Forget everything you knew before. It turns out that most of the tips either don’t work or are generally harmful! Psychotherapist Irina Rotova debunked the most popular myths.
1. Myth: in order to lose weight, you need to gather the will into a fist and go in for sports.
Antimyth. You should not start losing weight with intense physical exertion, since intense physical activity provokes appetite. This is due to the fact that during muscle work, lactic acid is released into the bloodstream, and this is an unstable chemical compound that requires glucose to strengthen its position. Here is the body and requires a portion of food after training! You should first lose weight, and only then move on to sports and training.
2. Myth: weight is gained from a large amount of food consumed uncontrollably, and the internal state of a person has nothing to do with it!
Antimyth. In order not to seize emotions, you need to somehow cope with them. Usually people suppress them, since in society it is not customary to immediately shout or get into a fight. Chronic stress is one of the main causes of weight gain. Stress is well taught to cope with long-term psychotherapy, as this skill is formed slowly, but for life. That is why, by gaining control over your emotions, you become the creator of your life.
3. Myth: In fact, chatting at the table is cool! You can do two things at once: talk and eat!
Antimyth. Don’t make food a cult! Under what sauce is food served: this is the New Year’s celebration, and interesting communication, and a fleeting flirtation, and an accidental acquaintance, and multimillion-dollar contracts, and business meetings, and losses, and centuries-old traditions … true needs for simple human feelings. And what feelings these are, you decide!
4. Myth: Appetite comes with eating.
Antimyth. Learning to share hunger and appetite! Hunger is when you eat everything that you see, and appetite is when you open the refrigerator and think: “What would I eat so delicious now?” And by the way, appetite is translated from Latin as “desire”. Therefore, if you do not satisfy some of your other desires, then they turn into appetite! We focus on the feeling of hunger.
5. Myth: it is not known what exactly makes a person fat, because we are constantly experimenting, coming up with different dishes and creating different tastes.
Antimyth. Scientists have calculated that in our life we eat about 38 foods and 38 dishes. Moreover, these are simple products and the simplest dishes. Preferences come from childhood: what we were fed in childhood by mothers and grandmothers, we love now. Don’t believe me? Check it out! Pick up a pen and a piece of paper and write down your treats.
6. Myth: a person makes a decision to grow thin (as a rule) when the doctor advises him (before that, you don’t have to worry).
Antimyth. Do you know when you will decide to lose weight? When they get you! Everything! When the last straw will be the statement of the husband or the child, when, looking at himself in the mirror, he wants to turn away! You yourself will come to this decision, you will only be given a reason … You will even cry a little. What is there to do? I want to live! Yes, not just live, but enjoy life!
7. Myth: dry red wine promotes weight loss.
Antimyth. Remember that the saturation hormone leptin is destroyed in the blood by alcohol! That is why after drinking alcohol you always want to eat!
8. Myth: I can control my own weight and lose weight whenever I want.
Antimyth. When you have made a decision for yourself, for example, “I’m getting slimmer!”, Your brain and body do not immediately begin to work in harmony. This takes time. First, the subconscious mind turns on with a quite reasonable question: “Why do I need this?” And only if you convince him (and for this there are a number of psychotherapeutic techniques), it will work for the benefit of your body. Only in this case will the brain, body, and subconsciousness begin to act in the same direction.
9. Myth: to lose extra pounds, you need to eat foods with less fat.
Antimyph. If you think that slim people eat foods with less fat and drink 1,5% milk, then you are wrong! They are choosing natural healthy foods with natural fat content! And 10-20% cream is added to coffee / tea. And they prefer more fatty varieties of fish, with a high content of unsaturated fatty omega acids. They follow the principle: it is better to eat less, but better quality food. And by the way, they never use sweeteners!
10. Myth: energetic people lose weight faster.
Antimyth. “Hurry slowly” is another little secret of slender people. They are never in a hurry because they know that they are always in the right place at the right time. And this position of acceptance allows them not to waste their energy on anger and irritation, which then need to be seized.
11. Myth: you only need to lose weight under the supervision of a professional nutritionist or trainer.
Antimyth. No one will ever tell you how to eat right! Your body is so individual that you can only experiment to figure out what kind of food you feel energized and full of energy. Moreover, our body itself asks for this or that vitamin, these or those microelements in the form of an acute desire “I want”! Give him either a lemon, or coffee with lemon, or a red caviar sandwich, or some overseas dish. If he asks, then you need to! Experiment!
12. Myth: overweight people are kind people, therefore, to improve your mood, you need to allow yourself “sweets”: sweets, pastries, and so on.
Antimyth. You need to know where the pleasures lie in your home. So that you can reach out your hand not to the refrigerator, but, for example, to an interesting book.
13. Myth: you need to eat cottage cheese or scrambled eggs / eggs for breakfast.
Antimyth. We eat carbohydrates for breakfast! These are cereals, muesli, pancakes, pancakes, cakes, cookies. Carbohydrates provide glucose to the brain and allow the body to wake up.
14. Myth: while I eat, I can read the news on the Internet, check my mail, watch TV. So I will have time to do everything much faster.
Antimyth. “Flies separately, cutlets separately.” If you sit down at the table, pay full attention to your food intake. And no TVs or books! And if you watch TV or read books, then give yourself completely to this process too. There should be no confusion. Tune your brain to do one activity.
15. Myth: if you want to eat, you have to be patient – no snacks! Wait until lunchtime (dinner) and then calmly eat thoroughly.
Antimyth. If you really want to eat, then it is better to eat right away! And do not wait – maybe the hunger will pass? Hungry peristalsis of the stomach disappears every 4 hours. This means that you normally want to eat every 4 hours. And if you withstand the time of 6 hours or more, then the feeling of hunger increases 2 times! Therefore, pacify your hunger in time.
16. Myth: I eat more if I take myself a large plate.
Antimyth. All wrong! Take large plates for yourself so that the brain knows that you are not taking anything away from it.
17. Myth: to lose weight, you need to go on an urgent diet.
Antimif… A diet is a temporary action to limit what you love. She has no other task than to take away all the most delicious from you. But it does not solve the most important thing – those problems that lead to overeating. This is what psychotherapy does.
18. Myth: I only eat when I feel full in my stomach.
Antimyth. The taste of food is only in the mouth! There are no receptors in the stomach! Therefore, saturation occurs only when food is in the mouth. There is no need to swallow a large amount of food and put it directly into the stomach, because the stomach will not feel anything anyway.
19. Myth: You can’t eat after 18:00!
Antimyth. A normal healthy person should have dinner between 18:00 and 21:00, since this is the time when the peak activity of the gastrointestinal tract falls.
20. Myth: Waking up early promotes rapid weight loss (the longer our day, the more we move).
Antimyth. Sleep is a very important part of the weight loss process. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and it is better if you get up not by the alarm clock, but by your biological clock. The body loses weight in a dream, spending calories on metabolic processes and cell regeneration.
21. Myth: if you have a hearty breakfast and then have a good dinner, you can and should skip lunch (there will be enough food in the body anyway).
Antimyth. If you know in advance that you have a difficult day and there is no lunch break, then take snacks with you. You can make a couple of sandwiches at home, or you can get sets of nuts and dried fruits in the store.
22. Myth: I have to try to lose weight, and sports are necessary.
Antimyth. When you lose a few pounds, the body asks for physical activity. Therefore, it is very important to understand which exercises I enjoy. It shouldn’t be “must”, it should be “want”. And it also happens like this: I want, but laziness. Then it’s better to imagine what kind of thrill I will get after class and how pleasant it will be to pull the muscles. And go ahead!
23. Myth: Weight should be removed regularly, at least 500 g every day.
Antimyth. Weight goes away gradually. And the step is an invariable component of this process. What it is? This is when the weight “freezes” for several days, and you see the same figure on the scales … But during this time, the volume of the body actually decreases. There is a redistribution of internal fat and adaptation of the body to a new weight. The rung cannot be ignored in any way. And you need to worry when she is not there. This is a normal physiological part of the weight loss process.
24. Myth: Home furnishings and lifestyle do not affect weight gain in any way.
Antimyth. What are anchors in your kitchen? These are the items or furnishings that (whether you are hungry or not) trigger the absorption of food! For example, you sat down in your favorite chair to watch a TV series, and your hand immediately reached for seeds, cookies, crackers or something else … And now you yourself do not notice how the bag (or even two) disappeared without a trace … So unconditioned reflexes must be broken , since they will not lead to anything good. The way out is simple: either we watch the series, or we completely surrender ourselves to food intake.
25. Myth: if I stop eating as much as I ate before, I will develop weakness and will not have enough strength for my usual activities.
Antimyth. The fat in our body is decomposed into water, carbon dioxide and energy. And when our clients lose weight, they celebrate an incredible rise in energy. Where can you put it? Of course, in a peaceful way, for example, you can do a general cleaning yourself (not the housekeeper) and clear your space of unnecessary things.