Rules for grafting pear on other trees and varieties

No experienced gardener can do without such an important process as grafting. It is used for various purposes: for breeding, increasing the yield, creating hybrid plants, tree rejuvenation, etc. A similar action is carried out with a pear. But, it should be remembered that pear grafting has certain nuances, which we will consider in this article.


The main nuance when grafting a pear is the timing of its behavior. Some gardeners argue that the timing is not critical. The only condition is that the scion has developing buds.

According to other experts, spring is considered the best time for grafting. It is carried out before or during the beginning of active sap flow. At this point, an excellent separation of the bark occurs. But the grafting should be completed before flowering. In this situation, the probability of non-survival of the scion is practically excluded. The timing is selected taking into account the ambient temperature. At night, its decrease should not be significant, otherwise the death of grafted shoots is possible, since they have an increased sensitivity to cold.

It should be remembered that the warmer the weather at night, the more efficiently and efficiently the pear grafting will be completed.

The day on which the vaccination will be carried out should be calm and sunny. Cloudy days should be avoided, otherwise the result may be unpredictable. If the pear vaccination did not give the desired result, it can be repeated.

Some fruit growers practice flight grafting, which is carried out in early July. But it is by no means recommended to be carried out at the end of the summer.

Rules for grafting pear on other trees and varieties

Sometimes you can find information that you can plant a pear in the fall. But this time is extremely rare. This is due to the fact that the autumn weather is more unstable, and at night there can already be a significant drop in temperature, up to frost. Pear grafting at this time is marked by a low degree of survival.

Rootstock selection

The choice of rootstock for a pear ranks second in importance, after determining the time of the manipulation. This is due to the fact that the stock is of great importance on the size of the crown and the tree as a whole, as well as on the entry into fruiting and the volume of the crop.

There are several options for choosing a scion for a pear:

  • on a pear First of all, it should be noted that it is best to graft a pear onto another variety. As a result, you will get the maximum effect. As a stock, Lesnaya, Tonkovetka, Svetlyanka, Severyanka, Tenderness or Usuri pear are often used. But such a vaccination is used if you just need to improve the quality of the fruit. At the end you will get a pear that will bear just different kinds of fruit;
  • on quince. It is considered the most common option. In the course of it, “carrying” is carried out, which implies a decrease in the height of the tree. This will reduce the area occupied by the pear in your garden. There will also be an acceleration of the fruiting process, and the fruits themselves will become tastier;
  • to the apple tree It occurs more often than other options, since the apple tree is the most common fruit tree. The apple rootstock grows well and quickly with the pear cutting. Often pear varieties Cathedral and Lada are grafted on the following apple varieties: Vityaz, Melba, Antonovka. This is the most optimal grafting, but it is characterized by incomplete wood fusion. In the future, the grafted branch may break, but this can be avoided with props or garters. Some gardeners note that this option is most effective if the apple tree was grown from a seed;

Rules for grafting pear on other trees and varieties

  • on rowan. Less common, since the post-vaccination period requires more thorough and attentive care. Over time, the vaccination site may “float”. This is due to the fact that the pear thickens much faster than the mountain ash. And as a result, not only the strength of the tree itself will decrease, but also its life expectancy. Fruits, after this manipulation, acquire astringency, drier pulp and there is a loss of sugar content;
  • on hawthorn. It is also a rather rare option, since a positive result does not occur very often;
  • on a lemon. I.V. managed to practice this option. Michurin. The problem in this situation is the low compatibility of such different species as stone fruits and pome fruits;
  • on cotoneaster. A good option, since the taste of the fruit remains pleasant, and the graft itself grows together perfectly;
  • on plum. Cherry plum is a fairly strong stock not only for pears, but also for other stone fruits (with the exception of cherries and cherries);
  • on aroni and irga. As a result, we get a dwarf tree. But in the future there is an uneven development of the thickness of the scion and rootstock. In the place above the inoculation, “sagging” is often formed. Therefore, such branches require additional support, and the tree itself becomes unstable and short-lived.

Rules for grafting pear on other trees and varieties

The above list is far from complete. You can always experiment with rootstock selection and create a new variety. You can experiment with such characteristics as yield, flowering and fruiting period, as well as increase the winter hardiness and resistance of the tree to various diseases. In such experiments, the site of inoculation should be closely monitored to determine its effectiveness. The presence of influxes at this place, a lot of overgrowth and the depressed state of the plant indicate an unsuitable stock.


In order to achieve optimal results and not ruin the pear scion, certain rules must be followed. This process is unique, as it allows you to get a high-quality scion from a small cutting or bud. The presence of a high-quality and suitable stock allows you to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.

Rules for grafting pear on other trees and varieties

Rules for grafting pear on different rootstocks:

  • it is necessary to first get acquainted with the biological characteristics of the scion and rootstock;
  • use only clean and sharp tools;
  • get acquainted with the technology of the process;
  • only young and healthy cuttings are grafted, which will significantly increase the success of the operation;
  • it is necessary to correctly choose not only the time of vaccination, but also to carry it out under favorable weather conditions;
  • it is better to plant summer varieties in the upper part of the crown, but autumn varieties in its middle part, and winter varieties at the very bottom;
  • in no case is it recommended to carry out this manipulation for winter varieties that will be grafted onto summer varieties;
  • lower varieties are grafted into the upper part of the crown, since in winter the air temperature there is higher than over snow;
  • if necessary, a double grafting is possible, which includes a stem-former between the stock and scion;
  • the scion should be as anatomically and biologically suitable as possible to the rootstock;
  • it is necessary to clearly define the purpose of the vaccination and choose a stock based on these considerations;
  • cuttings should be annual, and they must be taken from the top of the crown, given its illumination. It is best to take branches from a well-lit side;
  • they are harvested in late autumn or winter. But this must be done before the onset of severe cold weather;
  • cuttings are stored in a damp and cool place at a temperature of no more than 4 оWITH;
  • the scion should have well-developed buds;
  • cut branches should be wrapped with a damp cloth and wrapped in polyethylene. You can store them in the refrigerator or basement in wet sand;
  • the rootstock tree must be healthy and strong.

Scheme of vaccination on stem and skeleton formers

Video “Algorithm for correct vaccination”

In this video, you can learn in detail all the nuances of the grafting process.

Compliance with the above rules, as well as the correct choice of rootstock, will bring the desired effect and you will enjoy new and tasty fruits.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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