Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

How to plant and grow cucumbers, all gardeners have heard. However, there are always those who approach the process creatively. The reasons are different: you want fresh vegetables, but there is no summer cottage, or the climate is not very conducive to growing, etc. So a new way appeared – planting cucumbers in plastic bottles, which turned out to be convenient and effective for many vegetable growers.


Plastic bottles have already been adapted for different needs. The method of growing seedlings in them is widespread. Such a container is convenient, light and practically free.

Planting cucumbers in plastic bottles allows you to grow a vegetable on a balcony in an apartment. Successful experiments on cultivating vegetables on the balcony are already known, but earlier boxes or buckets were used for them. Such a container does not look very presentable and requires a lot of space for placement. And the plastic one is more compact, perfectly transmits the sun’s rays, the plants in it feel very comfortable.

Seedlings produced in bottles can be planted both in the country in open ground and in a greenhouse. Moreover, the plants are placed there along with the bottle.

If you have open ground, you get a mini-greenhouse, which will contribute to the faster growth of cucumbers, which will allow them to ripen even during a not too long summer. Or, in the case of planting early varieties, enjoy a crispy vegetable as early as June.

Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

The plastic rim of the bottle will help:

  • protect the plant from the bear, in the fight against which summer residents often lose;
  • save water when watering. In this case, water flows directly to the roots, without spreading over the surface;
  • rid the seedlings of weeds, they will not interfere with the normal growth of cucumbers and the development of their root system, and they will not “take away” minerals useful for development from the vegetable.

In the case of greenhouse planting, you change the planting soil every year, excluding the formation of pathogens in it, so the plants will be healthy and strong, which is the basis for an excellent harvest.

Preparing the landing site

The recipe for preparing the soil for planting can be developed based on personal experience. Its main condition is porosity and friability, so that it has a good ability to pass air. If you are a beginner gardener, you can use ready-made soil, which is sold in the store and is intended for growing seedlings or vegetables.

Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

The most common recipe for self-cooking consists of 4 components taken in equal parts:

  1. ordinary soil that can be dug up in the garden;
  2. rotted foliage from any tree except oak and willow;
  3. peat;
  4. drainage mix. Under it, you can adapt sunflower husks, egg shells or sphagnum moss.

Birch ash will not interfere in the soil. Be sure to pour it, if possible, then a rich harvest is guaranteed to you.

Always try to prepare quality soil, then the cultivation of cucumbers in bottles will go smoothly, the seedlings will develop healthy, and the harvest will be on time.

Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

Bottle options

The next step is to prepare the plastic container. Bottles for this are suitable with a capacity of 5 or 2 liters. In five-liter plants will feel more comfortable. Several seeds or seedlings can be planted in such a bottle, while no more than one can be planted in a 2-liter bottle.

Bottles are prepared simply – just cut off the top (1/3). You will get a plastic pot and a lid for it. You need to organize holes in the bottom to ensure the outflow of excess moisture if you accidentally overdo it with watering. We fill the resulting containers with prepared soil, shake it a little. Make sure that the border of the soil is below the cut edge by a few centimeters. Now you can plant germinated seeds or seedlings prepared earlier, several pieces in each bottle. When planting in five-liter containers, the maximum number of plants is 5 pieces.

The resulting pots of cucumbers can be placed on the balcony in a place prepared for this or transported to a summer cottage for digging into the soil. They bury the container in the ground by about 2/3, it is worth covering the top with the lids remaining from pruning in order to create greenhouse conditions for seedlings to grow and protect them from low temperatures at night. When the cucumbers get stronger, the cover is removed.

Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

For planting in the ground, it is recommended to make more holes in the bottle or remove the bottom altogether, leaving only the side rim.

Plastic bottles are also good for seedling production. To do this, the container is cut not across, but along, removing one wall of the bottle. Fill the container with soil and sow germinated seeds. By the way, this method of breeding seedlings is effective for any crops. In such plastic plantations, it is convenient to grow greens on the balcony – it will always be at hand and fresh.

Originally, you can use the bottle by cutting it in half. For this, it is better to take a 2-liter. Soil is poured into the “funnel” – part of the bottle with a lid – and germinated seeds are placed there, and water is poured into the “glass” and a funnel is installed there. The level of the poured water should reach the neck; The cork, of course, is removed. You get an individual automatic watering system for each hand-made pot. It is convenient, beautiful and compact.

Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

Care for cucumbers

Cucumbers are tender plants, they love warmth, but they do not tolerate direct sunlight well, therefore, if a vegetable is grown on a balcony, then it is worth providing it with a comfortable place to grow.

Caring for cucumbers planted in a bottle is almost identical to the usual one.

Water plants only with water heated to room temperature. 2 weeks after germination, plants begin to feed using a weak fertilizer solution. It is recommended to start with 15 g of potassium and 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate, 5 magnesium sulfate, diluted in a bucket of water. Water the seedlings carefully, being careful not to touch the leaves. After 10 days, you can feed with manure, which is diluted with water in proportions of 1:20.

When growing in a greenhouse or on a balcony, you need to take care of the formation of cucumber lashes. The operation is done when the real 3rd sheet appears. It is carefully cut off, trying not to damage the stem. From the axillary bud of the second leaf, after 5 days, the development of the lateral lash will begin. The second pinching is done later on the 5th or 6th sheet, the third – after another 2 new sheets.

Keep plants out of drafts to avoid powdery mildew.

Rules for planting cucumbers in plastic bottles

Watch the color of the leaves. If yellow spots begin to appear on them, this may be an indicator of a spider mite disease. Treat the plant immediately, otherwise the leaves will dry out. For this purpose, you can use prepared infusions of garlic (pour 5 chopped cloves with boiling water and leave for about 6 hours) or onion peel (a 0,5-liter jar with peel is poured with hot water, infused and diluted 1: 2). The infusions are filtered and sprayed with them on the underside of the cucumber leaves, where the pest is located.

Timely measures and care for the vegetable guarantee you an excellent harvest.

Video “Vegetables on the balcony, or we grow cucumbers in a bottle”

The video shows the technology of planting cucumber seeds in a plastic bottle and gives tips on planting care.

Growing cucumbers on the balcony. GuberniaTV

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