Rudolf Jelinek (Rudolf Jelinek)

Absinthe Rudolf Jelinek is a premium drink produced using sophisticated Swiss technology. The manufacturing technique has been perfected for over sixty years.

“Rudolf Jelinek” – green absinthe with a strength of 70%. The content of thujone is 35 mg per liter. The aroma of the drink harmoniously combines notes of wormwood, mint, anise and meadow herbs. Taste – delicate, wormwood bitterness is balanced by the taste of anise and honey.

No artificial colors or stabilizers are added to absinthe; natural chlorophyll gives it its color. Such a drink should not be kept in the light, so that it does not discolor due to the decomposition of chlorophyll.

Historical reference. Moravia has been famous for fruit vodkas and liqueurs since the XNUMXth century. A lot of medicinal fragrant herbs grow in the local mountains, and almost every peasant family has unique recipes for making tinctures.

In 1894, the businessman Zygmund Jelinek built a distillery for the production of fruit vodkas in the Moravian town of Vizovice. The quality of Jelinek’s products was excellent, so the company successfully developed despite the First World War and the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1921, the company was headed by Rudolf Jelinek, the son of its founder.

Pan Rudolph was fond of various technical innovations. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​producing distilled absinthe in the manner of Swiss, although most absinthe in the Czech Republic is still made using the maceration method.

Rudolf Jelinek (Rudolf Jelinek)

For many years, Rudolf Jelinek experimented, changing the dosage of ingredients, until he got an absinthe, the taste of which he considered ideal. True, it was possible to sell a new drink only in the Czech Republic: in the European states bordering it, there was a ban on its production.

Before World War II, Rudolf Jelinek became one of the most successful Czech alcohol producers. But during the German occupation, the company fell into decay. In 1946, it was restored by Yuri and Zdenek, the sons of Pan Rudolf.

In 1948 the company was nationalized. It belonged to the state until the mid-90s of the XX century, when it was acquired by a Czech businessman.

The new owner modernized the plant in Vizovice. He appreciated how profitable it could be to make premium absinthe according to Rudolf Jelinek’s recipe. According to the technology, high-quality alcohol is first infused with herbs, then distilled. The resulting colorless transparent liquid is dyed with the help of herbs in special devices – colorizers.

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