Ruff: 7 beer cocktail recipes at home

Ruff – a simple beer cocktail that we got thanks to the Soviet heritage, in the era of total economy and rampant drunkenness, only two ingredients were available – vodka and beer.

Often people, in the desire to throw up sharply, mixed these alcohols, getting a “stormy squirrel” at the exit. Time passed, and some admirers of this cocktail came up with various variations, and this is how the “standardized” milliliters of the legendary Ruff turned out.

Classic ruff recipe

  1. Beer – 375 ml

  2. Vodka – 125 ml

Vodka is poured into a beer mug, then topped up with beer. Beer should be dense, with a bright taste, in order to drown out the taste and smell of vodka, the temperature should not be higher than 12-14 degrees. It is recommended to drink in large sips.

Folk ruff

  1. Beer – 500 ml

  2. Vodka – 100 ml

We cook in the same way as the first recipe.

Student ruff

  1. Beer – 500 ml

  2. Vodka – 50 ml

We cook in the same way as the first recipe.

Fierce beer ruff

  1. Beer – 300 ml

  2. Vodka – 30 ml

  3. Tabasco sauce – 2-3 drops

We cook in the same way as the first recipe. Then add sauce.

Ruff “Double-barreled”

  1. Port – 700 ml

  2. Beer – 500 ml

Liquids are not mixed in a separate bowl, but directly in the mouth or throat (as it turns out).

mexican ruff

  1. Tequila – 40 ml

  2. Mexican beer – 300 ml

The beer is poured into a mug, and an empty, heavy-bottomed tequila shot glass is dipped into it. The glass floats. Tequila is poured into it until a full glass sinks to the bottom of the beer mug. Drinks in one gulp.

Rust “Fearless”

  1. Gin – 20 ml

  2. Lemon juice – 10 ml

  3. Beer – 500 ml

Lemon juice is squeezed into light beer and no more than 20 ml of gin is added.

Ruff – cocktail recipe Eat TV

Relevance: 10.12.2017

Tags: beer, cider, ale

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