Rules for transplanting cherries in the fall: instructions from A to Z

Cherry can definitely be called one of the most beautiful fruit trees in our latitudes. With proper and proper care, this tree will bring a good harvest and delight the eyes of the owners. Not the last place in this regard is the process of transplantation. The favorable outcome of this event depends on where and when to transplant cherries.

When should cherries be transplanted?

In order to transplant cherries, ensure its rapid rooting, reduce the time to adapt to changing environmental conditions and get a rich harvest, you must follow certain rules.

The most favorable period for transplanting cherries is considered to be early spring or autumn.

If the transplant takes place in the spring, then it is carried out during the sleep period and before the start of the sap flow period. In this case, there is enough time to fix the root system of the cherry in the ground. The tree will have time to adapt and acclimatize over the summer period. But there are situations when it does not take root and dries up.

In this regard, a slightly greater advantage is given to transplanting in the fall. And the best time to do it is in September. During this period, the leaves are already falling, but the air temperature is still sufficient for effective adaptation. Some gardeners argue that an autumn transplant should be carried out only after all the leaves have fallen (like all other fruit trees). Transplanting during this period shows better results than spring planting. In this case, the main thing is to transplant the cherry from mid-September to mid-October so that the tree has time to get used to and get stronger.

A certain role for the time of tree transplantation is played by the cherry variety. For example, felt cherry should be transplanted only in early spring (March), when the snow falls and the ground thaws. But transplanting such cherries in the fall can lead to the destruction of the main root, and the tree itself will dry out.

At the same time, overgrown cherries are not recommended to be transplanted in late spring, since in this case the buds open quickly, and nutrients do not reach the roots. This leads to the impossibility of the full and correct development of both the root system and the entire tree as a whole. Autumn is more suitable here.

It is believed that the best time to transplant a cherry tree is a fine and sunny day. The air temperature should be in the range from + 10 to + 15, without night frosts. It is not recommended to transplant cherries on a rainy and windy day.

In addition to time, preparation for transplanting this fruit tree is of great importance. Preparations need to start well in advance. To transplant cherries in the fall, dig a planting hole in the spring. Organic fertilizers with an admixture of potassium and phosphorus must be applied to the pit.

Transplant instructions

Before transplanting cherries, you should make sure that this procedure is necessary. If this is still necessary, then in order to transplant correctly and eventually get a flowering tree and a rich harvest, certain rules and instructions should be followed.

Cherry transplant instructions:

  • it is worth replanting only those varieties and trees that are more likely to take root in a new place;
  • the younger the shoot of the tree, the more successful the transplant will be, and the adaptation will be faster;
  • the chances of survival are increased by pruning branches to restore the balance between the crown and the root system;
  • it is imperative to replant coppice cherries, as it grows very close to the mother, reducing its fruitfulness;
  • transplanting overgrowth is easier to carry out, since it is easier to dig it out, and the root system is not yet fully developed;
  • in addition to time, you need to take into account the requirements of a particular variety of cherry to the soil. A well-lit area, which is located on a hill (not even large), is suitable for her. The soil must be neutral. Low-lying areas and swampy soil will have an extremely negative effect on productivity, fruiting volumes and the life of the tree itself.

 In this process, in addition to the instructions, the following rules must be observed:

  • choose a suitable place that meets the requirements;
  • dig a landing hole. Its dimensions should correspond to the diameter of the root system of the seedling. The parameters of the pit must be at least 50 cm deep and 80 cm wide .;
  • compost, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and wood ash should be added to the dug hole;
  • then you need to carefully dig the selected cherry bush. It is necessary to focus on the crown, which should repeat the direction of the location of the roots;
  • on dug roots, you need to save a clod with earth;
  • after the tree has been dug up, its root system should be carefully examined and, if there are damaged roots, they should be removed;
  • in the presence of dry roots, they are soaked in water for two or three hours;
  • before transferring the seedling, its root system, together with a clod of earth, is wrapped in cellophane or a rag. This is done in order to avoid injury and damage to the roots of the seedling;
  • a little earth is poured into the center of the landing pit;
  • free an earthen lump of wood from cellophane or a rag;
  • the seedling is placed in the center of the planting hole;
  • the root neck is lowered to a level of 3 cm above the poured earth;
  • from above they fall asleep with fertile soil;
  • you should gradually tamp the ground with your feet;
  • within a radius of about 25 cm, you need to leave recesses for irrigation;
  • it is recommended to drive a wooden peg into the ground near the seedling;
  • a cherry shoot can be tied to it to prevent it from falling on its side;
  • planting is completed with abundant watering (about 20-20 liters of water are poured);
  • at the end, it is necessary to mulch the ground with leaf litter. This procedure will help maintain the necessary moisture for the plant, as well as protect the roots from winter frosts.

In order to promote cross-pollination and obtain a large and high-quality crop in one area, it is recommended to plant about four or five trees, while the distance between them should be no less than 2,5 meters.

Video “Cherry transplant”

You can get acquainted with important information about cherries and the process of a properly performed transplant in this video.

Cherry transplant in your garden. Their country seedlings are rootstocks.

In general, transplanting for cherries is not mandatory. This method is used when the tree was originally planted in places that were not suitable for it: in a lowland, very close to the wall of the house, very close to other trees or shrubs, etc.

After the transplant is completed, the tree must be fed with liquid bird droppings once every two months until the onset of cold weather. Do not forget about additional pruning of the crown and cleaning of unnecessary branches. As a result of these manipulations, next year you will receive a strong and healthy seedling, which will have a normally and properly developed root system.

Cherry transplant scheme

Transplantation of adult cherries of different varieties

There are times when you need to transplant an already adult cherry. In this situation, you should follow a few other rules:

  • when digging up such a tree, it is advisable to try to save most of the root system;
  • baring the roots is not recommended;
  • you need to carefully and carefully dig up the roots along with an earthen clod;
  • branches should be pruned more carefully to compensate for the imbalance between roots and crown.

Adult cherries should only be transplanted in very extreme cases. This statement also applies to the felt variety. This is based on the fact that an adult tree has a rather problematic transfer to a new place. And transplanting a felt variety after the tree reaches 5 years old does not make sense at all, since this species bears fruit for only a little over 10 years. Therefore, you can simply lose the crop, and the tree may not take root and dry out.

The rules for transplanting coppice cherries are also slightly different. This is due to the anatomical features of this tree. Coppice cherry keeps, basically, on a lateral root. It is attached to the main tree and feeds from it (like an artery). Transplanting a shoot involves detaching it from the main tree. As a result, the lateral small roots begin to dry out rapidly, so they need to be quickly and properly processed or dug up only with the ground.

The most effective way to transplant a coppice seedling is to capture the main root, which belongs to the parent tree. It is necessary to dig the ground at a distance of about 30 cm from the transplanted seedling and carefully cut off part of the main root. Then both cuts are cleaned with a sharp garden knife blade and smeared with paint. After that, you need to fill the earth and fluff it.

With the right transplant, you can increase yields, bring the fruiting period closer, and also get a healthy and strong tree.

It is not difficult to transplant cherries if you follow the rules and instructions. They will help prevent infection with various viral and fungal diseases, will not allow wilting, deterioration of its fruiting. It all depends on the correct time and place of transplantation.

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