Rules for growing sweet peppers, variety selection

The cultivation of sweet pepper in our area began from the moment it was brought to us from Bulgaria, in fact, that’s why they began to call it Bulgarian. In fact, this vegetable comes from America, from which it migrated to Portugal, then to Turkey, then to Bulgaria, and only then to the lands of Ukraine, Moldova and Our Country. Gardeners in our country grow sweet peppers in a greenhouse and on open ground.

Which variety to choose?

Which variety to choose for growing sweet peppers depends on where it will grow.

Since there are lovers who grow peppers on the balcony or on the windowsill, varieties are bred specifically for this purpose. These include undersized plants with medium-sized fruits:

  • Watercolor;
  • Tomboy;
  • Sweetie;
  • Fox
  • Yarik;
  • Treasure Island.

On the open ground it is advised to plant:

  1. Etude;
  2. Curiosity;
  3. Carat.

Rules for growing sweet peppers, variety selection

Suitable for growing sweet peppers in greenhouses:

  • Arnes;
  • Alyonushka;
  • Chord;
  • Atlantic;
  • Bonus;
  • Vesper and others.

Quite common and favorite varieties of this vegetable are:

  1. Tenderness;
  2. Gift of Moldova;
  3. Health;
  4. Swallow;
  5. Winnie the Pooh;
  6. California miracle.

But it is not enough just to choose a variety, it is necessary to follow the technology of growing sweet pepper, starting with the selection of seeds and ending with the collection of fruits.

Preparation of seedlings

This tasty, juicy vegetable leaves gardeners no choice but to grow sweet pepper seedlings. It’s not at all difficult to do this.

The end of February is the very time when you can start growing sweet pepper seedlings in order to plant flowering shoots in the ground in May.

Rules for growing sweet peppers, variety selection

Let’s start with the fact that, first of all, you need to prepare what the seeds will be sown in for further growth. It can be boxes or pots. It is worth noting here that the root system of pepper does not accept crowding.

Seeds. The first step is to soak the seeds to disinfect them. In the technology of growing sweet pepper, it is recommended to do this in the usual 1% solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.

Next, pre-plant soaking is carried out, which will allow you to get seedlings on the second day after sowing the seeds in the ground:

  • pepper is immersed in water with a temperature of up to 50C for 5 hours to swell;
  • placed in a damp cloth to pip at room temperature (the process usually takes 2-3 days).

When buying, pay attention to the freshness of the seeds. The fresher they are, the faster the first shoots will appear and the greater the harvest.

The soil. An important point – the bottom of the tank must be drained to avoid stagnant water and rotting. The soil is made up of:

  1. one part of peat soil;
  2. two parts of humus;
  3. one part of sand;
  4. recommended for 1kg of a mixture of the above components, add 1 tablespoon of ash.

Before sending the seeds to the ground, it must be watered. For irrigation, warm water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate are used. After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil for half a centimeter.

Top dressing. To fertilize seedlings use the following solution:

  • water – 0,5 liters;
  • ammonium nitrate – 0,5 g;
  • superphosphate – 3g;
  • potash fertilizers – 1g.

 It is recommended to fertilize 3 times during the entire period of seedling growth:

  1. the first – when 2 full leaves appear, using the fertilizer solution in the indicated quantities;
  2. the second – when there are 4 leaves or 14 days after the first, using a fertilizer solution, doubling the dose;
  3. the third – 2 days before transplanting seedlings into open ground, increasing the dose of fertilizers in solution up to 8g.

 It should be done once and foliar top dressing (i.e. spraying) in order to obtain the best fruits.

Rules for growing sweet peppers, variety selection

Sowing seeds. Here it is necessary to separate sowing in a box and sowing in cups.

If sowing will be done in a box, then this should be done like this:

  • put drainage on the bottom;
  • pour 7-8 cm of earthen mixture over it;
  • level the surface of the soil in the box;
  • make grooves at a distance of 5-6 cm;
  • spread the seeds into grooves at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other;
  • on top of the grooves in the box, cover with a layer of humus soil or sand about 0,5 cm thick;
  • lightly compact the soil without pressing it.

If the seeds are placed in glasses, then:

  1. the soil is moistened in a glass;
  2. holes are made, the depth of which is approximately 1 cm;
  3. 1 seed is placed in the hole and sprinkled with earth;
  4. a plastic bag is put on the glass, which remains on it until germination.

Temperature regime. Pepper is a thermophilic plant. The daytime temperature for growing seedlings should be 25C-27C, at night it should not be lower than 13C-11C.

There are some nuances in the question of how to grow sweet pepper seedlings:

  • container with seedlings should be in a warm place;
  • it is very good if the container is covered with polyethylene;
  • daily you need to check the soil and prevent drying out;
  • watering seedlings should be carried out with warm settled water;
  • do not allow drafts and a cold window sill for seedlings;
  • loves light, so seedlings need to be provided with bulb light for as long as the day would last if it were summer (from 8 am to 8 pm).

Preparation of beds

The soil for growing sweet pepper is prepared in two stages: in autumn and spring.

In autumn, it is necessary to remove the earth from the predecessors of pepper. It is better if the pepper is planted in the soil in which it grew before:

  1. cabbage;
  2. beans;
  3. cucumbers;
  4. bow;
  5. carrot;
  6. pumpkin;
  7. courgette;
  8. grain crops.

Rules for growing sweet peppers, variety selection

In autumn, the ground should be prepared by the following actions:

  • grind plant residues;
  • fertilize the land with phosphate and potash fertilizers;
  • plow the soil to a depth of 30 cm;
  • carry out land planning;
  • perform deep cultivation.

In the spring, prepare the ground as follows:

  1. harrow the soil, which will close the moisture and level the ground;
  2. before planting seedlings, cultivate the earth up to 15 cm deep;
  3. before planting seedlings, treat the beds with trichodermin to destroy spores of pathogenic fungi.


Planting seedlings in the ground is best done on a cloudy June day or in the late afternoon on a normal day. The period for planting in open ground lasts from late May to mid-June.

If the decision is made to grow sweet peppers in a greenhouse, then the best time for this will be the beginning of April.

Rules for growing sweet peppers, variety selection

Plants are placed in holes, the distance between which should be 50-60 cm, the distance between the beds – 60 cm. At the end of the planting of sweet pepper seedlings in the ground, it is recommended to cover the bed with plants with a film, which will speed up the process of acceptance and the beginning of growth.

Further Care

When growing sweet pepper, we must not forget that this plant is quite fragile and is prone to breaking off not only leaves during careless handling, but also entire branches.

Further care and technology for growing sweet peppers come down to timely watering the plant, weeding the beds, feeding and garter.

If sweet pepper is grown in a greenhouse, then when planting seedlings, pegs are immediately installed to avoid injury to the plant later.

Rules for growing sweet peppers, variety selection

Pepper in the first one and a half – two weeks looks a little wilted, but do not be afraid – this is its normal state. It is very important at this moment not to “fill in” the plant. Your care of the vegetable at this stage is to gently loosen the soil around the plant, and thus provide it with additional oxygen.

Watering when growing this crop before flowering occurs twice a week, after the appearance of flowers, ovary and fruit growth, it becomes more plentiful, and must be done under the root, preferably with warm water (about 22 degrees). The ideal type of irrigation is the drip method.

Rules for growing sweet peppers, variety selection

Top dressing during the growing season is recommended to be carried out at least three times. As a fertilizer, wood ash and fresh mullein are used in combination with herbs. “Complementary food” is prepared according to the following “recipe”:

  • water – barrel;
  • mullein – 1 bucket;
  • coltsfoot;
  • dandelion;
  • nettle;
  • wood lice;
  • ash – 10-12 tablespoons.

All components are mixed in a barrel, left for 7-10 days, and after a week, natural, natural complementary foods are ready. Each bush is watered with one liter of this mixture. In order for the harvest of sweet pepper to please you in the end, you should adhere to all the rules of agricultural technology.

Video “How to grow a good crop of sweet pepper”

A video from gardening experts showing you how to grow sweet peppers for maximum yield.

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