Rules for the location of the greenhouse on the cardinal points

Buying or building a greenhouse is an important step towards growing a rich crop. However, it is not enough just to start a greenhouse – it is important to correctly position it relative to the cardinal points. They do this for several interrelated reasons, which we will discuss in this article. So, how to properly arrange greenhouses on the cardinal points?

Why this is necessary

When it comes to orienting garden buildings relative to the cardinal points, many questions arise: how to do it, why even think about it, etc. The answers are usually quite simple.

Rules for the location of the greenhouse on the cardinal points

First of all, it saves you money. Given the constant increase in electricity prices, rationally distributing it throughout the site becomes not a matter of whim, but an everyday necessity. So, for example, optimizing the access of sunlight to plants in a greenhouse, you do not have to organize additional heating. This is a significant financial savings both for the installation of heating systems and for maintaining them in working condition.

The next point worth noting is the natural optimization of the garden space. A greenhouse that is oriented to the cardinal points receives enough light and heat to nourish the plants that grow on its territory. However, at the same time, it accumulates and gives off a certain amount of heat to the surrounding space, helping other crops to grow. In addition, you will be able to use the entire site more rationally, leaving no “blind” zones.

It is better to install the greenhouse once and correctly than to complain later that you overlooked it and you could have put it a little differently, but with greater benefit.

Video “How to place a greenhouse on the cardinal points”

The correct placement of the greenhouse on your site is described in the video.

Orientation to the cardinal points

There are two ways to install a greenhouse on the cardinal points: from north to south, from east to west. The most reasonable orientation is from east to west, since this way the plants will receive uniform lighting and heating throughout the day. It should be understood that the location is important for greenhouses whose length exceeds the width, for example, 3×6 m, 3×8 m, etc. For square greenhouses, this rule is not of particular value and it should be positioned so that it is convenient to work in it.

For farm greenhouses, the location from east to west will be correct, since this way the soil in them warms up faster, the air temperature inside remains uniform throughout the day.

However, this arrangement is not suitable for southern climatic zones due to higher air temperatures. Therefore, it is better to put the greenhouse structure from north to south.

Location relative to trees and buildings

However, it is not enough just to put the building in relation to the cardinal points, it is important to do it correctly so as not to level the invested efforts. The greenhouse complex should not be installed in the shade of houses or tall trees. In the spring and fall, this will create too much shade so that the plants don’t get the light they need to thrive. Moreover, from the middle of summer, fallen leaves will accumulate on the roof of the building, so you will have to clean it regularly.

Rules for the location of the greenhouse on the cardinal points

Also, you should not allocate any remote corner on the site for greenhouses, as this complicates access to them. Nowadays, the frame and cover of garden buildings have a pleasing design, so feel free to build them so that you have access to fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also beneficial from the point of view that you do not have to go far with water, fertilizers, fruit baskets.

Near houses, it is better to build it on the south side, a deviation to the east or west is acceptable to ensure an adequate supply of sunlight. At the same time, you get guaranteed protection from strong winds on the one hand and heat dissipation from the house.

It is best to carry out the installation of greenhouses on a flat open area. In this way, you use natural resources more efficiently, which will positively affect the growth of horticultural and horticultural crops.

Video “Greenhouse installation”

Tips for placing a greenhouse are given in this video.

Greenhouse installation. How to choose and properly install a greenhouse.

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