Planting hyacinths by March 8 is a long but exciting process. And for the idea to be successful, you need to take into account the features of the flower. To do this, you will need to choose the right variety, prepare planting material and withstand a certain regime during forcing. Only if all the requirements are met, you can get beautiful and fragrant hyacinth inflorescences by Women’s Day.

Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

Hyacinths have many different colors, powerful peduncle and fragrant flowers.

Features of growing hyacinths by March 8

Hyacinths belong to the category of bulbous flowers, which are easily forcing by a certain date. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a gardener with many years of experience, it is enough to know the standard care requirements and observe the temperature regime.

First of all, you need to choose the right varieties for planting. Since not all types are suitable for this purpose.

Also follows:

  1. Pick up planting material that can form a strong peduncle.
  2. Prepare containers and soil in accordance with the requirements of the flower.
  3. Proper landing.

And in the end, you need to decide on the method of growing hyacinths by March 8th. Planting flowers can be done at home, in a greenhouse, and in water without the use of a substrate. Therefore, you should analyze all the options and study their features.

Varieties of hyacinths suitable for forcing by March 8

There are many varieties of this flower. But for planting by March 8, only varieties of early and medium flowering are suitable.

Important! The whole process of forcing hyacinths takes about 4 months.

The most common of them, which are ideal for distillation:

  1. Jan Bos. An early variety with bright crimson flowers. The height of the plant is about 30 cm, it has a rich aroma. Forms dense inflorescences with more than 30 buds. Flowering time is about 20 days.

    Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

  2. Marconi. The variety belongs to the category of early. It is characterized by a bright pink color with a pearly tint. The diameter of the flowers is about 4 cm, they have a persistent aroma. Plant height – 25-30 cm.

    Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

  3. Pink Pearl. A distinctive feature is a bright pink color with a dark stripe in the center of the petals. The variety is considered early. Plant height – 30-35 cm.

    Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

  4. Blue Magic. Hyacinth early flowering. Differs in dense inflorescences of a dark blue shade. Plant height 30 cm.

    Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

  5. Carnegie. Medium variety with white flowers. Plant height is about 22-25 cm. Flowers are 4 cm in diameter with wide pericarp lobes.

    Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

  6. Orange Top. Medium flowering variety. It is characterized by an unusual orange-salmon color with a yellow pharynx and dark pink ends.

    Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

  7. Amethyst. Hyacinth medium flowering. Differs in compact lilac-crimson inflorescences. Flowering period 7-10 days. Plant height 25 cm.

    Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

When to plant hyacinths by March 8

In order for the hyacinth to bloom by the due date, it must be planted in a certain period. On average, the forcing cycle from the beginning of the process to the opening of the buds takes 14-15 weeks. The first 10 of them, the plant should be in cool and dark for full rooting and preparation for flowering. In the next 3-4 weeks, the vegetation of the bulbs is activated in a well-lit room. And for 7-10 days, the formation and blooming of buds occurs.

Therefore, the optimal period for planting is November, namely, its first half. And even if the peduncle appears a little earlier, then this is not critical. The flowering period of hyacinth lasts 1,5-2 weeks. Therefore, in any case, this plant will please on Women’s Day.

Important! To prolong the flowering of hyacinth, you need to provide it with a cool content and water it with cold water.

Step-by-step instructions on how to expel hyacinths at home by March 8

In order for the forcing of hyacinths by March 8 to be successful, all stages of this process must be followed. They require precise implementation. But if everything is done correctly, then even a novice grower can carry out forcing without much difficulty.

Selection of containers and soil preparation

For planting hyacinths, it is recommended to select containers with a height of at least 15 cm. The diameter of the container depends on the number of bulbs. When planting one flower, the width of the container should be 9 cm, three – 15 cm.

Containers should be equipped with drainage holes to remove excess liquid after watering. A layer of expanded clay 1-1,5 cm thick should be laid on the bottom, and sprinkled with sand on top.

The nutrient substrate for planting hyacinths should consist of the following components:

  • dern – 50%;
  • sand – 25%;
  • humus – 25%.

The soil should not be too loose, as the roots exert pressure during growth and push the bulb out of the ground. Therefore, the best option is a dense soil that retains water well.

Important! When planting several bulbs in one container, it is necessary that they do not come into contact with each other and with the walls of the container.
Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

When planting hyacinths, you do not need to add any fertilizers to the soil.

Preparing the bulbs for planting

Before planting hyacinths, they must first be prepared. The easiest option is to buy planting material in a specialized store marked “For forcing”. This means that the bulbs have a certain diameter and have gone through a cooling period.

But if suitable varieties of hyacinths grow in the garden, then they are quite suitable for planting by March 8th. Therefore, when the leaves dry, it is necessary to dig up the bulbs. The optimal period is from June 20 to July 5.

Over the next 2 weeks, the planting material must be dried in a dark place at a temperature of +30 degrees and a humidity of about 80. It is during this period that future peduncles are laid. In the future, planting material for 3 weeks should be stored at a temperature of +25 degrees, and then lower the mode to +17-18 degrees.

Important! For planting by March 8, it is necessary to select bulbs with a diameter of at least 5 cm.

How to plant hyacinths at home by March 8

If the planting material, substrate and containers are prepared, then it remains only to plant hyacinths correctly.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Put drainage and sand at the bottom of each container.
  2. Sprinkle a 2-3 cm layer of earth on top.
  3. Water and wait until the moisture is absorbed.
  4. Place the bulb in the center, sprinkle with earth to 2/3 of the height.
  5. Seal the surface and water a little around the edge of the pot.

After that, hyacinths must be kept at a temperature of + 5-9 degrees for 10-12 weeks. At home, the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable for this. Do not cover the bulbs with plastic bags, as they can rot.

During the whole time, the plant must be periodically inspected. And if the soil dries out, watering should be carried out.

Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

After planting, the bulb should peek out 1/3 of the ground

How to grow hyacinths by March 8

After the rooting period has passed, you can proceed to the next stage of forcing. At this time, vegetation is activated and a peduncle is formed. The bulbs should have “hatched” by this point.

Important! At the end of the cooling period, the hyacinth sprouts should be 4-6 cm high.


4 weeks before March 8, hyacinths must be removed from the refrigerator and rearranged on the windowsill. So that the bright rays of the sun do not burn the young sprouts, it is necessary to make paper caps and cover the plants.

The temperature at the initial stage should be within +13 degrees. This mode will help hyacinths easily adapt to new conditions. As soon as the leaves grow and the peduncle appears, the pots should be moved to a well-lit place and the temperature raised to +20 degrees.

With the help of the content mode, you can slow down or accelerate the growth of hyacinths. In the first case, the temperature should be reduced, in the second – increased.

Watering and top dressing

In the process of vegetation and growth of the peduncle, the hyacinth needs regular watering. It should be carried out as needed when the top layer of the soil dries up. Water for this is recommended to use settled, but cool. It is necessary to water along the edge of the pot so that moisture does not get into the center of the bulb.

To form a strong peduncle that can withstand the load, it is recommended to feed. During the period of active leaf growth, it is necessary to use calcium nitrate at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water. Such top dressing should be carried out twice with a frequency of 2 weeks.

During the extension of the peduncle, it is recommended to use fertilizers with a high content of potassium. Such top dressing should be carried out 1 time. It will help to make the most vivid shade of colors.

Important! When growing hyacinths, stagnant moisture in the pot is unacceptable, as this leads to rotting of the bulb.

Other ways to distill hyacinths by March 8

Forcing hyacinths by March 8 can be done in other ways. Each of them has its own characteristics.

How to expel hyacinth by March 8 in water

This method involves growing without the use of a substrate. For this, it is necessary to prepare special containers with a narrowed neck. If there is no such container, then you can use cardboard, in which you make a round hole and put it on the prepared vessel.

Rules and terms for forcing hyacinths by March 8

When forcing in water, the bottom of the bulb should not touch the liquid.

The rest of the distillation occurs according to the standard scheme. After planting the bulbs, the vessels with water should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The best time for this is the beginning of November. When evaporating, the liquid should be topped up periodically. In this mode, hyacinths should be 10-12 weeks old. After that, they should be rearranged on the windowsill. Otherwise, the process is completely identical, as with landing in the ground.

Important! To prevent the water from spoiling over such a long period, activated carbon should be added to it.

Distillation of hyacinths by March 8 in a greenhouse

This method of cultivation is suitable for those people who plant hyacinths by March 8 in large quantities. This requires the presence of a heated greenhouse with an adjustable content regime.

To plant the bulbs, it is necessary to prepare boxes, the depth of which is about 15 cm. Pebbles should be laid on the bottom, and then sprinkled with a layer of sand. Then add nutrient soil and place the bulbs close. Then fill the voids with earth so that the tops peek out.

After planting, hyacinths need to ensure the correct maintenance regime. Over the next 10-12 weeks, the temperature in the greenhouse should be within + 5-9 degrees. 20-25 days before March 8, rearrange the boxes on racks, and increase the content regime to +13 degrees and provide a 10-hour daylight hours. 2 weeks before Women’s Day, raise the temperature to + 18-20 degrees and keep it constantly.

Important! Peduncles in hyacinths have the ability to lean towards the light source, so it is necessary to provide full coverage.

What to do with hyacinth bulbs after forcing

After flowering, the bulbs should remain in the ground until their leaves are completely dry. During this period, they need to be watered occasionally.

When all the leaves have withered, the bulbs must be removed from the ground, packed in a paper bag and stored in the lower compartment of the refrigerator. At the end of August, they should be planted in open ground. You can use these bulbs for re-forcing no earlier than 3 years later. This period is necessary so that they can recover and grow to a certain diameter.


Planting hyacinths by March 8 requires compliance with all recommendations. After all, for a full-fledged distillation, each stage is important. But no difficulties can stop true flower growers. And then the reward for the labors will be beautiful hyacinths for Women’s Day.

Dacha, garden. Distillation: hyacinth, crocus – for Valentine, March 8 – stage 1.

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