Rules of visiting the bath. Video

The bath is not only a great pleasure, but also a healthy procedure. Those who regularly visit the steam room, and then douse themselves with cool water, not only look younger than their peers, but also have no problems with blood pressure. They have a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes. But you need to be able to take a steam bath. Therefore, you need to adhere to simple rules of behavior in the bath, so as not to interfere with others, and not to harm yourself.

Most people do not have their own bath, so they visit the sauna from time to time. Alas, this event is often accompanied by excessive libations and other excesses. However, there are those who once or twice a month go to a bathhouse or a Finnish sauna for health, following all the rules. It is a real art to take a steam bath correctly so that it doesn’t do any harm.

Doctors say that the most favorable time to visit the bath is from 9 to 11 in the morning. It is at this time of the day that the vessels and the heart tolerate temperature changes more easily. Before the bath, you should have a loose breakfast, but no later than an hour before the first entry into the steam room.

If you plan to go to the bathhouse, take a dip in the evening. Do not do this immediately before the procedure, as the soap will wash off the natural protective layer of fat from the skin.

Be sure to take your slates, a felt hat and two towels with you to the sauna. You will put one on yourself, and the second will be laid on a wooden shelf in the steam room.

There is no need to dress up in a bathhouse. However, how to use cosmetics. Be sure to remove all chains, rings, earrings, watches. They become hot when exposed to high temperatures and can cause burns. In the steam room, you should only wear a hat to minimize the risk of heatstroke. If the company is mixed, where ladies are shy about their gentlemen, it is allowed to sit or lie on the bench, covered with a sheet made of natural fabric (for example, cotton), but the suit of Adam and Eve is still better. Take a warm shower before the steam room, but don’t wet your head.

To maximize the effect of the bath, distribute your strength. Do not spend time in the steam room right away. The first run should last no more than five minutes. It is not recommended to pour water on the stones, that is, to give the park and artificially increase the temperature and humidity.

The second and subsequent visits to the steam room can last from 5 to 15 minutes. The length of stay depends on many factors: health, type of bath, temperature, humidity.

The total time spent in the steam room should not exceed 40–45 minutes. If more, you will do more harm to the body than good.

As you know, it is hotter on the upper shelves than on the lower ones. That is why it is worth lying in the steam room, and not sitting, so that the body warms up evenly.

Essential oils can be used to enhance the effect. To do this, add 5-10 drops of essential oil to a basin of water in the steam room. Do not drip oil on stones, otherwise it may catch fire.

After the steam room, it is required to cool the body quickly enough, otherwise overheating is guaranteed. Snow rubbing, diving into an ice-hole are extreme actions. An untrained person is better off not taking such risks. The vessels will narrow too sharply, and this can lead to unpleasant consequences. After the steam room, you can rinse in the shower or pool. Drying off with a towel after this is not prohibited.

Another important rule of behavior in the bath: no alcohol. Any wine and other alcohol are enemies to health in themselves, and in the bathhouse it is doubly so. Along with other negative consequences, alcohol makes you forget about precautions.

People with infectious, cardiological, oncological diseases cannot go to the bathhouse.

In the bath, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Consumption of 1-2 liters of water per hour is considered normal (if there are no kidney problems). By the way, contrary to the general opinion, tea (black or green) is not so good. After the steam room, it is better to drink herbal decoctions. Sauna food is also not healthy, so you should refrain from various dishes, snacks and even cookies.

In the steam room, together with sweat, toxins are released from the body. The top layer of the skin softens, and dead cells of the epidermis can be easily removed with a rough mitten. You can use natural masks, honey and other products. However, make sure you are not allergic to them beforehand. Before leaving the bath and going out into the air, apply a greasy cream to your face and hands and let it absorb.

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