We have already written about how to choose the right honey. And if you still haven’t gotten a jar with a tasty and healthy treat, hurry up.
After all, honey is an invaluable gift from nature to mankind, but if stored improperly, its healing properties disappear, and sometimes, as a result, it can even become toxic. In order for honey to always remain tasty, healthy and stored for a long time, it is enough to follow simple rules:
1. Store honey in a glass, enamel, earthen or ceramic container. It is better not to use containers made of iron, zinc, copper or lead – honey becomes toxic from storage in them. The shelf life of honey in a plastic container should not exceed one year, otherwise honey will also absorb bad substances from it.
2. Honey should be stored in an airtight environment, as it absorbs odors and moisture very well.
3. When choosing a container for storing honey, make sure it is perfectly clean and dry.
4. Using wooden containers for storing honey can give this product a specific flavor, taste and even color. So, for example, aspen gives honey a bitterness, pine interrupts the smell of honey, and oak makes it dark.
5. Do not store honey at room temperature – from this it can deteriorate or lose some of its beneficial qualities. For storing honey, you should choose rooms with a temperature from -6 to +20 degrees Celsius. Frequent temperature changes also have a bad effect on honey.
6. Keep honey away from products with strong odors.
7. Be aware that high humidity is also detrimental to the preservation of this product.
8. Protect honey from direct sunlight – they destroy some of its beneficial properties and reduce the shelf life of this product.
Delicious and healthy honey for you!