Run Chang Wan

Run Chang Wan

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: constipation, postpartum constipation, chronic constipation in the elderly.

In Chinese energy, this preparation is used to treat constipation due to Yang and Blood Void.

Associated symptoms : dull skin and complexion, dry and pale tongue.


As this formula comes in different forms and strengths, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.


This formula owes its effectiveness to the combination of two plants rich in oil (Cannabis semen1 et Semen persicae) with plants that invigorate and circulate Energy and Blood. This type of constipation is compared to a boat that does not move forward due to lack of water. As its action is gentle and non-irritating to the intestines, it may take some time to achieve the maximum effect.


This formula is cited in the volume Shen Shi Zun Sheng Shu (The master’s book Shen for a venerable life) written by the famous physician Shen Jin-Ao in 1773.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Huo Ma Ren1 

Semen cannabis sativae (hemp seeds)

Emollient and laxative, moisturizes the Intestines  

Tao Ren 

Semen prunes persicae (peach almond)

Laxative by lubricating the intestines, breaks blood stasis  

Dang Gui 

Radix Angelica sinensis (angelica root)

Nourishes the Blood, Tones the Liver  

Sheng Di Huang 

Radix rehmanniae glutinosae (Chinese foxglove root)2

Refreshes the blood, nourishes the Yin and the Blood  

Zhi Ke 

Orange citrus fruit (bitter orange fruit)

Mobilizes Energy, Reduces Stagnation  

On the shelves

The products of the following companies meet the good manufacturing practices ofAustralian Therapeutic Goods Administration, which are considered, at present, to be the highest standards in the world for the evaluation of manufacturing processes of Chinese Pharmacopoeia products.


  • Peach Kernel Pills — Run Chang Wan. Mark : Minshan, made by Lanzhou Foci Herb Factory, Lanzhou, China.


  • Run Chang Wan. Mark : Tanglong, manufactured by Gansu Medicines & Health Products Import and Export Corporation, Lanzhou, China.

Although it does not meet Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration manufacturing standards, the following product has been tested to show that it does not contain pesticides, contaminants, or designer drugs.


  • Persian fruit Pills. Manufactured by Lanzhou Foci Pharmaceutical Factory, Lanzhou, China.

Available in Chinese herbalists, many natural health product stores, as well as distributors of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine equipment.

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