink a glass of water with honey or eat a sweet apple. Do not be afraid to replenish, in the morning the sugar content in the body is lowered, and a small intake of it from the outside will properly adjust the body for an intense workout, and as a result, for a more efficient fat burning.

2. Before starting a running workout, it is recommended to slightly stretch the joints with circular and rotational movements.


3. Fitness professionals can easily run up to 10 km every day, and the “average” liver of a person aged 15 to 60 contains enough carbohydrates to run 5 km. However, do not pursue the goal in your first runs, but set new world records for speed and length of distance. Better set a goal – a gradual increase in the covered distance to professional values. By the way, the first running workout can simply be carried out in the rhythm of intense walking, which is good to combine with a detailed study of the chosen route.

4. At what speed the lungs of your body should tell you to run – if during the run you can have a conversation with a friend, then everything is in order (the so-called running with “conversational” speed).

5. Now a little about the position of the body in space while running. Over time, your body itself will take the optimal position, and to begin with, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Spread your chest, pull your shoulders back a little, body upright, head in a natural position.
  • Gaze either at an imaginary horizon line or at a line crossing the treadmill 10-15 meters ahead.
  • The arms are bent at the elbows approximately at a right angle and move in planes located 45 degrees relative to the trajectory of movement. The hands are collected in a “half fist” and relaxed.
  • When touching the ground, the foot is placed either with the entire plane, or rolled from heel to toe.
  • And most importantly, the movements should be natural, light, and enjoyable.

6. Immediately after the running workout, it is recommended to perform a set of additional exercises. For example, muscle stretching exercises will “flow in” very harmoniously after running. Warming up the muscles while running will greatly enhance the effect of the stretch itself.

7. After jogging and additional exercises, it is recommended to take a warm shower.

In conclusion, I would like to say that these tips will help you at the initial stage to avoid injuries and just enjoy running. In addition, they will help to acquire strong companions in life – a supply of energy and vigor, a balanced, bright mind, good mood, an unforgettable feeling of lightness in the body, a slender posture, freshness of the face and skin.


And if suddenly, after 2-3 months of regular exercise, for some reason you stop running, you may experience a kind of “withdrawal”. It is very difficult to give up those unforgettable sensations that regular jogging brings!

Easy jogging and a little perseverance at the beginning of the journey!

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